EH ~

all of a sudden, people showed a look of disgust and quickly made way.

Wu Xiaoran covered his mouth and rushed out.

As soon as Wu Xiaoran left, a grim smile appeared on Gao Liang's face, staring at Jiang Hao, his eyes full of hostility.

"Jiang Hao, you are so awesome!"

He said in a grim voice: "a lower class bodyguard actually yells at Ben Shao and dares to break Ben Shao's good deeds."

"You've eaten bear heart and leopard gall, haven't you?"

"Go away!"

"I hate the buzzing of smelly flies in my ears," Jiang Hao said coldly

"Son of a bitch!"

As soon as this remark came out, before Gao Liang was angry, a group of dogs were angry first.

"Jiang Hao, how dare you

"Dare to scold Gao Shao, Jiang Hao, who gave you the courage?"

"Son of a bitch, apologize to Gao Shao immediately!"

"Yes, apologize immediately!"

They scolded one after another, very positive and angry, as if Jiang Hao had killed their family.

Highlight see, the corner of the mouth tilted up a radian.

suddenly, he found that these old woodlouse classmates are not useless, at least there is still a little bit of value.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.


All the people were angry.

"Asshole, Jiang Hao, when you were in primary school, you were arrogant because you fought so hard. I didn't expect that you would still be so arrogant when you grow up!"

"Well, today, I have to teach you a lesson!"

"Yes, I also want to revenge that year!"

They all rolled up their sleeves and glared fiercely at Jiang Hao, as if they were going to fight.

Highlight to see this scene, the corner of the mouth tilted radian, bigger.

He wanted to teach Jiang Hao a lesson himself.

It seems that he doesn't need to do it.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's ear moved and heard the voice outside the box.

It's Wu Xiaoran's cry for help!

"Get out of here!"

With a wave of his sleeve, he shakes everyone away and shoots out at the tips of his feet.

Outside the box, next to the ladies' room.

Wu Xiaoran was drunk and leaning on the wall. His head was dizzy and his consciousness was a little vague. His face was full of fear.

"You You go away, or I'll I'll call someone She couldn't breathe.

Hey, hey

A man, an evil smile.

His name is Shen Lang!

He said with an obscene smile: "you scream, even if you scream and break your throat, no one will save you!"

"Little beauty, don't struggle, come with me, I will love you well!"

"You Go away

Wu Xiaoran was soft all over, exhausted his strength and pushed the waves away.

Then he yelled, "help, help!"

There are a lot of people around.

Unfortunately, no one helped her.

"Damn it

All of a sudden, a vigorous young man, unable to see it any more, burst into a rude sentence and said, "who dares to tease customers in the black rose club?"

"I can't see it anymore!"

This man had a little cultivation, and just stepped into the martial arts world. His heart was full of justice.

He stepped out to stop the waves.

"You are crazy!"

All of a sudden, the man beside him held him and said in a trill, "asshole, don't you want to live?"

"Do you know who he is?"

"Who is he?" The man was confused.

His friend whispered: "it is said that he is from the Shen family in BeiCang city. Are you tired of living and dare to provoke him?"

This person hears speech, excited Ling Ling to hit shiver, instant fear.

He didn't dare to meddle in his business. He shrunk his neck and went into the crowd. Then he slipped away, sweating all over and ran out of the black rose club.

Wu Xiaoran is a little desperate!

Hey, hey

Shen Lang said with a smile, "little beauty, come with me!"

After that, he stretched out his hand and was about to take Wu Xiaoran away by force.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blowing, a figure appeared.

It's Jiang Hao!


Wu Xiaoran looked happy when he saw Jiang Hao.

Immediately, her face changed and she yelled: "Xiaojiang, don't worry about me, you run!"

She's not a fool.

Shen Lang dares to make trouble in the black rose club, and he looks like he has no fear. So many people around him see him, but no one dares to stop him.

This shows that the waves are very heavy and no one dares to provoke them.If Jiang Hao offends him, the end will be miserable.

This is not what she wants to see!

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao said, "sister ran, it's OK. Don't worry. When I come, no one can bully you."


Wu Xiaoran was very moved by the speech.

But now is not the time to be moved.

She yelled, "Xiaojiang, leave me alone, you go!"


Suddenly, Shen Lang snorted coldly. His eyes were cold. He stared at Jiang Hao and said harshly, "son, do you want to do something bad for me?"

Jiang Hao glanced at him and asked, "did you touch sister ran with your hand?"


Shen Lang Leng for a moment, subconsciously answered a sentence.

"You're lucky."

Jiang Hao said coldly, "if your hand touches little sister ran, I'll cut off your hand. If both hands touch, I'll cut off your hands!"


Shen Lang was angry on the spot.

"Son of a bitch, you are so crazy!"

"Shut up

Jiang Hao scolded: "although you didn't touch little ranjie, you scared little ranjie."

"Now, immediately, immediately, kneel down, kowtow and apologize to little ranjie!"

His words are full of domineering.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

The waves were furious.

He said angrily, "son of a bitch, you are looking for death!"

"Dare you make me kneel down and kowtow? I'll kill you! "

Having said that, he was shocked all over and rose up with momentum.

"Well? One star master

Jiang Hao's eyes were a little surprised.

Master Gangjin, looking at the whole country, didn't have many. Unexpectedly, he met one in the little black rose club.

However, this man's inner strength is complex and vain. Obviously, his accomplishments are all made up of miraculous drugs, not by practicing step by step.

This man has accomplishments, but his strength is not so good.

"Go to hell!"

The waves let out a loud shout and a blow.

This fist is powerful and powerful.

His strength is not good, it is relative to Jiang Hao.

In fact, although his strength is not as good as the authentic one star master, he is also better than the master at the top of dark strength. He is a master in martial arts.

Unfortunately, he met Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum and pointed it out to Shen Lang's belly.

Suddenly, the momentum of Shen Lang disappeared.

He was so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

"My accomplishments, my accomplishments..." He cried in horror.

He found that his accomplishments were gone.

He became an ordinary man!

"Shut up Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "as a warrior, he has a whole body of cultivation. He doesn't protect his family and defend his country. He doesn't pursue the peak of martial arts, but he uses it to bully men and women and do mischief."

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