"I've sealed your accomplishments. In two months, it will be untied automatically."

Jiang Hao said coldly, "but in two months, you can't use any accomplishments. You can only live like an ordinary person."

"This is punishment!"

"Next time I meet you, if you don't know how to repent, I will abolish your cultivation!"


Shen Lang stares at Jiang Hao in surprise and anger. He is afraid, but he wants to kill.

However, he did not dare.

He can't do it!

After Xiuwei was sealed, he was an ordinary man.

No, it's worse than ordinary people!

Because, over the years, he has been addicted to wine and sex, and his body has been hollowed out for a long time. In the past, he had a whole body of cultivation, which did not have much influence, but now that his cultivation is gone, his body is useless.

"Little ranjie, are you ok?" Jiang Hao looks at Wu Xiaoran and asks with concern.

Wu Xiaoran stares at Jiang Hao. His eyes are full of struggle and entanglement. His ruddy lips are slightly opened several times, as if to say something.

But in the end, they didn't speak.

"No It's nothing. "

Her absent-minded way: "is to drink too much, a little dizzy."

"Come on, I'll help you back."


Wu Xiaoran nodded.

They're going back to the box.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

Suddenly, bright with a group of students, rushed over.

"What happened?" he asked


Wu Xiaoran forced a smile, said: "just meet a sex wolf, Xiaojiang has solved, we don't have to worry."

"What? "The sex wolf?"

Gao Liang's face changed.

"Where is the sex wolf?" he cried

He was urgent and angry.

Because, since he met Wu Xiaoran, he listed Wu Xiaoran as the next target. In his heart, Wu Xiaoran was already his woman.

Now, his woman, who has been teased by the sex wolf, can not be angry?

"That's him."

Wu Xiaoran pointed to the waves in the corner.


Highlight a see Shen Lang wretched and color fan fan fan's face, instantly angry.


He raised his foot and gave the wave a kick.

"Hot and spicy, even you dare to move the woman you are less interested in. You are tired of living, aren't you?"


Shen Lang was kicked, but also by an ordinary man. His eyes were angry and his heart was killing.

He scolded: "little bastard, do you know who I am?"

"If you dare kick me, I will kill your family!"

"Kill your sister!"

Highlight to scold a way: "you are small shrimps, still dare to threaten this little?"

"I can't kick you to death!"

Then he raised his foot and kicked the waves again.

"Stop fighting."

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao stopped him and kindly reminded him, "be careful to get into trouble!"

Shen Lang is so young. He is only in his thirties. He is already a master of one star, and he is built up by miraculous drugs.

This shows that the forces behind him are very powerful.

Gao Liang is just a rich second generation with a little bit of money. He can't be provoked at all.

However, Jiang Hao's kind reminder is not appreciated at all.

"Go away!"

He cheered coldly: "this little bastard, dare to tease Xiao ran, how can he forgive lightly?"

With that, he kicked a few feet again.

Shen Lang wants to resist, but his physical quality is too poor to resist at all.

Gao Liang's physical quality is not so good. After kicking a few feet, he gasps like a cow, and is obviously hollowed out by wine.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

Gao Liang took a few breaths and said: "students, this little bastard dares to challenge Xiao ran. He must not let him go. I'll kick him!"


A group of students, hesitated, did not move Feet.

Obviously, they are afraid and have scruples.

After all, Gao Liang has said that those who can enter the black rose club are either rich or expensive unless they are brought in like them.

Some people, even those above.

They can't stir up trouble!

"What are you afraid of?"

Gao Liang cheered coldly: "this little bastard, with a look of obscenity, must have sneaked in, or been brought in, absolutely a minion."

"You don't have to be afraid, call me all!"

"When something goes wrong, I'll carry it!"

When they heard the words, their minds moved.



Ouch ~ ouch ~The shrieks of the waves were so painful that they could not resist at all. They could only curl up and be beaten passively.

He screamed and drank furiously.

"A group of bastards, I remember you, I will kill you, kill all your family, no one will stay!"

Yo, Ho ~

Gao Liang sneered, "you little bastard, you are crazy!"

"Students, call me!"


All of a sudden, countless feet, kick to the waves, drowned him.

He didn't start. He was tired.

However, he called two bodyguards to protect him, and ordered them to take his place and kick the waves.

"All right, all right, stop fighting."

Suddenly, Wu Xiaoran spoke.

"Another fight will kill you!"


Gao Liang said with a smile, "Xiao ran, if you say no, then no."

"Students, stop it."

All of a sudden, everyone stopped.

They all had red faces, obviously very excited, very excited.

"Let's go." He yelled.

So, a group of people manly, high spirited, returned to the box.

They didn't worry about the consequences of hitting people, and they didn't pay attention to the waves at all.

So is Jiang Hao!

Shen Lang was lying on the ground, his whole body was injured, his face was black and blue, and several bones were broken, which was quite serious.

However, in his eyes, there was a strong sense of killing.

"A bunch of bastards, I will kill you all!" He complained bitterly.

Then, bearing the pain, he stood up and limped to the king's hall, the supreme box of the black rose club.

In the Imperial Hall.

It's resplendent and magnificent, and it's a luxury.

At this time, the owner of the mysterious black rose club, like a slave, bowed his head, attached himself to a man and listened to him carefully.

The man tasted a mouthful of tea and praised: "Lao Wu, I didn't expect that you, the black rose club, had a good model. The tea was also excellent."

"Thanks to you."

The owner of the black rose Club bowed down and said respectfully, "master Shen, if you like this tea, I can give you ten jin of tea."


The man says with a smile: "ten jin tea, how much is it?"

Suddenly, the owner of the black rose Club showed a look of fear.

He said: "master Shen, it's my pleasure that you like my tea. How can I accept your money?"

"Well, I'll take advantage of that." The man said with a smile.

The owner of the black rose Club bowed and said, "master Shen, it's my honor that you take advantage of me. It's also the honor of the black rose club."

He has a very respectful attitude. Even, it's humble, like a slave facing his master.

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