"All kneel down!"

Shen Murong yelled: "kowtow to lang'er and make amends!"


Suddenly, a violent momentum, from his body, burst out, swept in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, all around the wine bottles, granite floors, precious vases All burst to pieces, debris such as snowflakes, splashing everywhere.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

In an instant, a group of students knelt down one after another like dumplings.

What's more, the direction of their kneeling is just the waves.


Shen Murong gave a cold drink.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

All of a sudden, all of them were out of control. They kowtowed very hard. They kowtowed very loud. Only two or three times, their forehead was bruised.

Gao Liang's head is swollen, his eyes are dim, and he is almost dizzy.

"Spare my life!"

He yelled and begged for mercy: "I'm wrong. Please forgive me!"

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, Shen Lang said, "Dad, it's him who takes the lead in beating me, and he is also the most ruthless. You must not let him go!"

"Is it?"

In Shen Murong's eyes, a wisp of cold light burst out.

"Get down!"

He drank a cold, a momentum, spray out, the moment will be high pressure on the ground, the whole person was a big font, paste on the ground.

"Broken hands!"

Click! Click!

Suddenly, the bones of his two hands burst and smashed.

"Broken leg!"

Click! Click!

Crack sound sounded again, two legs of bone, also broken.

Ah ~

I screamed in pain, convulsed all over and almost fainted.

However, under the control of Shen Murong, he couldn't feel dizzy. He could only feel it soberly and bear the pain of broken bones.

"Lang'er, what else do you want to do with him?" Shen Murong asked.

"I want to..."

Shen Lang hesitated after hearing the words.

Immediately, his eyes, revealed a strong sense of resentment and killing.

"I want him dead!"


Suddenly, he shook his head and said: "before killing him, ask for his identity and address. He dares to beat me and kick me. I will kill all his family."


Shen Murong indulged in a smile.

Immediately, his eyes were cold, without any emotion.



The violent momentum swept out and imprisoned one side of the world, making the space around the highlight become solidified and heavy, and the gravity soared sharply.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, many blood vessels burst on Gao Liang's body, and blood splashed out like a fountain.

"Da'er, help me!" He hissed as hard as he could.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, two bodyguards full of evil spirit and cold eyes rushed in.

As soon as they came in, they drew out the spear and catapulted at Shen Murong with the tip of their feet. The spear pointed directly at his throat and heart without hesitation.

"Two mole ants, want to kill me?"

Shen Murong was disdainful.


He gave a loud drink.

Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the two cold bodyguards who killed him burst into a blood mist, flying and splashing everywhere.

Ah ~

when I saw this scene, I was so scared.

ADA and ER are two professional killers hired by his father from the Middle East. They are very powerful. Even the king of special forces can't beat them one-on-one.

But now, they were yelled out.


For a moment, he thought of the master his father told him.

All of a sudden, he was terrified, surrendered and did not dare to resist.

He begged for mercy and said, "master, please spare your life! Master, spare your life

When they heard the words, they felt awe inspiring.

Not long ago, they heard Gao Liang talk about the terror of an expert, but they didn't think much of it.

But now they are afraid.

"Master, spare your life!"

"Master, spare your life!"

"Master, spare your life!"

So they begged for mercy.

"Shut up

Shen Murong yelled.

All of a sudden, everyone shut up.

In the box, it's quiet.

Shen Murong looked at Shen Lang and said, "lang'er, what are you going to do with these people?"

"Kill them all!"

Shen Lang said in a murderous way: "they all beat me. They all deserve to die!""Well, I'll kill them all." Shen Murong said with a smile.

Then he raised his hand and was ready to do it.

"Stop it

All of a sudden, a cheering sound of Jiao rang out.

Wu Xiaoran stood up with a white face and a trembling body. Although she was very afraid, she still tried to look directly at Shen Murong. Jiao said, "this is because of me."

"They are innocent."

"If you want to kill me, kill me!"


Shen Murong said coldly, "then I'll kill you first, and then others!"

"Dad, no!"

Suddenly, the waves stopped him.

"Dad, this woman has such a good figure. It's a pity to kill her. I want to play with her. It's not too late to kill her when I'm tired of playing." He is immoral.

"Well, since you want to play with her, I'll save her life!" Shen Murong dotes on Tao.

"Come here!"

After that, he opened his hand, mobilized his inner strength, and inhaled a little.

Suddenly, a huge attraction burst out.

Ah ~

Wu Xiaoran screamed. His face was pale. He was out of control and was about to fly to him.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.

In an instant, the powerful and majestic attraction disappeared.


Shen Murong frowned, stared at Jiang Hao and asked, "boy, who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know who I am!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "as long as you don't kill these people, whatever you do, I won't care!"

"But, little sister ran, you are not allowed to move

"If you dare move, I'll kill you!"


Shen Murong snorted coldly. His eyes were cold in an instant, and a murderous air rose up.

"It's him! It's him

Suddenly, the waves screamed.

He pointed to Jiang Hao and yelled, "Dad, it's him who sealed my accomplishments, which led to me being beaten by these ants."


Shen Murong was slightly surprised when he heard the speech.

He had seen that the inner strength of Shen Lang's body was blocked by a stream of energy in some strange way, resulting in a whole body of cultivation, which could not be exerted at all.

He tried to untie the seal.

But it failed.

This method of sealing inner strength is very strange and powerful.

According to his calculation, the cultivation of the man who laid the seal was at least the master of Samsung.

Even, it may be a four-star master, not much weaker than him.

He guessed that people with such accomplishments were at least tens of years old.

I didn't expect to be a yellow boy.

"Little boy, I can't believe that you are a rare genius with such accomplishments when you are young."

Shen Murong said in a cold voice, "but you shouldn't, should not, shouldn't do it to me."

"If you do it, you are guilty of death."

"For your sake, I'll give you a decent way to die." "You can make your own decisions." He said coldly.

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