Shen Murong cheered coldly: "you can make your own decisions!"

His words are full of domineering, just like the golden words of ancient emperors. Once they are spoken, no one can disobey them.

Those who disobey will die!


Jiang Hao Mou light a cold, scold a way: "do you want to die?"

"Son of a bitch!"

Suddenly, the owner of the black rose Club spoke.

He glared at Jiang Hao and reprimanded: "boy, what are you? You should die for your sin if you dare to talk to the Shen family leader like this."

"Boy, I order you to die at once!"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Hao stares at him with a cold light in his eyes.

Suddenly, the owner of the black rose Club shivered and shrunk his neck. He couldn't help but lower his head and didn't dare to touch Jiang Hao's eyes.

He counseled and shut up.

Because Jiang Hao's eyes were so terrible that he felt suffocated.

"Boy, won't you do it yourself?" Shen Murong sneered.


Jiang Hao uttered two words coldly.


Shen Murong was angry and his eyes were full of flames.

Hey, hey

The next second, he Yin measured a smile, smile is very insidious, very treacherous.

He pointed to Gao Liang and others, Yin voice way: "boy, these people, are your classmates, you should not want them to die."

"I can't kill them."


After hearing the words, I quit.

He yelled: "Dad, these mole ants beat me. They deserve to die. They must not be spared."

"Don't worry, lang'er. I have my own plan." Shen Murong comforted.

Immediately, he turned his head and stared at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "boy, I'll give you a chance. If you decide yourself, I'll let them go."

"If you don't do it yourself, I'm sorry, I'll blow them up one by one and kill them all!"

"So, do you die, or do they?"

"Say your choice!"

There was a playful smile on his face.

"Good, good!"

When Shen Lang heard the speech, he couldn't help clapping and praising, "Dad, this method is so funny."

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "I don't like doing multiple choice questions!"

"No choice?"

Shen Murong's eyes narrowed and said coldly, "if you don't choose, you and them will die."

"Besides, it will be a terrible death!"

"So you have to make a choice!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao said coldly: "in that case, I choose..."

"Kill you!"

"Kill me?"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Shen Murong looked up at the sky and laughed.

"Boy, it seems that you have made a choice, so you have to ask all of you to die!"


Suddenly, his body was shocked, and his fury erupted like a volcano.

He's going to do it!

"Stop it

Suddenly, Wu xiaoranjiao said: "he does not choose, I choose!"

"As long as you let them go, you don't have to do it, I'll kill myself immediately!"

She had a look of guilt and remorse.

Because, she always thinks that this time, it all happened because of her, because she implicated everyone, she is the culprit, she deserves to die.

Besides, she was tired of living.

She wants to die, she wants to be free!

If her death can save others, she is willing to die.

"No way!"

Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "little ranjie, I don't allow you to die!"

Wu Xiaoran, hearing the speech, turned his head to Jiang Hao and showed a bright but sad smile. He said calmly, "Xiao Jiang, I've lived enough."

"You let me die!"

In her eyes, there was relief.

Obviously, she's really going to die!

"It's not enough for you to die alone!"

Shen Murong laughed and joked: "either you die with this boy, or all of you die together!"



Wu Xiaoran was speechless and silent.

She was tired of living and had a will to die.

However, she did not want Jiang Hao to die, nor did she want him to.

So, she was embarrassed and tangled.

"You only have three seconds."

Shen Murong said with a smile: "three seconds, if you have not made a choice, then, I will kill you all, not one!"Wu Xiaoran's face changed and he became more entangled.



Shen Murong counted.

He counted very fast. It seems that he didn't want to give Wu Xiaoran time to think and tangle. He just wanted to force her to make a choice as soon as possible.

"No, don't kill me!"

Suddenly, Gao Liang couldn't bear the invisible pressure. He yelled, "master, please, don't kill me!"

"It's no use begging me."

Shen Murong said with a smile, "you should ask them both."

"As long as the two of them choose to die, all of you don't have to die."

Hearing the speech, Gao Liang suddenly turned his head and stared at Wu Xiaoran, showing a pathetic look. He begged: "Xiao ran, I know you are always a kind person."

"This time, I beg you, kill yourself."

"If you commit suicide, we don't have to die."

"It's very worthwhile and cost-effective to exchange the lives of two people for the lives of more than a dozen people," he said

"Yes, Wu Xiaoran and Jiang Hao, please kill yourself quickly!"

"You are all good people. Sacrifice quickly!"

"You can rest assured that after your sacrifice, we will keep you firmly in mind. We will help you raise your relatives!"

"Yes, after your death, we will pool money to help you hold a very grand memorial service to express our condolence to you."

"Yes, every year today, we will give you money to burn paper!"

After hearing the words, everyone agreed.


Wu Xiaoran was stunned, angry and angry.

She has given up and is willing to sacrifice.

However, these people urged her to die. No matter how good she was, she couldn't bear it.

"Shut up

"I don't want to die!"

Wu Xiaoran yelled angrily: "you selfish despicable people, it's not worth dying for you. It will pollute my life!"


Gao Liang was furious and scolded: "Wu Xiaoran, you are so cruel. In order to save everyone's life, you don't even want to sacrifice. You stinky bitch!"


"Bitch, you are so kind-hearted!"

"Why are you so cruel when you refuse to exchange your life for all of us?"

"Bah, bitch, I've been secretly in love with you before. I'm really blind!"

"Smelly bitch, I'm a classmate with you. It's the most regretful thing in my life!"

"Son of a bitch, I really regret that I didn't kill you just now!"

The public insulted and scolded one after another.

The language they uttered was filthy and vulgar, very vicious and intolerable, as if Wu Xiaoran had done something outrageous and everyone would be punished. One by one, red eyes, staring at her, as if to eat her.

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