
Wu Xiaoran cried.

She was crying with anger!

This group of students, too vicious, too mean, too selfish, too scum.

In order to survive, they urged, forced and ordered her to commit suicide.

When she refused to sacrifice, they scolded her and cursed her.

Where does this look like a classmate?

How to look at it, it's like a big enemy who kills his wife and son.

"Don't cry, little ranjie."

Jiang Hao patted her fragrant shoulder and comforted: "it's not worth crying for these scum."

"Yes, yes."

Wu Xiaoran nodded, dried his tears and became strong.

Hey, hey

One side of the wave, Yin Yin smile, gloating: "Dad, you this move is great, dog bite dog play, really wonderful."

Shen Murong grinned at the speech.

On the other side.

Gao Liang and other students are still criticizing, abusing and cursing Jiang Hao and Wu Xiaoran.


All of a sudden, Shen Murong cheered coldly: "I'm sorry to tell you that you are very unfortunate. They don't want to commit suicide or sacrifice."

"So you are the ones who die!"


Gao Liang shook his head and said, "don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Others kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Please, don't kill us!"

"It's no use begging me."

Shen Murong said with a smile: "it's your classmates who abandoned you and chose you to die."

"If you blame them, blame them both."

Hearing the words, Gao Liang gnashed his teeth and said, "Jiang Hao, Wu Xiaoran, why don't you die? Why don't you die? "

"You two dog men and women, kill yourself quickly!" Others, too, yelled.

Seeing this scene, Shen Murong's smile became more and more brilliant.

"Is that enough?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.


Shen Murong Leng for a moment, eyebrows pick, asked: "what do you mean?"

"I said, is this farce enough?"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "enough trouble, you can go on the road!"

"Are you going to kill me?" Shen Murong said coldly.


Jiang Hao shook his head.

"It's not enough just to kill you. I'll kill you father and son together!"

"You want to die!"

Shen Murong's eyes were cold, like the eyes of death in hell. They were cold without any emotion, and they seemed to take people's lives.

"Dad, enough of the play."

"Don't waste any more time, kill them quickly!" Shen Lang said

"I hate to see them all alive. I want them all to be cold bodies!"

Shen Murong turned his head and said with a smile, "OK, I'll kill them all now!"

Shua ~

suddenly, he stared at Jiang Hao and said in a fierce voice: "boy, tell me, how do you want to die? Am I going to blow up my body or my head? "

"Or am I going to tear it in two?"

"For the sake of being a genius, I'll let you choose a way to die and satisfy you!"

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said coldly, "I choose you to die!"


On one side, the owner of the black rose Club shook his head and scolded.

"He's really an ignorant fool. Master Shen is a four-star master. He can run over you with one finger. You want to kill master Shen?"

"It's the biggest gliding in the world!"


also said: "Shen family is the supreme person of the highest. How can you compare woodlouse to the poor?"

"Die, die, die soon!"

They murmured.

No doubt they are desperate.

However, before they die, they feel abnormal when they see someone buried with them.

"Boy, you are not very smart!"

Shen Murong's face was cold and scolded: "in this case, I will not kill you first. I will arrest you and let you taste all kinds of torture in the world."

"Before you die, have a good time!"

"Dragon claw hand!"

All of a sudden, he gave a low drink, five fingers curved like dragon claws, one claw out.

All of a sudden, the golden light flourished.

With the sound of the Dragon singing, a golden dragon pokes out its sharp, hard and terrifying claws and grabs Jiang Hao with the momentum of tearing heaven and earth.Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the dragon claw came out, everything around it broke and burst.

Click! Click!

The ground cracked, the walls also cracked, cracks, vertical and horizontal dense, spread in all directions.

The whole 103 box, and even the next few boxes, were shaking and shaking, as if there had been a big earthquake, which would collapse at any time.

Pieces of gravel, from the ceiling, the walls, fell down.

Inside the box, doomsday scene 103!

Ah ~

all the people screamed, covered their ears, curled up, full of fear

and scared.

At the same time, he was shocked.

"Is this the power of a master?"

He whispered: "the black rose club is extremely luxurious and strong. After testing, even if it is a magnitude 8 earthquake, it will not collapse or destroy."

"But now, with a wave of his hand, this man is about to collapse."

"The power of an expert is so terrible!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, he was sincere and obedient, and knocked his head heavily.

He took it!

Ha ha

He laughed at himself and murmured to himself, "I'm so blind that I've got into trouble with such a god like expert. I deserve to die. I deserve to die!"

He was desperate.

No, I should say I'm convinced. I'm willing to die.

At this moment, Shen Murong was like a God in his heart, which could not be violated.

Aggressors deserve to die!

He deserves to die!

So he knelt quietly in the same place, not hiding, not flashing, not running, not retreating, quietly waiting for death.

All of a sudden, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Jiang Hao. He saw that Jiang Hao raised his hand, as if to resist Shen Murong.

Hiss ~

he shakes his head and hiss, and says with disdain: "idiot!"

"The power of an expert is as powerful as a God. Can you be resisted by a lowly mole ant like you?"

"All means and all resistance are in vain."

"God wants to kill you, why don't you wait to die quietly? Why are you fighting? "


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao gave a violent drink and a blow.


In an instant, the golden dragon, which was magnificent in the sky, burst into pieces and disappeared in the sky and the earth.


Shen Murong spewed out a mouthful of blood. The whole person flew out and hit the wall, spewing out another mouthful of blood.

After landing, like a dead dog, can't get up.


As soon as the bright pupil shrinks, the eyeball almost stares out.


The owner of the black rose club was horrified.

"My God ~"

a lot of male and female students are so stupid.

The waves are muddled and petrified. In box 103, only Wu Xiaoran, who looks very weak, has a calm face and is not shocked at all.

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