The ground is full of scars and debris. The ground is split. It looks like a scene of doomsday. Wu Xiaoran sits on the sofa, calm and calm.

She took a look at Jiang Hao and was slightly surprised.

I didn't expect that when I was a child, the self abased, stubborn and silent Xiaojiang was so powerful.

She whispered.

Suddenly, her eyes, a little bright.

She said: "Xiaojiang is so powerful. Should I tell him about me and ask him to help me get out of the hell?"

"No, I can't!"

Suddenly, she shook her head violently.

"That man That man is a devil. I can't tell Xiaojiang about it. Xiaojiang can't beat him. I can't hurt Xiaojiang! "

At the thought of that man, Wu Xiaoran trembled all over, his whole body was cold, like falling into the ice cellar, and he felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Hao noticed her abnormality and asked, "what's the matter, little sister ran? Is she hurt?"


Wu Xiaoran's pretty face turned white, pulled the corners of his mouth, forced a smile, and said: "I I'm fine. "

She tried to pretend to be calm.

However, her body, still shaking uncontrollably, deep inside, constantly pouring out endless fear, drowning her.

It's like a devil coming from the dark, trying to drag her to hell.

"What's the matter with you, little ranjie?" Jiang Hao's face changed slightly, worried.

"Hold Hold me tight

Wu Xiaoran trembled: "little Xiaojiang, hold me tight. "


Jiang Hao hesitated and hugged her.

Hu ~

suddenly, Wu Xiaoran let out a breath. The warmth from Jiang Hao dispelled her fear and chill, and made her recover gradually.

A moment later.

Wu Xiaoran released Jiang Hao, pointed his white finger on Jiang Hao's forehead, and said with a smile, "Xiaojiang, let you take advantage of it once."

Jiang Hao looked very serious and said in a deep voice, "sister ran, you What's the matter? "


Wu Xiaoran opened his mouth as if to say something.

Finally, she shook her head and whispered, "I'm ok. You don't have to worry."

She didn't want to say more.

Jiang Hao knows, she does not say, how to ask is useless, simply do not ask.

But he kept it in his mind.

After the party, he must investigate!

The most urgent task is to deal with what is in front of us.

So, Jiang Hao went to Shen Murong, grabbed him by the neck, picked him up, and said in a cold voice, "come on, how do you want to die?"

"You gave me a choice, now, I'll give you a choice too!"


Suddenly, the owner of the black rose Club yelled: "boy, let go of the Shen family immediately!"

, "Shen family master is the owner of Shen family in Wutong city. He is a famous master in Hua Guowu's road. He is sanctuary by the martial arts league. You dare kill him.

"At that time, heaven and earth, you will have to die!"

"Under the protection of wudaomeng?"

Jiang Hao was a little surprised and a little confused.

Are the people sheltered by Wudao League not ordinary people?

Hey, hey

Shen Murong grinned and said, "boy, let me go."

"I'm on the list of Wudao League. I'm protected by Wudao League. As long as I don't commit a serious crime, no one can kill me."

"Otherwise, it will be against wudaomeng."

"If you fight against wudaomeng, you will die."

"So, the wise, let me go at once!" He ordered with a deep voice.

He is very arrogant!

Mingming became a prisoner, a chopping board fish, to be slaughtered, but still so arrogant, fearless.

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said coldly, "do you think I dare not kill you with the protection of wudaomeng?"

"Of course."

Shen Murong said with a faint smile, "if you kill me, you'll be dead!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile.

"I'll let you go now, son!" The owner of the black rose club, cheered coldly.

He is very loyal.

Even though Jiang Hao is stronger than Shen Murong, he is still loyal to Shen Murong.

Because, a few years ago, Shen Murong took the Shen family to join the wudaomeng. He is a member of the wudaomeng. Behind him is the towering tree of the wudaomeng. He has no fear.

Although Jiang Hao was strong, he was a lonely family and could not fight against the alliance of martial arts and Taoism.

Therefore, he knows who he is loyal to.


Jiang Hao's face was cold, and his sleeve waved, sweeping out a force.

Bang!Suddenly, the owner of the black rose Club flew out and was hit in the chest.

It's Jiang Hao's mercy.

Otherwise, he would have burst into a cloud of blood and no bones left.


The owner of the black rose club, surprised and angry, stares at Jiang Hao. His eyes are full of hatred and murder.

"Close your eyes!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "otherwise, I don't mind digging them out for you!"

Suddenly, the owner of the black rose club, trembling, involuntarily closed his eyes, lowered his head, and chose to accept the advice.

"What's going on here?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

A figure came to the door of box 103.

This man is Lu Hong!

Seeing LV Hong, Shen Murong was overjoyed and struggled violently. He yelled, "elder LV, help me, elder LV, help me!"

After hearing the speech, LU Hong came in.

He glanced at the scar and frowned, "what's going on here?"

"Elder Lu, help me

Shen Murong opened his voice and yelled, "I'm Shen Murong, Mr. Lv. Someone wants to kill me. Come and help me!"


All of a sudden, LU Hong's face changed, his body swayed, and rushed over.

"Master Shen, who is going to kill you?"

He was very nervous,

after all, Shen Murong took refuge in the Wudao League. He was a member of the Wudao League and was sheltered by the Wudao League.

If he's killed, it's a big deal.

"It's him! That's him

Shen Murong pointed to Jiang Hao and yelled, "elder LV, this little bastard is going to kill me!"

"This little bastard, relying on his profound cultivation and powerful strength, sealed my son's cultivation, which made my son badly beaten by a group of ordinary people."

"I tried to argue with him, and even, I would rather pay a high price to ask him to untie my son's seal."

"But he didn't agree."

"What's more, he thinks I'm too noisy. If he starts on me, I can't beat him, but he catches me. He beats me, but he still wants to kill me."

Shen Murong made things out of nothing and falsely accused Jiang Hao of saying, "I told him that I was a member of the Wudao League and was protected by the Wudao League."

"Tell him you can't kill me."

"But he's still trying to kill me."

"What's more, they are rude, abusive and spitting at wudaomeng. The people who say wudaomeng are a group of rubbish, a group of dogs, and a group of scum." "He also threatened that one day, he would surely enter the headquarters of Wudao League, kill all the people and leave no dogs or chickens!"

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