LU Hong looked at Shen Murong strangely and asked, "are you sure he said these words?"

"Sure, quite sure!" Shen Murong was determined.

"If you don't believe it, ask someone else."

"Yes, yes."

Shen Lang nodded and said, "Lv Lu Changlao, this little bastard, did say these words. "

"And he said more than that."


LU Hong raised his eyebrows, looked at him strangely and said, "what did he say more than that?"

"And he said And he said

Shen Lang made up a lie in his mind and said: "he also said that all the wudaomeng are greedy ghosts who have occupied all the resources of China, but they don't do anything."

"So, he must kill wudaomeng headquarters."

"Kill all the men and rob all the women!"

"That's right, that's right."

Shen Murong nodded: "he did say these words."

"These words are too much, so I didn't report them truthfully."

After that, he gave a look of appreciation to the waves.

"Is it?"

LU Hong's face was a little cold.

"Of course

Seeing this, Shen Murong thought LV Hong was angry.

So, he added, "Mr. LV, I swear to God that everything I said is true."

"But there's something worse that I can't say."

"Lao Wu, tell elder Lu."


The owner of the black rose club was stunned.

He didn't expect that Shen Murong would suddenly talk about him, which caught him off guard.


He hesitated.

Immediately, the eyes, showing a strong resentment and killing.

He nodded and said, "yes, this little bastard, he said something worse."

"He said that although the law enforcement elders of the Wudao league are all superior, have high status, and are worshipped and admired by thousands of people, in fact, they are all slaves."

"He threatened that within ten years, he would go to the headquarters of Wudao League, catch several law enforcement elders, save them a dog's life, and raise them as animals."

"What's more, we should tame them and let them serve him as slaves every day!"

"Shut up

Suddenly, Lu Hongbo gave a drink, and his momentum soared.

He's angry!

Hey, hey

With a smile, Shen Lang glanced at Jiang Hao and said in secret, "LU Hong is angry, little bastard, you are finished!"

"Son of a bitch, die, die!" The owner of the black rose club, with a ferocious and twisted smile on his face, yelled wildly in his heart.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Shen Murong is the most vicious.

He felt that these were not enough. He had to be fierce.

So he lied again and said, "Mr. LV, this little bastard, said something more damned. He..."

"Shut up

LU Hong's eyes were cold and sharp. He stared at him and said harshly, "Shen Murong, you are so brave. You can say all these words."


Shen Murong was confused for a moment and said in a hurry: "Lv Elder Lu, you are mistaken. "

"Little bastard, I said these words..."


Suddenly, LU Hong slapped him in the face.

"Shut up!" he yelled

He was so angry that he started to swear.

Shen Murong covered his face and said, "Lv Elder Lu, you Why are you hitting me? "

"I hit you!"

Lu hongnu yelled: "you are so brave. You've made trouble. In order to shirk responsibility and protect your life, you've made something out of nothing. You've lied and framed him."

"What's more, it's just some stupid lies."

He pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "do you know who he is?"

"Yes Who is it? " Shen Murong asked subconsciously.

In his heart, there was an uncertain premonition.

"He is a bronze medal elder of Wudao League, a bronze medal elder appointed by several law enforcement elders!" Lu hongleng said.


All of a sudden, Shen Murong, Shen Lang and the owner of the black rose club all shrank their pupils and changed their faces.

It's over!

They were down in an instant!

"Shen Murong, you are so good!"

LU Hong scolded: "when it comes to panic, my face doesn't turn red, my heart doesn't jump, even my eyes don't blink."

"I have framed elder Jiang Hao. I hate Wudao League. One day I will be killed in the headquarters of Wudao League. All the men will be killed and all the women will be taken away.""Why raise some law enforcement elders and train them to be dog slaves?"

"You are so brave. In order to slander elder Jiang Hao, you even dare to say these treacherous words."

"You're so good!"

Stealing chicken is not eating rice!

This time, it's self defeating.

Shen Murong felt bitter in his heart and opened his mouth, ready to quibble.

"Elder Lu, I..."

"Shut up

"From now on, you are not allowed to say a word," he said

"I will report this matter truthfully. You wait for the order of punishment honestly."

"Elder Lu, I am wronged. I..." Shen Murong cried.

He was not reconciled and would not wait to die.

He wants to sophistry, he wants to pass the buck, he wants to


Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabbed him by the neck and hit his head against the wall.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, the wall cracked, Shen Murong's head also cracked, blood DC.

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said coldly, "you're very noisy, you know?"

"You What do you want to do? " Shen Murong is afraid of tunnels.

He's really scared!

LU Hong is the elder of iron medal, and Jiang Hao is the elder of bronze medal.

If Jiang Haotie wants to kill him, LU Hong can't stop him.

How can he not be afraid?

"What do you say?"

Jiang Hao's eyes are bright and cold, and his chances of killing are exposed.

Shen Murong suddenly cried, "I'm going to save him."

"Shut up

Jiang Hao yelled.

Then he grabbed his head and hit the wall.

All of a sudden, the broken earth and rock fell down one after another, and the cracks on the wall became bigger.

Thanks to Shen Murong's profound cultivation, he is a four-star master with a strong physical body.

Otherwise, I'll hit him twice and die.

"LU Hong, help me, he wants to kill me!"

Shen Murong called louder.

There was a tremor in his voice, mixed with fear.

"Elder Jiang Hao."

LU Hong reluctantly stood up and advised: "don't fight."

"A few years ago, Shen Murong led the Shen family to join the Wudao League. Now, he and the Shen family, especially he, are members of the Wudao League."

"Moreover, he is on the list of Wudao League."

"No one, except the elder law protector and the elder law enforcement, can commit suicide in private."

"Elder Jiang Hao, you Don't be impulsive. "

Jiang Hao asked: "really can't kill him?" "You really can't kill him!" LU Hong said seriously.

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