
Xu Fu vomited a mouthful of blood and said coldly, "old man, don't you pretend to me. Do you really think I can't beat you?"

"Of course."

Medicine God Valley elder, negative hand and stand, light way: "your strength, still can."

"But, in front of me, you can't lift a big wave!"


Xu Fu was so angry that he yelled: "I'll fight with you!"

"Ten thousand poison palms!"

Suddenly, he was shocked all over, and all the pores of his body released greyish green gas.

These grayish green gases have terrible toxicity and corrosiveness. Once exposed to the air, they will corrode the air.

Gray green gas, condensed into a liquid, dripping on the ground.

In an instant, a drop of gray green liquid eroded the ground into a big pit with a diameter of more than ten centimeters.

The elder of medicine God Valley, with a look of awe inspiring, said: "what a strong poison!"

"Hold your breath!"


Wu Xiaohuan and Lei Jun heard of the speech, and hurriedly carried on the work, holding their breath.

Even the pores of the whole body are closed.

Wu Xiaoran also tightly covered his mouth and pinched his nose.

However, Jiang Hao did not move and did not take any protective measures at all.


seeing this, Wu Xiaoran was in a bit of a hurry. He bumped into Jiang Hao and said vaguely, "Xiao Jiang, those gases are poisonous. Please cover your mouth."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Don't worry, those gases can't hurt me."

Hearing this, the elder of yaoshengu glanced at Jiang Hao, and his face showed a strong dislike.

"Fool, there is no internal force in his body. He is just a mortal, but he is so ignorant, arrogant and ignorant."


Suddenly, with a flick of his finger, he poked out a green light and fell into Jiang Hao's hands.

"Hold on to it. Don't lose it. It can protect you from poisonous gas!" He said coldly.

Jiang Hao looks down.

Suddenly, slightly surprised.

He said in secret: it's a strong power of life. It seems that the mental cultivation method of the valley of medicine is extraordinary.

He smiles and continues to play and study the green light.

Elder Yao Shengu, seeing this scene, his eyes are a little gloomy, and he doesn't like Jiang Hao any more.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Xu Fu gave a violent drink and clapped it.

All of a sudden, gray green gas, black gas, light yellow gas, blood red gas

More than a dozen kinds of poisonous gases mixed together, just like a huge wave in the sea of anger, sweeping the elder of yaoshengu, and drowning him in an instant.


Seeing this, Wu Xiaohuan's face suddenly changed.

Lei Jun's face changed as his pupils shrank.

Ha ha ha

Seeing this, Xu Fu looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "what kind of shitty medicine, elder Shengu, has turned into blood under the poisonous fog that I have carefully collected, purified and optimized for more than ten years!"

The poisonous gases of various colors gather together to form a large mass, which is really like the rough sea.

Every kind of poisonous gas is terrible. Every trace of it can corrode the air.


Wu Xiaohuan couldn't help shouting again.

Her pretty face is full of worry, deep in the pupil, also vaguely, showing a trace of fear.

Elder Yao Shengu, if something happens, Xu Fu will be unstoppable.

All of them will die!

"Stop yelling!"

Xu Fuyi grinned and said, "your elder is dead!"

"He was wrapped in my poisonous fog, and let him become a master. He is so powerful that he can't escape death!"

"In a short time, his flesh and bones will melt and turn into a pool of blood. There will be no bones left!"

Ha ha ha

Then he began to laugh.

When Wu Xiaohuan and Lei Jun heard the speech, their faces changed greatly and they were a little desperate.

There is no movement in the poisonous fog.

It seems that the elder of yaoshengu is really corroded and melted by more than ten kinds of poisonous fog.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes were shining, and a smile came out of his mouth.

"Interesting, interesting." He murmured.

On one side, Wu Xiaoran frowned and asked, "Jiang Hao, what are you muttering about?"


Jiang Hao shook his head.

Cut ~

Wu Xiaoran pouted and muttered discontentedly: "stingy guy, if you don't say it, you won't..."Bang!

All of a sudden, an explosion broke in and made her jump.

Colorful, like the poisonous fog of the sea, suddenly burst open.

Then, it quickly dissipated.


To be exact, it was absorbed by something.

The poison gas dissipated, revealing a figure.

He is the elder of medicine God Valley!

His face was a little red, his hair and clothes were messy, his breath was short, but he was still intact.

"How could that be?"

Xu Fu eyes a stare, dare not set channel: "impossible, how can you in my poison fog without damage?"


Elder Yao Shengu snorted coldly and said haughtily, "little poison fog, do you want to hurt me?"

"What a delusion!"

"In terms of playing with drugs, you are far from being able to play with drugs. Our drug God Valley is the ancestor of playing with drugs!" He said haughtily.

Then, without any trace, he hid a jade pendant in his hand.


Jiang Hao said in secret: what is the material of that jade pendant that can resist and even absorb the poisonous fog that Xu Fu has been refining for more than ten years?

"Great, elder is OK!" Wu Xiaohuan surprised.

Lei Jun was also relieved.

He was really scared just now!

"Old man, don't be wild!"

Xu Fuli said: "my poisonous fog can't hurt you once, so come twice, three times, four times..."

"I see how many times you can block it!"

"Ten thousand poisons..."

Suddenly, he was covered with colorful poison gas.

"Well, you don't have a chance!" Elder Yao Shengu, with a cool face, hummed coldly.


In a flash of his figure, he turned into a streamer and took the lead.


He put his hand on Xu Fu's chest and blew Xu Fu away.

Poof! Poof!

Xu Fu breathed a few mouthfuls of blood, and his breath withered in an instant.

His sternum was broken several times, his chest was sunken, and he was badly injured all of a sudden.


The elder of yaoshengu, with a little tip of his foot, came down beside him, looked down at him, drank and asked, "you can master ten thousand poison palms."

"Tell me, what do you have to do with Wandu gate?"

Twenty years ago, Wandu gate was a nightmare for the martial arts and Taoism circles in several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River and even the whole country. It was once at its peak and was extremely powerful.

The outside world only knows the horror of the ten thousand poison sect, the mystery of the master of the ten thousand poison sect and his power, but almost no one knows his origin and identity.

But elder Yao Shengu knows! Twenty years ago, he was just an ordinary inner disciple in yaoshengu.

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