Twenty years ago, yaoshengu was very prosperous and powerful. It ranked first among the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, even among the martial arts and Taoism circles in China.

In yaoshengu, there are 1000 inner disciples and 99 core disciples.

Among the 99 core disciples, one is more talented and the other is more powerful. Although they are young, they have made a great reputation in the martial arts and Taoism circles all over the country.

Among them, there is a core disciple, Guanjue quangu.

This man is the most talented and savvy in the valley of medicine.

At that time, all the disciples, servants, elders and valley masters in yaoshengu were very optimistic about him.

In addition, he was made the leader of the little valley early.

As long as the old Valley master abdicates, he will be the new Valley master of medicine God.

His name is Nie Wujue!

Even if we look at the whole country, he is one of the top talents.

It can be said that there is no one who takes the medicine more seriously than him.


One day, he stole the forbidden book of yaoshengu, an extremely evil and vicious skill - Wandu Jing.

In addition, he killed many core disciples and elders in yaoshengu and escaped from it.

Medicine God Valley up and down, the thunder.

The valley master even made a hand to kill Nie Wujue!

Unfortunately, he escaped and disappeared from the scene.

Five years later.

Nie Wujue reappeared in the world. His accomplishments soared to a terrible level. He killed thousands of people in the valley of medicine alone.

In the end, the owner of yaoshengu did not hesitate to sacrifice his life and hurt Nie Wujue so badly that he ran away in a hurry.

In that war, the leader of yaoshengu fell and six elders died.

The flourishing valley of medicine declined in one dynasty.

However, it is said that Nie Wujue also died.

Under the encirclement and suppression of many forces, the Wandu sect he founded fell apart and was destroyed. Only a few people survived.

However, those people are hiding, anonymity, dare not show up.

Unexpectedly, after 15 years, the people of the ten thousand poison sect appeared again.

"Say, what do you have to do with Wandu gate?"

Elder Yao Shengu said: "are you a remnant of Wandu sect?"

"So what!"

Xu Fu grinned and said, "before long, the ten thousand poison gate will reappear in the world, and the king will come to the world."

"At that time, you will be the first to destroy the medicine Valley, kill all people, and leave no dogs or chickens!"


Elder Yao Shengu, full of anger, stepped on his arm and broke the bone on his arm.


Xu Fu snorted, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

But, Leng is not cry out a voice, die die to hold back.

"Come on, where are the rest of the evils of the ten thousand poison sect?"

Elder Yao Shengu asked: "if you don't tell me, I will trample on you!"

"Die, die."

Xu Fu's evil eyes were red with blood. He bared his teeth and said, "before long, the people of my ten thousand poison sect will destroy the medicine Valley and kill everyone."

"At that time, thousands of people will be buried with me, and I will earn money. Ha ha ha..." He laughed.

"The valley of my medicine?"

Elder Yao Shengu, with a disdainful smile, said: "it's wishful thinking!"

"After more than ten years of recuperation, today's Medicine Valley, although not as prosperous as the gas, but also dominates one side."

"With you Wandu gate, those stinky mice who have been hiding for more than ten years and dare not come out, what kind of medicine can you take to kill me?"

"Ignorant and stupid old man!"

Xu Fu scolded and said, "can you guess the power accumulated by my ten thousand poison gate?"

"Today's medicine God Valley, the strongest person, is only seven star master!"

"If we send a few people out of the ten thousand poison gate, we can kill all the people in the holy Valley!"


Hearing this, the elder of yaoshengu's face changed greatly, and a big wave surged up in his heart.

If what Xu Fu said is true.

That medicine is dangerous.

Is he lying, bluffing?

Elder Yao Shengu felt that he was not lying.

Perhaps his words are exaggerated, but they are not lies.

After more than ten years of dormancy, the ten thousand poison gate has revived!

Elder Yao Shengu is very worried.

So he tortured Xu Fu again.

However, Xu Fu's mouth was very hard. He let elder Yao Shengu torture him, humiliate him, and force him. He didn't say a word.

"Asshole, go to hell!"

After working hard for a long time, there was no harvest at all. The elder of yaoshengu was furious and moved to kill him.Bang!

He stepped on Xu Fu's chest with one foot, and his inner strength burst out, which instantly shattered Xu Fu's heart.


All of a sudden, Xu Fu was stiff and his pupils were congested.

"Little Young master, I will never I can't serve you... " He was very angry.

All of a sudden, his neck was crooked and he was out of breath.


Elder Yao Shengu, with a cold hum, a little finger and a frown of flame, fell on Xu Fu's body and quickly turned into a raging flame, wrapping him up.

A moment later.

The flame disappeared, and so did Xu Fu's body, leaving only a pile of human ashes.

"Come on, let's go back to the valley of medicine."

Elder Yao Shengu is worried and worried.

The ten thousand poisons sect is on the verge of a comeback to attack the medicine valley.

This news, he must tell the medicine God Valley master as soon as possible.

Then, be prepared.


Wu Xiaohuan and Lei Jun smell speech, quickly stand up, interrupt healing.

Their injuries are not yet healed.

However, the elder's order had to be obeyed.


Suddenly, elder Yao Shengu started.

His goal is Wu Xiaoran!

He appeared in front of Wu Xiaoran, grabbed Wu Xiaoran's two hands and explored left and right.

A moment later, he nodded, and finally a smile appeared on his worried face.

"That's right. It's really the body of 100 poisons, and it's also the body of 100 poisons that is about to mature. God bless me He said with a smile.

"Little girl!"

He gazed at Wu Xiaoran, cold and overbearing, and said, "go back to the medicine valley with me!"

"Why?" Wu Xiaoran frowned.

The elder of medicine God Valley said coldly, "because you are a body full of poisons. You are born to cultivate the supreme treasure of our medicine God valley. You have been granted the title of Saint of medicine God Valley by the valley master."

"Follow me!"

After that, he caught Wu Xiaoran and wanted to take her away by force.


While struggling, Wu Xiaoran yelled, "I don't want to go to any medicine valley. I don't want to be a saint. I just want to be an ordinary person!"

These years of life, she is tired, tired, tired, enough.

Xu Fu, who imprisoned her and tortured her, is dead, and she is free.

Now, she only wants to live the life of ordinary people!


Elder Yao Shengu, with a cold complexion, hummed coldly, "it's not up to you!" "You don't have the right to choose. You have been canonized as the saint of the medicine God valley. You must go back to the medicine God valley with me!"

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