Jiang Hao heard the cry, a faint smile, showing white teeth, calm and calm way: "little ranjie, don't be afraid, with me, no one can hurt you!"


Wu Xiaoran shook his head violently and said, "don't worry about me. Run

The handsome man is terrible!

Although she saw Jiang Hao and knew that he was very powerful, but

Compared with elder Yao Shengu, he is much worse.

But the elder of Shengu was almost killed by the handsome man with three fists.

In this contrast, Jiang Hao is far inferior to the handsome man. He can't beat him at all. If he is tough, he is likely to die.

This is not what she wants to see!

"Boy, what did you just say?"

Suddenly, the handsome man spoke.

His evil eyes, fixed on Jiang Hao, eyes burst out bloodthirsty light, the whole person is full of a sense of danger, like a beast staring at the prey.

Jiang Hao did not change his face and said indifferently, "I said, you are not allowed to move little sister ran. If you move, I will kill you!"

Ha ha ha

When the handsome man heard the speech, he looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was cold and full of disdain and irony.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" He said coldly.

"I don't know."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't need to know."

"I don't need a lot of people who are familiar with the world, but I don't need to know about you!"

"Interesting, interesting."

The handsome man said with a smile: "I can't imagine that the world is changing so fast."

"I've only been dormant for five years. A mole ant is so arrogant that he doesn't pay any attention to me, the descendant of the poison King Nie Wujue."

"Boy, you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen!"

"Look at your breath, there is no fluctuation of internal strength, but your qi and blood are very strong. You should be a body refiner, probably at the level of a body refiner."

He shook his head and said, "I really don't know who gave you the courage to act arrogantly in front of me?"

"Liang Jingru?"

Jiang Hao's body has no internal force fluctuation, but his blood is strong and his body is full of pressure.

Therefore, he speculated that Jiang Hao was a body refiner.

In fact, there is another reason why he can't see the fluctuation of internal strength, besides the body refiner, that is His accomplishments are higher than his.

However, this point, the handsome man did not consider.

Are you kidding?

You know, he is a six-star master. He has accepted the inheritance of Nie Wujue, the king of poisons, and has a lot of information.

What about Jiang Hao?

It seems that he is less than 20 years old. Is his cultivation higher than him?

Absolutely impossible!

No one will believe it if it is said.

As a matter of fact, what Jiang haoxiu wanted was not inner strength, but spiritual power that was ten times or 100 times higher than inner strength.

Naturally, he couldn't see Jiang Hao's accomplishments!

"The mole ants crawling on the ground, of course, can't see the power of Jiutian dragon."

Jiang Hao said coldly, "it's not easy to practice for you. I'll give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes, and I'll spare your life!"

"The dead and the dead!"

Wu Xiaohuan saw this scene, secretly scolded a, heart more disgust and despise Jiang Hao.

This kind of person has no real ability. His kung fu of boasting and pretending is first-class.

She looks down on me the most!


The elder of Yao Shengu, who was seriously injured and dying, burst out a wisp of light in his dark and turbid eyes, which reflected the whole popularity.

He wants to stand up and slap Jiang Hao to death.

It's a pity that he's hurt too much. He can't do anything after all.

"Boy, you're really interesting."

Handsome man, staring at Jiang Hao, joked: "I'm not willing to kill you."

"I'm going to imprison you. If you're depressed and irritable, I'll let you boast, pretend and be happy."

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "cherish time."

"You still have three seconds Oh, no, two seconds. If you don't go away, you'll die here. "

"Good, that's it."

The handsome man, with a smile on his face, said with satisfaction, "that's it. It's very good to brag seriously and pretend to be forced. It's very well done."

"I'll give you 99 points for this forced act!"



Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed, "there's only one second left. You can't escape if you want to."


"I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it. You want to die? Why do you want to do this? Isn't it good to be alive? "

The handsome man's face turned cold when he heard the speech.

"I'm not satisfied with this forced act!"

"So I'll kill you!""Go to hell!"

He suddenly drank, flashed and rushed to Jiang Hao.

The palm of the right hand, like a jade plate, is crystal clear, facing JiangHao.

"This is White jade hand

Elder Yao Shengu, seeing this scene, his pupil shrinks and his face changes greatly.

According to the ancient remnant volume of yaoshengu, when Wandu is cultivated to an unfathomable level, his hands and even his whole body will turn into jade, which is hard to hurt and full of toxicity.

Unexpectedly, this handsome man has already trained white jade hands.

It's terrible!

In three or five years, this man will definitely surpass Nie Wujue, the poison king of a generation, and become the Supreme Master of all kinds of poisons. He will become the most fearless demon in the whole country and even in the world.

Ha ha

Elder Yao Shengu pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, showing a bitter smile.

At this moment, he realized that the gap between him and the handsome man was too big, such as a gap, such as a natural moat, to be crossed.

Just now, when the handsome man dealt with him, he didn't try his best.

If you do your best, you can beat him to death with a single blow.

"Ignorant fool!"

Elder Yao Shengu glanced at Jiang Hao and said, "it's a great honor for you to die under the master of six stars."

"It's just What should I do, saint of the valley of medicine? "

He was worried.

At the same time, also very unwilling, want to stand up, fight again, even if it is dead, also want to let the saint escape.

Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do but YY.


Seeing this, Wu Xiaoran cried out.

She wants to rush over and protect Jiang Hao behind her.

However, she was imprisoned and couldn't move.

She can only watch!

Watch the handsome man approach Jiang Hao; watch him reach out his white jade hand and pat Jiang Hao; watch Jiang Hao approach death step by step

"Boy, be obediently under my white jade's hands and turn it into pus!"

"Remember, the man who killed you is Xu Kun

Chih ~

the white jade's hand crossed the sky. Where it passed, the air hissed and the corroded smoke shot straight and fast at Jiang Hao.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, the rolling sound wave, like a huge wave rolling up on the angry sea, swept to Xu Kun.


The next second, the explosion.

Xu Kun is exploding! He burst into a mass of blood mist, like fireworks blooming in general, countless blood, broken meat, bone stubble, splashing in all directions.

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