Chi Chi ~

blood falls on the ground and corrodes the ground into a big pit; meat falls on the flowers and plants and instantly poisons them to death; bone stubble splashes on the elder of yaoshengu

It's a big piece of his flesh.

However, he didn't scream or react to the pain.

He's confused!

His eyes are dull, empty, looking at the front, the whole person is petrified.


Wu Xiaohuan is silly. If he is struck by lightning, his head is buzzing and blank.

She's confused, too!

The descendants of the poison king of the first generation, the remaining evils of the ten thousand poison sect, and their talent and talent surpass those of the previous generation. They are no more than 40 years old, but they are already six-star masters.

Within five years, Xu Kun, who could surpass the previous generation of poison king, died like this?

By a body refining master, a roar burst?

Wu Xiaohuan excited Lingling to shiver. He was very frightened, even creepy.

At the same time, he was also very frightened and nervous.

At this moment, how did she not know that Jiang Hao was not a master of physical training at all, but a hidden and unfathomable master.

Just now, such a master was repeatedly satirized, despised, even scolded and abused by her. This

It's over!

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled.

"Xiaojiang, you're OK. That's great!"

All of a sudden, Wu Xiaoran let out an excited cry. Without any scruples, he ran over and hugged Jiang Hao, sobbing slightly.

She's holding it tight!

"Well, little ranjie, don't cry."

Jiang Hao patted her xiubei and said in a soft voice, "I said, I'll be fine."

However, Wu Xiaoran still held Jiang Hao tightly.

It seems that holding Jiang Hao will make you feel safe.

"Don't cry, little ranjie. If you cry again, you'll be a cat with a painted face." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Hum ~

Wu Xiaoran let go of Jiang Hao and said, "you're the cat with the painted face."

She wiped her tears and calmed down.

"Old man Blind, mistake the real dragon for fish and shrimp

Suddenly, the elder of yaoshengu, with all his strength, looked up to the sky and sighed.


The next second, he spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood. The injuries in his body and the wounds on his neck could no longer be suppressed. The secret of longevity was useless.

The injury broke out violently.

In just a few seconds, he was decadent. His red and plump cheeks were sunken, covered with wrinkles, and his smart and sharp eyes were turbid.

All over the head Yingrun shiny white hair, instant withered, like withered grass.


Wu Xiaohuan saw this scene, his face changed, rushed over and helped him up.

Then, put both hands on his back and input the inner strength of longevity formula into his body to help him continue his life.

"No It's no use

Elder Yao Shengu shook his head difficultly and said: "old My destiny has been decided, and so have the immortals I can't help it

"You Don't waste your time It's a little bit of inner strength

"No, elder, you can't die!"

Wu Xiaohuan said firmly: "I must save you!"

So, she desperately urged Changsheng Jue, conveying inner strength.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all.

Elder Yao Shengu's body is like a bottle with a hole in the bottom. No matter how much inner strength it conveys, it will leak out. It can't save him at all.

"How could that be? How could that be? " Wu Xiaohuan cried.

She was so anxious that she cried that she was at a loss.

"Don't Don't cry

Elder Yao Shengu said: "I have lived for so many years Live enough, die, no There's nothing to be sad about. "

Seeing this, Wu Xiaoran felt deeply and was reluctant to give up.

Although, not long ago, the elder of yaoshengu wanted to take her back to yaoshengu despite her resistance, but

She was still reluctant to let him die.

So she looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "Xiao Jiang, he's so pitiful. You Is there any way you can save him


Jiang Hao said indifferently, "but I will not save him."


"No why."

Jiang Hao light way: "don't want to save, just don't want to save."


When Wu Xiaohuan heard the speech, he blew up his hair and became furious.

Suddenly, she put down the medicine and rushed to Jiang Hao. She grabbed his collar and roared angrily: "Why are you so cruel?"

"Why are you so cold-blooded?"

"You are so powerful. Why didn't you save the elder martial brother just now? If you do, he won't die! ""Now, you can save the elder, but why not?"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and said, "why should I save them?"

"That Lei Jun, not long ago, repeatedly spoke ill of me and even wanted to beat me."

"If there is no Xu Kun's appearance, interrupted him, he really started, and my strength is not strong enough, what will I end up with?"

"Why should I save such a man?"

"And this old guy, when he appears, is a high posture, relying on the old to teach me, criticize me and threaten me."

"Even ordered my hands and feet to be broken, as long as they didn't kill me."

"Why did I save him?"

"If I didn't kill him, I was very kind for the sake of little ranjie!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.


Suddenly, Wu Xiaohuan was speechless.

When she thought about it carefully, she found that not long ago, she, Lei Jun, and elder Yao Shengu really went too far.

If you change the general master, you will be angry long ago.

Saving people?

It's impossible!

I'm afraid we've already killed everyone.

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink, and his whole body was shocked. With a strong breath, he burst out and directly shook her hand by the collar.

At the same time, shake her out.

"Sister, sister, are you ok?"

Wu Xiaoran ran ran to help her.

"Yes I'm sorry

Suddenly, Wu Xiaohuan bowed to Jiang Hao and apologized.

"No need!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "you are the genius of the medicine God Valley, and I am just a little body refining master. How can I afford your apology?"


Wu Xiaohuan clenched his silver teeth and clenched his fist. His pretty face was full of anger.

This is the first time that she has ever apologized for being so old.

Jiang Hao, however, refused to accept the apology, and sarcastically satirized her, which made her very upset and made her angry.

However, she did not think about it.

Not long ago, what she did was worse, more vicious and more excessive.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, elder Yao Shengu spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, pushed his legs and lay stiffly on the ground, almost silent.

He was so angry that he was going to die.

"Elder! Elder

Seeing this, Wu Xiaohuan rushed to deliver the inner strength of Changsheng Jue and continued his life for him.

However, it doesn't work at all. He's dead. He can't be saved!

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