Two sanxiu are dead!


"You've gone too far!"

"Why do you kill people?"

"You're so vicious. They didn't do anything, so you killed them. It's so vicious!"

All of a sudden, all of them quarreled and scolded master Zhou.

After all, he killed two people for no reason. It's too much.

He caused a lot of anger!

However, master Zhou was not flustered at all. His eyes twinkled with cold light. He was still so arrogant. He scanned the crowd and cheered coldly: "when you go to the challenge arena, you have life and death. This is the rule."

"If you don't agree, come up and kill me!"

As soon as the words came out, all the monks were silent.

Although master Zhou showed only one hand, he showed his strength all at once.

He's very strong.

There is no one in the group who is confident that he can kill him.

Even, no self-confidence can win him.

Rush up rashly, you may die.

As a result, none of the monks acted rashly.

"A bunch of trash!"

Master Zhou's face was full of contempt and disdain, and he scolded.

Suddenly, all sanxiu were angry, and sparks came out of their eyes.

However, they dare to be angry.

I dare not do it!

"Master Zhou, great!"

Suddenly, Shen Murong called out.

When master Zhou heard the speech, he turned up a radian at the corner of his mouth and looked at everyone with arrogance and coldness in his eyes. He said arrogantly, "who dares to fight me?"

All the monks were silent.

No one from the major martial arts forces has made a statement.

For a moment, the whole competition field on the top of Longteng mountain was silent, only the wind was whistling in my ears.

Ha ha

Master Zhou sneered and said, "no one dares to fight?"

"It's all a bunch of crap, boobs!"

Shua ~

suddenly, he turned his head and looked at LV Hong. He said coldly, "since no one dares to fight, the result will be announced. This martial arts conference is over!"

"Yes, yes, announce the result quickly!" Shen Murong urged.


LU Hong was stunned.

It is obviously inappropriate to announce the results in this way.

However, master Zhou declared war in public, but no one answered, which made him very embarrassed and embarrassed.

"King arhat, aren't you arrogant just now?"

Shen Murong glanced at the leader of the Luohan gate and said sarcastically, "what? Is it wilting now? "

"Is it true that master Zhou is so powerful that he's scared to pee and dare not fight?"

"Shut up

The king of Rohan gave an angry rebuke.

"It's you who should shut up!"

All of a sudden, master Zhou cheered coldly, "King arhat? It's said that you are the champion of the last two martial arts conventions. I don't know how you get the champion? "

"But it doesn't matter."

"I took part in this martial arts conference. Then, the champion has nothing to do with you!"


The eyes of the king of Luohan were cold. He looked at a man of Luohan gate beside him and ordered, "younger martial brother, go and teach him a lesson!"

"His mouth is not clean."

"So tear his mouth before you kill him!"

"Yes The man from Luohan gate nodded.


The next second, he appeared in the challenge arena.

"Who are you?" Master Zhou looked down at him and asked.

The man said coldly, "I'm the Dharma protector of the Luohan sect, the younger martial brother of the king of Luohan."

"You should die for your rude remarks and defiling my elder martial brother!"

"I advise you to give up your hands, so that you can avoid some torture!"

"Tie your head!"

Master Zhou scolded: "an idiot, dare to pretend to force me?"

"To die!"


Master Zhou's toes point a little, the whole person is like an electric light, shooting at the great Dharma protector of Luohan gate.

Suddenly, the great Dharma protector of the Luohan sect, with a look of awe inspiring, immediately urged Luohan sect's unique Zhenzong school, Luohan Jinshen.

The next second, all the clothes on his upper body broke, revealing his strong upper body.

There is a light golden light flowing on him, which makes him look solemn and dignified, just like the Golden Buddha worshipped in a temple, with a sense of dignity and inviolability.

This is the golden body of arhat!

It not only provides defense, but also increases attack power.

"Fancy, vulnerable!" Master Zhou sneered.

Boom!He waved his arm and hit it.


All of a sudden, a loud and sharp voice surged, and the violent sound wave, like a tide, swept all over the country.


Some people even vomit blood.

People with weaker accomplishments fainted on the spot.

They are not strong enough to withstand the attack of sound waves.

Deng Deng Deng! Deng Deng Deng!

In the challenge arena, master Zhou and the Dharma protector of Luohan gate retreated for a walk one after another.

For the first time, it seems to be equal.

Yo ~

when pan Jiazhu saw this scene, he was surprised and said with a smile, "I can't see that the master Shen Murong invited is still a little powerful. He even drew with the younger martial brother of King Luohan."


Suddenly, Shi Lao shook his head and said, "master Zhou, he is stronger."

"No way."

The pan family owner, frowning and puzzled, said: "they both stepped back three steps and were equal."

"What's more, the younger martial brother of the king of arhat has gone through the process of physical training. He has also cultivated the golden body of arhat. It's the best way to fight a protracted war. In the end, he should win."

"He won't last long."

Shi Lao Mou light is deep, light way: "that week master, just now some despise enemy."

"Besides, he has something to keep."

"So, in this battle, the winner will be him."

"Is it?" Pan family leader, doubt way.

He is also a five-star master.

However, he didn't see what Shi said.

The old man said indifferently, "keep watching."

"About 100 moves, master Zhou will win!"


Master pan, I'm half convinced.

So he watched the two men on the challenge arena closely and carefully.

Round 108!

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, master Zhou gave a violent drink, and his momentum rose to the peak. His inner strength also seethed, and his fist burst out.


A dull voice sounded.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the gold body of arhat, the great protector of arhat gate, disintegrated and broke.

He spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood, mixed with a few pieces of internal organs, and flew out.

It's dead before it lands.

He's dead!

Hiss ~

Pan's opinion, take a breath of cold air.

He was shocked!

The next second, he bowed to the benefactor, and said with admiration, "benefactor is really a God and a man!"

That's right!

Shi Lao predicted that master Zhou would win about 100 moves.

Sure enough, master Zhou solved the battle in 108 moves. It's amazing!

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