For a moment, the pan family leader's worship of the old man burst out in an instant, and he was even more in awe of him.

"Younger martial brother!"

Seeing this scene, the king of Luohan yelled. In a flash, he rushed over, caught the body of the great Dharma protector of Luohan gate, and sent energy to his body to save him.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all.

All his internal organs were smashed, and the meridians and bones in his body were also smashed. Even if the gods came down to earth, they could not save him.


Luo Han Wang's eyes turned red. He stared at master Zhou and roared, "I'll kill you!"


All of a sudden, master Zhou gave a cold drink and stopped him from climbing the challenge arena.

Master Zhou sneered, "King arhat, although I want to kill you, it's not now."

"Just now, you are not the only one who ridicules master Shen, but also one person."

"That is Old fellow of the Yu family

"Now, you luohanmen have already died. For the sake of fairness and balance, the next one is the Yus."


His eyes were cold and haughty. He looked down at the Yu family and said coldly, "old man, it's time to send a member of the Yu family to die."

"Or do you come up to die yourself?"

His words are arrogant and arrogant.


Yu family old man, eyes spit fire, a fury.

When he was young, he took a precious elixir. Even now he is in his eighties, his Qi and blood are still strong, his body is also very strong, his voice is like thunder, and his middle Qi is full.

Hiss ~

suddenly, all the practitioners under the stage covered their ears and made a painful hiss.


Master Yu, with a cold hum, looked at a middle-aged man beside him and said, "third, you go and kill him!"

"Yes The middle-aged man, should say.

He is the eldest son of the Yu family. He is very gifted. Now he is only in his fifties, and he is already a five-star master. He is the most promising of the many sons of the Yu family.

At the same time, he is also the most respected one of the Yu family.

The master of the Yu family intended to pass on the title of the head of the family to him.

Whoosh ~

the middle-aged man, in a flash, flew to the challenge arena.

"I don't want to kill the nameless rat!"

Master Zhou looked down at him with a cold and arrogant face and cheered coldly, "name in the newspaper!"

"Yu Chenglong, Yu family in Ganghe City, is here to take your dog's life!" Middle aged man, proud way.

"It's very impressive, not bad."

Master Zhou commented: "it's a pity that you met me, so Go to hell

After that, with the momentum of sweeping all armies, he killed them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of explosion, constantly sounded, the air was surging, the challenge arena was shaking, and the violent waves swept in all directions, which made the scattered practitioners beside the challenge arena keep retreating.

The two were fighting together.

Pan family opinion, quickly turned, looked at the side of the old man, respectfully asked: "old man, this game, who will win?"

"Master Zhou."

The old man spat out three words.

"Or him?"

The pan family owner, some unexpected way: "master Zhou, so powerful?"

"I don't know where Shen Murong came from."

"If he hired such a master in the last term, he would probably defeat the branch of Wudao League and occupy the third place."

"His strength, barely OK." The old man said faintly.

His tone is very flat, but there is a kind of unspeakable domineering.

"That's it, that's it."

Pan family leader, quickly nodded and said: "compared with Shi Lao you, he is too poor. There is no comparability at all."

He flattered.

Then, he asked, "Mr. Shi, how many moves do you think master Zhou would need to win this game?"

"About 300 moves." The old man said coldly.

Pan family leader hears speech, turn head in a hurry, stare at two people that fight soundly on challenge arena.

At the same time, count the rounds silently.

296th round.


Master Zhou gave a low drink, and his whole body was full of awe inspiring breath, just like a fierce tiger coming down the mountain, with one blow.


All of a sudden, Yu Chenglong, a member of the Yu family, burst out a mouthful of blood.


He stared at master Zhou in horror, and his whole body froze.


Master Zhou snorted coldly and said, "fall down!"


In a flash, Yu's body fell.He's dead!

Because, in his chest, there was a transparent hole, his heart was crushed, and his whole body was punched through by master Zhou.


Master Yu's face changed greatly when he saw this scene. He yelled and appeared on the challenge arena in an instant.

He hugged Yu Chenglong and delivered strength to his body.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work!

Jackie Yu is dead. He can't be saved.

"Son of a bitch!"

Master Yu, with red eyes, stared at master Zhou and said: "I'll kill you!"

Master Zhou grinned and said happily, "come on, old man, I've long wanted to kill you!"


Yu's old man gave a loud drink and waved his fist.


Suddenly, Shen Murong gave a big drink and stopped him.

Shen Murong glanced at the Yu family and said sarcastically, "what's the matter? Old man, I can't fight. Do you want to cheat me? "

"If you can't win Master Zhou, you just want to have a wheel fight and consume master Zhou?"

Hey, hey

With a smile, he said sarcastically, "originally, I thought the Yu family was a character."

"I didn't expect to be so mean and mean!"


Master Yu's eyes are burning.

Immediately, he calmed down, stared at master Zhou, and said in a cold voice, "son of a bitch, I'll let you linger for a few minutes, and I'll kill you later!"

After that, he took Yu Chenglong's body and jumped out of the challenge arena.

Master Zhou also jumped out of the challenge arena.

Shen Murong, with a smile on his face, quickly welcomed him and complimented: "master Zhou, you are really powerful. You killed two people in a row, and you have a brilliant record."

"Not bad, not bad."

Master Zhou said modestly, "the two people I killed are small roles, which are nothing."

He had a modest expression.

However, his words are not modest at all. On the contrary, they are arrogant and arrogant.

"In fact, what I want to kill most is the old guy of Luohan king and Yu family!" He grinned.

"It doesn't matter. I'll have a chance later."

Shen Murong said with a smile: "master Zhou, you have two games in a row. You should consume a lot. This is Yiqi pill. You should take it quickly to recover your internal strength and physical strength."

He said, and took out a white pill, which sent out a faint fragrance.

Yiqi pill is a precious pill refined by Shengu.

After taking it, it can accelerate the recovery of physical strength and internal strength, which is very useful and expensive.


Master Zhou took Yiqi pill and took it orally. Then, sit with your knees crossed, use the skill, refine and absorb the power of Yiqi pill, and recover your internal strength and physical strength.

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