Twenty minutes later.

Shua ~

Master Zhou opened his eyes, shot out two rays of light, and suddenly stood up, and he was back to his peak.

Mr. Yu has been paying attention to him.

Seeing this, he went straight to the challenge arena, looked at master Zhou coldly, and yelled angrily, "son of a bitch, come up and die!"

Hey, hey

Master Zhou gave a ferocious smile and said: "old man, in fact, just now I played two games in a row, and the consumption was a little big. At that time, it was the best time for you to kill me."

"Unfortunately, you wasted it."

"Now that I'm fully recovered, it's impossible for you to kill me."

"And I'm going to kill you, easy!"

"Is the nonsense over?"

Yu family old man, cold drinks a way: "nonsense is over, come up to lead dead!"

His eyes were blazing with fire.


Shen Murong snorted coldly and said, "old man, don't talk wild!"

"This martial arts conference was not three years ago or six years ago. It's not your turn to be arrogant. You are not qualified to be arrogant!"

"You want to die!"

Master Yu said harshly, "Shen Murong, you are just a little four-star master. In my eyes, you are not as good as a dog."

"I'm going to kill you. It's as easy as pie!"

"I'll say it again. Believe it or not, I'll kill Wutong city and destroy your Shen family."

"Son of a bitch!"

Shen Murong's eyes were cold, and his eyes burst with awe inspiring murders. He scolded and said, "old man, do you threaten me?"

Suddenly, he looked at master Zhou and said, "master Zhou, I'm willing to pay 30% more. Please kill this old man."

When master Zhou heard the speech, he looked happy.

He grinned: "master Shen, please don't worry. I will take off his head and give it to you!"


Suddenly, the king of arhat gave a loud drink.

He said impatiently, "do you want to fight? If not, I'll go up! "

"What nonsense, waste of time!"

Master Yu looked down at master Zhou and said angrily, "get out of here!"

"Old man, if you want to die early, I will help you!" Master Zhou said sternly.


In a flash, he jumped into the challenge arena.


Master Yu, without saying a word, killed him directly.

The hatred of killing a son is mortal!

He is eager to revenge, with master Zhou's blood, to pay homage to his favorite third son, Yu Chenglong.

"Just in time!"

Master Zhou grinned and welcomed him without fear.

He chose hard to hard!

Pan family rest area.

The pan family leader, seeing this scene, immediately turned to look at Shi Lao and asked, "Shi Lao, this time, who will win?"

Two times in a row, the prediction is very accurate.

In his heart, Shi Lao was like a God.

That's why he asked Mr. Shi for the first time.

The old man's eyes were deep, and occasionally twinkled with light. He said faintly: "master Zhou will be defeated in five moves!"

"Within ten moves, he will die!"


The pan family leader was slightly surprised when he heard the speech.

"The old man of the Yu family, so powerful?"

You know, not long ago, master Zhou's master who even killed two five-star Masters had already declared his strength and terror to the public with his brilliant achievements.

However, Shi Lao predicted that he would lose in five moves.

In ten moves, he will be killed by Yu family.

Doesn't it mean that Yu family is very strong?

He was secretly frightened!

It seems that during the nine years of the pan family's retirement, they really played several powerful roles, which should not be underestimated.

In the challenge arena, the situation fell on one side.

In addition to the first move, master Zhou resisted and almost didn't fall behind. From the second move on, he was defeated by Master Yu.

"This old man, I didn't expect his strength to be so strong?" Master Zhou's face was startled and he said in secret.

After fighting for five moves, he is completely at a disadvantage. He can only defend passively and has no chance to fight back.

Besides, he's not good at defending.

If he goes on like this, he will lose without five moves.

"Mad, do it!"

Master Zhou clenched his teeth, and his eyes showed a fierce color.

"Want to go all out?"

The old man of Yu's family, with cold eyes, revealed a fierce killing opportunity and said coldly, "it's a pity that you don't have a chance!"


Clap, he suddenly drinks.

This palm is extremely subtle, and its angle is tricky. It's like an antelope hanging its horn, flying in the sky, elusive and even more difficult to defend.At the same time, it contains the power of terror.


The palm of Master Yu's hand was printed on master Zhou's chest, which immediately blew him away.


Master Zhou ejected a few mouthfuls of blood, his chest sank down, and his sternum fractured several times, and he was seriously injured.


The master of the Yu family, a little bit on his toes, bullied his body and stuck to him like a maggot. In his eyes, he killed him without concealment.

He's going to kill!

Master Zhou saw his eyes.

All of a sudden, his whole body trembled, and his hair stood up in fear.


He opened his mouth to admit defeat.

He wants to surrender!

Unfortunately, Master Yu didn't give him a chance to surrender.

"You want to surrender? Can you do it? " He snapped.


Suddenly, he let out a bang.

Ah ~

in a flash, master Zhou uttered a shrill cry.

His mouth was blown out, his teeth were all broken, his mouth was bleeding, and his whole face was almost blown out.

Wu Wu ~ ~ Wu Wu ~ ~

Master Zhou did his best to shout out "I admit defeat".

However, the corner of his mouth was blown out, and his voice was vague. Outsiders could only hear the whine.

"You're dead!" Yu's old man, with a death like smile, said in a cold voice.

Immediately, he hit again.

Master Zhou's eyes were bright and he made a decision in an instant.


Since I can't admit defeat, I will try my best to resist the attack of Yu family.

Then, look for opportunities to fight back.

Unfortunately, the imagination is very full, but the reality is very bony!


He can't stop it. How can he fight back?

The seventh move, Master Yu, breaks down his defense and injures him again.

In the eighth move, he got a punch from the master of Yu's family. He was confused and his brain was in a blank. He completely lost his resistance.

The ninth move, Master Yu, is to waste his hands.

The tenth move, his feet, were also abandoned by the Yu family.

The eleventh move, he in the deep pain, instantly awake.

Then, reluctantly made a defensive posture.

Unfortunately, it was smashed by Yu family.

The twelfth move.

Master Yu's heart was boiling and he didn't want to torture him any more. He stepped on his toes and appeared behind him, pressing his head with his hands.

"Go to hell!"

Yu family old man, a violent drink, hands suddenly force, suddenly a twist.


All of a sudden, a string of blood, like a fountain in general, splashed out, sprinkled everywhere. The master of Yu family twisted off his head!

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