
The next second, master Zhou's headless body fell to the ground.

Neck, still gurgling blood.

In an instant, the challenge arena was dyed red.

Vomit ~ vomit ~

all of a sudden, a lot of young casual practitioners vomit when they see the bloody scene.

Rao is a group of young people who have gone to sanxiu. They see a lot of blood and killing, and they are not adapted to it. Their stomachs are surging, and they feel a little uncomfortable.

Master Yu, holding master Zhou's bloody head in one hand, raised his hair to the sky and roared, "Long'er, I've avenged my father for you!"

The next second, his palm, burst out a vigorous force.


All of a sudden, master Zhou's head burst open, blood, broken bones, brain shot everywhere, splashed on the arena, everywhere.

the monks vomit again.

Rao is an old group of casual practitioners. They can't hold on any longer. They are retching.

The pan family owner, seeing this scene, has a calm face and no discomfort.

He is a man of martial arts. He has seen more life and death and blood than sanxiu.

More bloody scenes, he has seen, naturally not uncomfortable.

He looked at him admiringly and flattered him and said, "old man, your prediction is right again. You are really a God."

Shi Lao predicted that master Zhou would lose in five moves and die in ten.

As a result, he failed in the sixth move and died in the twelfth. Although there was an error, the error was very small.

What's more, Master Yu deliberately wanted to torture master Zhou, which made his prediction wrong.

So, to be exact, his prediction is accurate!


suddenly, Shi shook his head, sighed, and his face was full of disappointment.


The pan family's owner was confused and didn't know what was wrong.

So he quickly asked, "Shi Lao, what's the matter? Why do you shake your head and sigh? "

"I guess wrong." The old man was disappointed.

"Wrong guess?"

The pan family leader shook his head and said, "No

"Although the final result is slightly different from what you predicted, such a small deviation can be ignored."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Shi Lao said in a deep voice: "I said that the strength of the old man of the Yu family is wrong."


The pan family leader heard the speech and nodded.

Immediately, he explained: "it's normal to guess wrong. After all, you've never played against him before. The prediction of his strength is based on his achievements three years ago and his performance now."

"For three years, no one knows what happened."

"Perhaps, he got the adventure, or he had some understanding, once a breakthrough, leading to the rapid development of strength, making him stronger a lot."

"In this case, it's normal to underestimate his strength."

Pan family owner advised: "so, Shi Lao, you don't care."


"Shi Lao shook his head and said:" I said I guess wrong, not underestimated his strength, but overestimated his strength

"Originally, I thought that I needed seven moves to defeat him."

"Now, four moves are enough!"

"Seven moves, almost kill him!"


Pan's family leader was shocked by the speech.

Four moves to defeat Yu family?

Seven ways to kill him?

The pan family leader has never seen a benefactor, so I don't know how strong he is.

However, Shi's previous achievements were very brilliant.

Therefore, the pan family owner overestimated him and speculated on his strength.

Unexpectedly, I underestimated him!

So terrible!

If master Shi really can beat Master Yu in four moves and kill him in seven, then

Looking at the whole country and even the whole world, he is the top master among the six-star masters, almost invincible at the same level.

Hey, hey

At the thought of this, the pan family's owner couldn't help grinning.

The better the elder is, the more hope the pan family will win this martial arts conference.

He is very happy.

However, Shen Murong was very unhappy. The arrogance and arrogance on his face disappeared. Instead, he was gloomy and angry.

His face is black!

Even, it hurts.

Not long ago, he was arrogant and fearless. He contradicted and even satirized and humiliated Master Yu. He even put down his cruel words and ordered master Zhou to kill him.

But now?

Master Zhou died, and his head was crushed, leaving only a headless corpse, which gradually became cold."Blast!"

Suddenly, Master Yu gave a low drink and stamped his foot.

Suddenly, a vigorous force burst out, smashing the headless body of master Zhou, blood and meat splashing everywhere.

"Shen Murong, come up and die!" Yu family old son, angrily shouts a way.

All of a sudden, Shen Murong shivered, his face showed the color of fear, and his forehead was also covered with cold sweat.

He's scared!

He's scared!

"What? Shen Murong, are you afraid? Scared? "

Master Yu sneered, "didn't you just be arrogant and arrogant? Don't you still threaten to kill me? "

"I'm in the challenge arena. Come up and kill me!"


Shen Murong opened his mouth and was speechless.

Go up and challenge the Yu family?

He would not dare to borrow more courage.

Although Master Yu is only a five-star master, he is far more powerful and pure than a martial arts master in the same realm. Even a general six-star master may not be able to win him.

And what about him?

Just four stars.

Even among the four-star masters, they are not very strong.

If he goes to the challenge arena, he can't do three moves


One move, at most one move, will be killed by Yu family.

"Damn it

Shen Murong's face was full of anxiety, and he cursed: "that man, why hasn't he come yet!"

The man?

Yes, that's the man.

His trump card, his arrogant capital and confidence, has never been master Zhou, but a mysterious man he met by chance two days ago.

That mysterious man, very strong, strong pervert.

He spent five hundred million to ask the mysterious man to fight for him.

He's very confident in mysterious people!

Therefore, at great cost, the date of the martial arts meeting was advanced by two days.

At the same time, also revised the champion's reward.

In the past, the champion of martial arts conference can only get 30% of the dead man's Valley spirit liquid energy pool, but now, the champion can enjoy 50% alone.

He has seen the horror of mysterious people and is confident in him.

Of course.

He paid a lot of money to hire mysterious people, not only to win the martial arts championship, but also to Kill Jiang Hao!

That's right!

He wants to kill Jiang Hao and avenge his son!

Unfortunately, the mysterious man has not come yet, which makes him a little flustered.

"Shen Murong, what are you still dawdling about?"

The old man of the Yu family, with his eyes cold and his killing machine bright, cheered coldly: "come up immediately and die!" He took the initiative to fight!

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