Although master Zhou is responsible for the death of Yu Chenglong, the third son of the Yu family.

However, Shen Murong is also responsible!

Because master Zhou is an expert he hired.

So, Master Yu wants to kill him, too!

Shen Murong trembled and said: "old man, what are you arrogant about? Later, when the master I invited comes, you will die."


Master Yu said with a sneer, "the master you invited is just the one who has just been pinched and blasted the dog's head."


"Of course not," Shen Murong said coldly

"He's just a sacrifice of the Shen family. The master I invited is hundreds of times more powerful than him!"

Hiss ~

Yu's father, a sneer.

Others, too, shake their heads and scoff.

They didn't believe Shen Murong's words.

From their point of view, Shen Murong must have been afraid that Master Yu would kill him. Therefore, he deliberately made up a man to frighten Master Yu.

Master Yu said with a smile, "really? What about the experts you invited? "

"Where is he?"

"He's on his way because of a delay." Shen Murong said coldly.

Cut ~

suddenly, boos.

This reason is so bad that no one believes it.

"The martial arts conference has been going on for nearly an hour. What's the matter with the master you invited? What's the matter with the delay?" Mr. Yu asked.


Shen Murong was speechless and speechless.

After a long time, he just prevaricated: "what's the matter with him? How can I know?"

All of a sudden, everyone hissed.

Rao is a group of scattered practitioners. They all shake their heads and sneer.

Now, no one really believes him.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense."

Yu family old man, impatient, kill heart suddenly rise, cold shout a way: "Shen Murong, hurry up to suffer death!"


Shen Murong glared at him. His eyes were full of anger and fear. He said, "don't bully me too much, old man!"

Mr. Yu, he was invited to fight on the spot.

He's not fighting or not.

Fight, he will die!

If he doesn't fight, he will lose face. From then on, he will become a joke. This disgrace will accompany him, and he can't wash it away.

That's why he's scared and angry.

However, Master Yu, no matter whether he is angry or not, is not afraid.

He just wanted to kill Shen Murong!

Then, he forced again: "Shen Murong, come up and die!"


Shen Murong's teeth are itching. He wants to rush up and shoot the Yu family.

But he didn't dare!

Because, if he goes to the challenge arena, the one who dies will not be the master of Yu family, but he.

He can only counsel!

In silence, he pretended to be deaf and dumb. He neither refused to fight nor responded to the war. In this rogue way, he tried to muddle through.

As long as the mysterious man arrives, he can rise again!

"Shen Murong."

Suddenly, LU Hong asked, "are you going to fight or refuse to fight at the invitation of Master Yu?"

"Make a choice now!"

He is the referee.

The procedure should not be voided.

"Grass! Grass! Grass

Shen Murong trembled, clenched his fist, and uttered rude words in his heart.

He wanted to muddle through.

But as soon as LV Hong spoke, he couldn't fool around.


Therefore, he could only bow his head and say weakly, "I refuse to fight!"

After several struggles and tangles, he finally chose to refuse to fight.

After all, face and dignity are not as important as life.

Ha ha ha

All of them burst into laughter.

"I go to the house owner of Shen Wutong City, Shen Dun, but dare not accept it."

"That is, in full view of the public, he refused to fight. He is not a man!"

"There's no way. If he doesn't refuse to fight, he will die!"

"that's what I said, but the master of Shen's family in the Wutong City refused to fight in public, and it was embarrassing to hide like a turtle."

The crowd was talking.

When Shen Murong heard these comments, he laughed, his eyes were red, and he wanted to kill.

Especially those who want to kill the Yu family!

Because, their laughter, the loudest, the most harsh."Shen Murong resisted the war, and the Yu family accumulated a point." Lu Honglang announced.

This is his duty and what he should do!

However, falling in Shen Murong's ears has become a deliberate shame on him and a deliberate sprinkling of salt on his wound.

Therefore, Shen Murong also hated LU Hong.

"Old man Lu, when the mysterious man comes, I will not only kill the old things of the Yu family, but also kill you!" He said in secret.


All of a sudden, Yu family old man, cold hum a, way: "waste!"

"the master of Shen family in the city of Wutong city is so weak that he can persuade one!"

"Shen Murong, you are lucky today," he said Not a chicken or dog left behind.

, after the waiting of the conference, I will lead the remaining family to kill Wutong City, step down to Shen family, kill all the people, and let them go!


When Shen Murong heard the speech, he was surprised and angry.

His murder was boiling.

"Old man, originally, I only wanted to kill you. Since you are so cruel, I will kill all the people of the Yu family later."

"Then, go to Ganges city and kill you all!" He said in secret.

Master Yu, with both hands on his back, stood upright on the challenge arena like a gun. His sharp and eye-catching eyes scanned everyone and said coldly, "who dares to challenge me?"

There was silence.

In particular, a group of monks lowered their heads and did not dare to look him in the eyes.

None of the major forces, such as the branch of Wudao League and the pan family, dared to fight.

This is the reputation of Master Yu, who has held two consecutive martial arts conferences!

Master Yu looked around coldly and said, "since no one is fighting, then..."


Suddenly, the Lord of Luohan gate, a cold drink.

"I will fight!"

Whew ~

as soon as he was in shape, he appeared in the challenge arena.

All of a sudden, Yu's eyes, a coagulation, the whole person alert, the whole body muscles taut, the internal strength of the body, also surging, ready.

Luo Han Wang said with a light smile: "old man, I can't imagine that this martial arts conference will be held by the two of us, standing on the arena of decisive battle."

Suddenly, he glanced at the rest area of Pan's family in Lanyun city and said sarcastically, "not long ago, some people were so shameful that they said that when the king came back, they didn't pay any attention to us."

"But now, I'm a turtle with a shrunken head. I dare not fight on stage!"

"It's so funny!"


The pan family leader was angry on the spot.

"What do you mean, King arhat?" he said angrily

"It's not interesting." King arhat sneered: "just laugh at some shameless counsellors!"

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