
Pan's Master heard the words, and his eyes flamed.


It seems that the words of King arhat did not name the place, but it made no difference. On the contrary, it made people more angry.

The pan family is very angry.

He bowed to the old man and asked, "old man, please kill this Tusk and raise the prestige of Pan family in Lanyun city!"

"No hurry."

"Now, it's not the time for me to do it," he said


Pan's master was stunned when he heard the speech, but said, "OK."

The old man didn't want to do it, so he couldn't do it.

He didn't want to and didn't dare to force Shi Lao!

Ha ha ~

seeing this, the king of Luohan sneered and said sarcastically, "isn't the pan family in Lanyun city king?"

"Is the pan family, who has won the fourth martial arts conference, just like Shen Murong, also a waste and a shrinking turtle?"


Pan's master clenched his fist and nearly broke his teeth.

He wanted to rush up and kill King arhat!

But he didn't dare.

Although he was also a five-star master, and his cultivation was no weaker than that of King arhan, his real combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of King arhan.

Rush up, just die.

However, Shi didn't want to do it. Even if he was angry, he could only bear it.

"Well, stop talking nonsense!"

Master Yu, a little impatient, coldly said: "our duel, hurry to start!"

"I've been waiting and preparing for this day for three years."

"Today, I want a snow before shame, beat you, won the championship!"

Luohan Wang Wen Yan, a faint smile, said: "you want more."

"Although it's cruel, I still want to tell you that the champion of this martial arts conference is still mine, you Still second

His tone is very flat, but contains a strong domineering and self-confidence.


Yu family old man, not happy to cold hum a, way: "who lose who win, fight to know!"


Suddenly, he gave a loud drink, carried a tremendous momentum, and killed the king of arhat.

As soon as he did it, he almost did his best!

The decisive battle of two consecutive martial arts conferences made him very familiar with the king of arhat. He didn't need to be tested. He just broke out with all his strength and fought hard.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for him.


The king of arhat snorted and said contemptuously, "do you want to make a quick decision? Can you break my gold body? "

"Arhat gold body!"

He gave a low drink.

All of a sudden, the clothes of the upper body broke, revealing the strong muscles, and the skin was shining with golden light, just like the Golden Buddha in a temple, which was indestructible.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

All of a sudden, Yu's attack fell on him, thumping, like a metal collision.

He couldn't break the arhat King's golden body, let alone hurt him.

On the contrary, he was shocked to retreat every time, his Qi and blood gushed, and his chest was stuffy.

In terms of attack power, Master Yu is a little better.

However, in terms of defensive power, Wang Luohan was far superior to him.

So they froze!

The master of Yu family can't hurt the king of Luohan, and the king of Luohan can't hurt the master of Yu family.

Protracted war, once again!

Both of them are procrastinating and boiling until the other side is exhausted and can't hold on, then they can win.

"Ha, how boring!"

"Yes, it's boring!"

"Alas, the decisive battle of every martial arts conference is like this. It's really boring!"

"Yes, it takes an hour or two each time to decide the outcome. It's not exciting at all."

"Forget it, I'll sleep for a while, and you'll wake me up when the showdown is almost over."

Under the challenge arena, there was a commotion.

A group of scattered practitioners, and even the people of the major martial arts forces, saw the situation in the challenge arena, and they were bored.

Some people even yawn and feel sleepy.


suddenly, in the Panjia rest area of Lanyun City, Mr. Shi shook his head and sighed, "I'm disappointed, I'm so disappointed!"

The pan family leader, confused, asked: "Shi Lao, what's the matter?"

"What a disappointment!"

Shi Lao shook his head and said, "I am very disappointed by the strength of the old guy of the Yu family."

"I didn't expect that the strength of King arhat also let me down."

"They are too weak!"

emmm……Pan's family leader heard that he didn't know what to say.


Suddenly, Shi Lao's body shook and rushed to the challenge arena.

Huh? Huh?

Suddenly, Master Yu and King Luohan, with a look of awe inspiring, stopped and stepped back. They were careful and wary of each other.

At the same time, his eyes were cold, staring at Shi Lao.

"Who are you?" Mr. Yu said coldly.

The king of arhat looked arrogant and said, "who allowed you to come up? Get out of here

Shi Lao's face is calm, light way: "you two are too weak!"

"Son of a bitch!"


As soon as this remark came out, the Yu family and the king of arhat were all angry.

You know, the two of them ruled the finals of the two martial arts conferences in a row. They can be called the strongest martial arts forces in the surrounding cities.

However, now it has been despised, look down, how can not anger?

Under the challenge arena, there was a lot of noise.

"I'll go. What's going on?"

"Eh, that old man seems to be from the pan family in Lanyun city?"

"He's so crazy that he said that Master Yu and King arhat are too weak!"

"Is that a choice?"


"Two for one? Wow, it's exciting to think about it. Let's get started

There was a lot of discussion.

They were all in high spirits, very excited, very excited, no more sleepy and boring.

"If you don't want to die, go down!" Yu family old son, facial expression is very ugly, angry shout a way.

The king of Luohan put up three fingers and said coldly, "three seconds, you didn't roll off the challenge arena. I promise you will become a corpse!"

Ha ha

The old man gave a little smile and said, "he has a lot of breath and momentum."

"Unfortunately, the strength is too weak."

Suddenly, he looked at LV Hong and said indifferently, "are you the referee?"

"I'm going to challenge both of them alone, right?"

LU Hong was stunned for a moment and said, "no No problem. "

There are not many rules and restrictions in the martial arts assembly.

As long as the strength is strong, enough self-confidence, a single pick everyone can.

However, don't say that one person chooses everyone, even if it's one or two, few people do it.

After all, the people who attended the martial arts conference were all elite of various forces, and their strength was extremely strong. Even the Master Yu and the king Luohan were not absolutely sure that they could win even if they chose one from the other.

Shi laodan said with a smile: "in that case, I will choose them alone." "This session of martial arts conference, too boring, don't want to waste time, it's time to end!"

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