
When Wang Luohan heard the speech, he was very angry.

Yu family old man, also by gas of blow beard stare.



The benefactor didn't pay attention to them. How could they not be angry?

The king of Luohan breathed fire in his eyes and said: "old man, since you want to die, I will help you!"

He looked at the Yu family and said, "join hands?"

Yu's father, in his eyes, burst out a wisp of murder, coldly said: "join hands!"

"It's a smart decision."

With a faint smile, the old man commented: "if you fight alone, I can kill you in ten moves."

"It's not easy to kill you in 30 moves if you join hands."

"There is no chance for you to join hands at all."

"Go to hell, arrogant old man!"

The king of Luohan couldn't bear it any more. He drank violently, stamped his foot and cracked the arena. He was like a rocket, shooting at Shi Lao.

At the same time, the Yu family also moved.

The king of arhat built the golden body of arhat. His defense was extremely terrible, so he chose to fight hard in the front.

As for the Yu family, he chose to wander, raid and assassinate from time to time.

I have to say that they have a tacit understanding and cooperate perfectly!

They are very familiar with each other because of the fierce competition in the finals of two consecutive martial arts conferences. Although they have not trained, they are perfect when they join hands for the first time.

In the face of the two men's attack, Shi Lao's face did not change color, a calm face, can not see the slightest confusion and fear.

"Here we go, here we go!"

"Wow, as soon as king arhat makes a move, it's arhat fist. It seems that he is really angry and wants to kill the old man immediately!"

"Master Yu, it broke out too!"

"I'll go. It's amazing that the old man blocked the Luohan boxing and the attack of the Yu family. It's amazing!"

"It's really the pan family of Lanyun city!"

"The pan family in Lanyun City, after nine years, really want the king back?"

Under the challenge arena, there was a lot of noise and discussion.

All the monks were excited.

Ten rounds later.


The dull sound of the collision sounded, and the king of arhat retreated, five or six steps in a row.

Every step down, will be hard arena, step on the depression, leaving a deep footprint.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

he gasps, sweats and consumes heavily.

On the other hand, Yu's old man was also breathing like a cow, his face was red, and his blood was surging.

On the other hand, the old man is not red, breathless and undamaged.

Even the clothes and hairstyles are not messy.

"It can't go on like this."

Luo Han Wang squinted at Shi Lao and said in secret: "this old thing is too powerful. I'm not an opponent if I fight alone."

"Even if it's two against one, if you drag on, you'll lose."

"It can't be delayed any longer. We must break out with all our strength and kill him as soon as possible!"

Time has dragged on for a long time. He can carry it, but the Yu family can't.

Without the master of Yu's family, he will lose by himself.

"Arhat gold body!"

Suddenly, King arhat gave a loud drink.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

all of a sudden, the naked upper body of King arhat was full of golden light. Every inch of skin was flowing with golden light. The whole person was solemn and magnificent.


Master Yu, seeing this scene, his pupils shrank and he was shocked and said, "your arhat gold body has broken through again?"

"Cut the crap!"

"I know that in the past three years, you have also become a big killing skill. Don't keep it. If you hide yourself again, we will lose."

"I see."

The master of Yu's family heard the speech and nodded his head.

"I restrain him, you kill!"

The king of arhat yelled, "do it!"


Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, they turned into two flashes of lightning, shooting at Shi Lao.

"Arhat gold body?"

The old man said with a smile, "I'd like to see the defense of arhat's gold body. What's the matter?"

Then he raised his fist and went out.


The sound of hitting a bronze bell rings.

Circles of sound waves, like ripples, rippling, spread to all directions.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

all of a sudden, under the challenge arena, a lot of casual practitioners screamed, their ears were bleeding, and their eardrums were almost broken by the sound wave.

"Back up!"With a look of panic, they quickly retreated for tens of meters away from the challenge arena.

Deng Deng Deng!

In the challenge arena, Shi Lao stepped back three steps to stabilize himself.

His arm, a little numb.

"The golden body of arhat deserves its reputation!" Shi Lao shook his arm and exclaimed.


The king of arhat snorted coldly and said, "you can't break my gold body of arhat. Let's get rid of it."

"Can't break your gold body?"

Shi Laojiao a Yang, outline a touch of radian.

"That's a big tone."

He sneered: "since you can't break it, I'll break it for you!"

Ha ha

The king of arhat sneered, and his whole body was shining with gold, just like a walking Buddha, killing Shi Lao again.

He is very confident in his arhat gold body!

No one below seven star master can break his gold body!

Suddenly, Shi Lao's face was straight, his expression was serious and serious, and his inner strength was churning and surging, just like a torrent that would pour out at any time.

Pan family rest area.

"Shi Lao is serious!" Pan family owner, eyes a coagulate, murmur way.


Suddenly, Shi laobang drank, a blow out.


All of a sudden, the air burst, the king of arhat's face changed, the whole person was blown away, and all the flowing golden light disappeared in an instant.

Luohan gold body, disintegrated, disintegrated!

Poof! Poof! Poof!

He spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood and fell to the ground. His breath was weak and hard to move.

He was seriously injured. His bones were broken. He lost all his fighting power.

Fortunately, he was protected by arhat gold.

Otherwise, Shi Lao's fist can completely blow him up.

"Why, not dead?"

The old man was slightly surprised and said, "it seems that the defense of arhat's gold body is OK."

"Run away!"

Not far away, Mr. Yu's face changed when he saw this scene.

Immediately, he turned and fled.

"Well, can you escape?" The old man said coldly.

Hearing the speech, Yu's father trembled and gave up running. He opened his mouth and yelled: "I know..."

He wants to give up!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Before the word "I admit defeat" was uttered, Shi Lao's fist came.


Suddenly, Master Yu flew out.

After landing, there was almost no movement.

He's not dead!

However, he was more seriously injured than the king of arhat, and almost all his viscera and eight channels were broken.

Even though he is a five-star master, his vitality and resilience are dozens of times and hundreds of times that of ordinary people, it will take at least one or two years for him to recover.

Moreover, after recovery, his strength will be greatly reduced. Even, one's cultivation may regress.

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