Hoo ~ Hoo ~

for a moment, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a strong wave of air swept away, throwing away a lot of scattered repairs nearby.


All of a sudden, a cold cheering sounded.

The smoke and dust all over the sky disappeared in an instant, and the vision was clear again.

Everyone looked around and saw a tall and burly man.

If Jiang Hao is here, he will be recognized.


This man is Xue Meng!

"Master, you are here at last!" Suddenly, Shen Murong looked happy and cried out.

He was so excited, so excited that he almost cried for joy.

"This Is this the master of the Shen family? "

"He didn't lie?"

"In my opinion, what he said was true. He really invited a master!"

"Well, this man is very strong!"

When they heard the speech, they were all stunned.

Xue Meng looked at Shen Murong and said apologetically, "sorry, master Shen, there's something delayed on the way. I'm late."

"It's OK. It's OK."

Shen Murong shook his head and said, "it's good to come, it's good to come."

"Master Shen, is the martial arts meeting over?" Xue Meng asked.


Shen Murong pointed to Shi Lao in the challenge arena and said coldly, "your opponent, he's the only one left."

"Go ahead and beat him on stage. The 500 million cash promised to you will be paid to you immediately!"


Xue Meng nodded.

Immediately, he jumped up to the challenge arena, shaking the challenge arena several times.

The ground under his feet cracked on the spot.

The old man's eyes coagulated and said in a deep voice, "who are you, who are you

His face was dignified, and there was no lightness or calmness.

Obviously, Xue Meng put a lot of pressure on him!

"Xue Meng!"

Xue Meng looked at old Shi and asked, "if I beat you, I will win the martial arts championship?"

"Yes, if you win me, you are the champion."

"It's a pity that you can't win," he said coldly

Xue Meng looked directly at him and said faintly, "master six star, his inner strength is very strong and pure. It's pretty good."

"But you can't beat me. Give up."

"As soon as I make a move, I will burst out with all my strength. You can't stop it. I'm afraid I'll kill you."

"I don't like killing people!"

His tone was flat, as if he were expounding a fact.


Shi Lao was angry, and a fire rose in his chest.

"Arrogant fellow!"

The pan family leader sneered: "the strength of Shi Lao is obvious to all. He just picked two and easily finished the abuse of Luohan king and the Yu family."

"What are you, big man? How dare you look down on Shi Lao?"

"Shut up

Suddenly, Shen Murong said angrily, "who is the master? Can you shame me? "

Yo, Ho ~

the pan family leader grinned, his face showed a ferocious color, and said: "Shen Murong, how dare you scold me."

"Little master Shen, in my eyes, not even a fart. Do you really think you are a character?"

"Do you believe my pan family and destroy your Shen family?"

Shen Murong's pupils shrank when he heard the speech.

He was a little scared.

Immediately, he straightened up his chest again and cheered coldly: "if you want to destroy my Shen family, just come!"

"Well, when the time comes, it's uncertain who killed whom!"

He is very arrogant, very arrogant!

Because, he has no fear.

He knows that Xue Meng is short of money. As long as he uses money to tie him down and make him work for him, then

No matter what the Yu and pan families are, they are not afraid.

One, kill one; two, kill a pair!

"Good, good."

Pan family leader, angry extremely counter smile, eyes bloom kill machine, sternly way: "Shen Murong, I remember you!"

, after the end of the conference, I will lead Pan Jia to kill Wutong city and destroy your Shen family.

"I hope you don't kneel down and beg for mercy then!"


Shen Murong snorted coldly: "I'll wait!"

He has no fear!

A group of scattered practitioners and even the people of the major forces were a little silly when they saw this scene.

"I'll go. Is Shen Murong out of his mind?"

"Shen Murong, a soft bone and a dog, how can he be so strong and arrogant today?"

"Shen Murong is crazy!"

"The pan family in Lanyun city is the most powerful one among the great martial arts forces in Jiangnan province. The small Shen family dare to fight against the pan family. Isn't that a death wish?""Is Shen Murong brain sick?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Shen Murong didn't change, but he gave up!

It was a great blow to him.

On the ring.

Xue Meng's eyes were calm. He looked directly at the old man and said faintly, "I don't want to kill people. Please give up!"


I can't bear it.

He drank suddenly, and his whole body was full of energy. At that moment, he surged violently and poured out like a torrent along his arm.

Seeing this, Xue Meng stopped persuading him.

"Break it for me!"

He raised his hand, and his whole body exuded an indescribable momentum.


Suddenly, the big bang sounded, endless waves, raging in all directions.

This time, a group of monks, almost no one was injured.

Because they retreated one or two hundred meters ahead of time, far away from the challenge arena and the battlefield.


Suddenly, Shi Lao's fist burst.

Next, his arm.

For a moment, blood, broken meat, bone stubble, splashed everywhere.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, Shi Lao flew out backwards, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with visceral debris, hit the ground, neck crooked, fainted on the spot.

One move, second defeat!


Dead silence!

The huge competition field on the top of Longteng mountain is silent and the needles can be heard.

Everyone was stunned, with dull eyes, empty eyes and stiff bodies, just like a statue.


After taking some pills to cure his wounds, Yu's father, who managed to stabilize his injury, saw this scene, and his mind was blank as if he had been struck by lightning.

Lohan gate rest area.

"Why How is that possible? "

The king of Luohan was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and then he shuddered all over. His face was very complicated, with fear, horror, and

No one can match him. Even if he chooses one or two, he easily ends up abusing the king of arhat and the master of Yu's family. Is he defeated like this?

"No way! Absolutely impossible

The pan family leader shook his head and yelled and rubbed his eyes.

He didn't believe what was happening!

He didn't believe what his eyes saw. He felt that his eyes were dazed, or he was dreaming. Everything in front of him was fake!

Unfortunately, he rubbed red, rubbed swollen eyes, also useless.

Eyes see the picture, still unchanged.

Shi Lao was defeated!

It's a losing move!

Even if he was no longer willing to admit it, he could not deny the fact.

Hiss ~

seeing this, LU Hong took a breath of cold air.

He was horrified. At the same time, he is worried.

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