Xue Meng is too strong!

LU Hong is worried about Jiang Hao.

If Jiang Hao comes, can he beat Xue Meng?

What if we don't win?

He's very tangled.

I hope that Jiang Hao will arrive early, catch the last bus and attend the martial arts conference, but I don't want him to come. I'm afraid that he will be injured or even die.

Ha ha ha

All of a sudden, Shen Murong looked up at the sky and laughed, loud and arrogant.

To tell the truth, Xue Meng beat the old man with one move. He was also surprised and surprised.

But more surprises!

"Who else?"

His eyes are very arrogant, scornful to scan everyone, looked up at the sky and yelled: "who else is not satisfied, dare to challenge?"

All the people were silent.

You're kidding!

Just now, every one of them dares to challenge.

What's more, it's a move to defeat Shi's Xue Meng?

Hey, hey

Shen Murong, with a smile, fixed his eyes on the pan family owner and said sarcastically, "Pan Yang, didn't you just be a bull?"

"Isn't your pan family very powerful?"

"After nine years, I returned to the martial arts conference to ask the king to return."

"Excuse me, do you dare to challenge the pan family now?"


Pan's master was very angry when he heard that.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Murong squinted at the pan family owner and said with a sneer: "Pan Yang, what's the matter? Are you angry? Do you really want to hit me? "

"Dare you?"

The pan family owner, biting his teeth, coldly said: "Shen Murong, don't be too arrogant!"

"I admit that the master you invited is very powerful. No one in my pan family can fight."

"But don't forget, he's just an expert you hired, and he'll leave sooner or later."

"Once he's gone, you Shen Murong and your Shen family are rubbish. It's easy for my pan family to destroy you Shen family!"

"So think about it!"

His voice was cold, and his words were even more threatening.

Suddenly, Shen Murong narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "Pan Yang, are you threatening me?"

The pan family leader said coldly, "it's not a threat, it's just a warning!"

"A warning, isn't it?"

Shen Murong grinned, his eyes burst out a wisp of cold light.

Pointing to the pan family leader, he ordered: "master, please kill him!"


Pan's Master heard the speech, his body trembled, and his face showed obvious fear.

He is really afraid that Xue Meng will kill him!

However, Xue Meng did not move at all.

"Master, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Shen Murong was dissatisfied and asked.

Xue shook his head and said, "I can't kill people indiscriminately!"


Shen Murong was even more dissatisfied.

"I'll pay more!"

"I'll give you another hundred million and kill him immediately," he said

"You can't kill people indiscriminately, that is, you can't kill people indiscriminately. This is the rule and principle. No matter how much money you give me, I won't violate it!" Xue Meng said firmly.


Shen Murong made a rude remark.

He was depressed and angry. He wanted to kill Xue Meng.

However, he was full of anger, but did not dare to vent it.

Borrow him a few courage again, he also dare not start to Xue Meng, unless not to die!

Hu ~

for a moment, the pan family leader quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, relieved and relieved.

"If you don't kill people, can you kill people?" Shen Murong asked.

Xue Meng nodded.

"This is OK."


Shen Murong grinned at the speech.

He pointed to the pan family leader and said harshly, "master, I will give you an extra hundred million yuan for abolishing his cultivation."


Xue Meng heard the speech and fell into hesitation.

He is short of money!

But he didn't want to hurt people for no reason.

"One billion!"

Shen Murong yelled: "kill him immediately, I'll give you a billion!"

Suddenly, Xue Meng was moved.

Pan's master's face changed greatly when he heard the speech.

He cried out hastily, "wait! Wait

"Master, you are short of money, aren't you?"

"Shen Murong will give you one billion yuan, and I can give you two billion yuan. As long as you can work for me, I will give you two billion yuan at once."


Xue shook his head and said, "I work with people and have principles."

"I don't help anyone just because they give more money."Whew!

Before his words, he appeared in front of the pan family.


All of a sudden, the pan family leader was so scared that he trembled all over, his knees were soft, and he almost sat down on the ground.

"Two billion!" he cried in a cold sweat

"I'll give you two billion yuan, just let me go!"

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Xue Meng apologized and bowed.


The next second, he did it.


In a flash, the pan family leader flew out and spewed blood.

"My accomplishments, my accomplishments..." He went white and screamed.

His accomplishments have been abandoned!

Xue Meng apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

"But don't worry. I don't pay much attention to it. Your cultivation is only temporarily abandoned. Your meridians are not broken. After a year of cultivation, you can almost recover."


"You are spicy next door!"

A pan family man, with his eyes full of fire, roared: "son of a bitch, you dare to abolish my pan family master, I will kill you!"

"Go to hell, son of a bitch!"

"I'll fight with you!"

"Together, kill him!"

In an instant, seven or eight pan family members roared and killed Xue Meng one after another.

Seeing this, Xue Meng dodged and said, "step back. I don't want to hurt you!"

"You're paralyzed!"

"If we abolish the pan family, we deserve to die!"

"Son of a bitch, die!"

"Take your life!"

Seven or eight members of the pan family roared and were determined to kill.

"I'm sorry." Xue Meng apologized.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, he gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, rolling sound waves, like waves, swept in all directions.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, seven or eight pan family members all vomited blood and flew upside down.

They were seriously injured and temporarily lost their fighting capacity.

However, there is no danger of life, body injury, there will be no sequelae.

Ha ha ha

Shen Murong laughed and said, "good job, master!"

He is very satisfied!

Although did not kill Pan Yang, but abandoned him, also good.

Hey, hey

So, with a ferocious smile, he turned his eyes on the Yu family and locked him in.

"Old thing!"

"I remember, not long ago, you seemed to threaten me and humiliate me," he said with a grim smile

also threatened to lead the remaining family members to the city of Wutong and destroy my Shen family after the end of the conference. Right?


Mr. Yu snorted, "what do you want, Shen Murong?"

"Don't be afraid, old man."

Shen Murong's eyes were cold and said with a sneer, "I don't want to do anything, because..."

"I just want you to be useless!" Suddenly, he said coldly, "master, I'll give you a billion, please abolish him!"

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