
Yu's face changed when he heard the speech.


All of a sudden, the sound of breaking the air rang out. Suddenly, Xue Meng appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, Master Yu trembled and said, "wait a minute, master, please wait a minute!"

"I'm willing to pay five billion yuan. Please let me go!"

"No way."

Xue shook his head and said, "I want to be trustworthy."

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly, he bent down and bowed.

On one side of the Yu family, seeing this scene, their faces changed greatly.


They move one after another to stop Xue Meng and save the Yu family.

Unfortunately, they are too slow.


The next second, the sound of vomiting blood.

Yu's father flew out upside down and spilled a piece of blood in the air.

After landing, he fainted.

His accomplishments have also been abandoned!

"Master ~"

"master ~"

the people of the Yu family rushed up immediately, helped up the master of the Yu family, fed him precious healing pills, and helped him to heal.

"Don't worry about it."

Xue Meng said apologetically, "he's not seriously injured. I've got a sense of propriety. At most one year, his skill will be restored."

"Fuck NIMA!"

"You remember, today's enmity is remembered by my family!"

"I will kill you!"

More than a group of family members, blood red eyes, murderous tunnel.


Xue Meng sighed.

To tell you the truth, if he could, he really didn't want to hurt others, and he didn't want to have a grudge with others.

But, he is too short of money!

I can't help it. I just do it.

Ha ha ha

Shen Murong looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "well done, master. After this thing is over, I promise that I will not lose a cent of the money I promised you."

"Thank you." Xue Meng said faintly.

"Shen Murong!"

All of a sudden, one of the Yu's family complained: "don't be too proud. As soon as this son of a bitch leaves, I will lead the Yu's family to destroy your Shen family. No one will stay!"

"Yes, your Shen family is full of people!"

"kill the Wutong city and kill Shen family!"


The rest of the Yu family also started drinking.

"You are all looking for death!"

Shen Murong's eyes were cold and said harshly, "master, please abolish all of them immediately!"

"One person, 500 million!" Xue Meng said.


Shen Murong was stunned.

One person, 500 million.

There are ten of the Yu family members present, which add up to five billion yuan. This

Rao is his, as Wutong city's first martial arts force of Shen family owner, all have some speechless.

Immediately, he clenched his teeth and said, "OK, one person, 500 million, scrap them all. I'll pay them later!"

Five billion, though many.

But he can afford it.

These people are the most powerful people of the Yu family. With them, it is more than enough to destroy the Shen family.

So, these people, can't stay!

"I'm sorry."

Xue Meng bowed slightly.

Immediately, he started.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, the sound of vomiting blood, interwoven into a piece, accompanied by a shrill and angry scream, reverberated over Longteng mountain, so that everyone was scared and trembled.

Two minutes later.

More than nine families, all lying on the ground, rolling and wailing.

All their accomplishments have been abandoned.

However, Xue Meng was still merciful and didn't abandon them completely.

Ha ha ha Ha ha ha

Shen Murong looks up at the sky and laughs loudly and arrogantly.

It's a great feeling that one word decides one's life and death!

"Who's next?" He murmured.

Shua ~

suddenly, he turned his head and looked at King arhan with cold eyes.

"King Rohan!"

He said: "I seem to remember that before the martial arts meeting, you were very arrogant and arrogant. You repeatedly threatened to kill me."

"And now?"

"Do you want to kill me?"


The king of arhat glared at him.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo"In that case, you can't stay!"


The king of Luohan snorted coldly: "Shen Murong, what do you want?"

"I want you to apologize!" Shen Murong said coldly.


The king of Luohan was stunned for a moment and said in surprise, "as long as I apologize, you will let me go, let Luohan gate go?"

"Apologize first." Shen Murong said.

"Well, I apologize!"

Having said that, the arhat Dynasty bowed to Shen Murong and said, "I'm sorry."

Immediately, he straightened up, looked at Shen Murong, said: "now, you should let us go?"

“NO! NO! NO!”

Shen Murong shook his head and said, "what's an apology for just bowing?"

"Kneel down, kowtow, it's an apology!"


King Rohan was angry.

The rest of the rohanmen were angry, too.

"Master, you must not kneel down and kowtow to him!"

"Yes, sect leader, you can't kneel down and kowtow. We are not afraid of death."

"Master, give orders. We'll fight with him!"

All the people were furious and roared.

"Shut up

Shen Murong yelled.

Immediately, he looked at King arhat playfully and jokingly said, "King arhan, you have to think clearly."

"If you don't apologize, I'll pay for you and waste all of you."

"Over the years, you have made a lot of enemies. If you lose your accomplishments, your masters will lose their accomplishments."

"When the time comes, the enemy will come. You can't resist it."

"In time, it may be destroyed!"

"Now, you just have to get down on your knees and kowtow to me to apologize, and you can avoid that."

"Just think about how to choose!"

"Cut the crap!"

A member of the Luohan clan yelled angrily: "Shen Murong, I'm not a coward. It's a big deal or I'll die. It's impossible for us to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"

"No way!"

Others echoed.

"Shut up

Suddenly, King arhat gave a cold drink.

He looked at Shen Murong and said coldly, "Shen Murong, if I kneel down and kowtow to you and apologize, would you really let me go?"

"Of course." Shen Murong said with a smile.

"Well, I kneel down!"

After that, the king of arhat knelt down as soon as his knees softened.

"Master, don't kneel down!"

Suddenly, a man beside him, quick eyed and quick handed, helped him.

"Master, you can't kneel down. The worst is death. We'll fight with him!"

"Master, we are not afraid of death!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill

All the people of Luohan gate roared one after another.

"Get out of here!"

The king of arhat gave an angry drink and pushed away the people who helped him with all his strength.

"Shut up, everyone. If anyone dares to shout again, he will be expelled from the Luohan gate immediately!" He said coldly. All of a sudden, all the people in Luohan gate had to shut up.

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