Poop! Poop! Poop!

A corpse fell down.

Shen Murong is very cruel!

Sanxiu, who died under his sword, either had his head cut off, or his whole body cut off, or he was divided into several pieces without a complete body.

He's so strong!


It should be said that these scattered practices are too weak.

At first glance, there are at least hundreds of them.

However, the one with the highest accomplishments is the master of two stars.

Moreover, there are only 13 master Gangjin, not even master dark Jin. At least 70% of them are low-level warriors of Mingjin level.

Shen Murong is a four-star master with magic weapons. His strength is so strong that no one can stop him.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

An electric light, constantly shuttle in the crowd, each pause, will take a life.

In an instant, he killed twenty or thirty people.

In Longteng mountain, around the competition field, a broken corpse was lying on the ground, splattered with internal organs and intestines.

The smell of blood is disgusting.

For a while, I couldn't get rid of it.


Suddenly, Xue Meng gave a cold drink.

"Don't kill innocent people any more. I don't like to see corpses!" he said coldly


Hearing this, Shen Murong was stunned. He stopped and explained, "master, these people humiliated me. They should die!"


Xue Meng snorted coldly and said, "I said, don't kill innocent people any more!"


Shen Murong stared at him, his face a little cold.

He hesitated.

In the end, I decided to stop killing people.

Xue Meng is so powerful!

Shen Murong didn't want to and didn't dare to annoy him.

"Well, since the elder has spoken, I won't kill anyone."

He looked coldly at a group of angry and scared monks and said coldly, "a group of mole ants, you are lucky this time. If you dare to laugh at me next time, I will kill your family!"

"No! Dare not

All the monks were afraid and shook their heads.


Shen Murong snorted bitterly, put away his sword and returned to the rest area of Shen family.

Xue Meng looked at him and said coldly, "now, it's time to pay?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Shen Murong said with a smile.


Suddenly, Xue Meng's eyes were cold, and his violent and terrible breath enveloped Shen Murong in a flash, which made his face red and his breathing blocked.

Xue Meng said coldly, "Shen Murong, do you want to default on your debts?"

"No No

Shen Murong was stiff, breathing heavily and said, "before Master, you Don't get excited, I I don't give money because... "

"Because I I still have enemies, no No disposal. "

Xue Meng eyes, burst out a wisp of cold light, cold drink: "who?"

"Just That's him Shen Murong pointed to LU Hong and said.

Shua ~

hearing the words, Xue Meng turned his head and fixed on LV Hong, just like a wild animal fixed on its prey.

All of a sudden, LU Hong's body trembled, his whole body was cold, and a wave of fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

Xue Meng said coldly, "what do you want to do with him?"

"Waste his accomplishments!" Shen Murong was angry.

In fact, he wanted to kill LU Hong more.

Because although Jiang Hao was the culprit for his son Shen Lang's death, LU Hong was also involved.

It's a pity that Xue Meng has principles and won't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Of course, he didn't want Xue Meng to kill LV Hong.

He wanted to kill LV Hong himself and take revenge!


Xue Meng nodded.


In a flash, he appeared in the challenge arena.

"I'm sorry." He bowed to LU Hong and apologized.

Immediately, he raised his fist, ready to start.


Suddenly, a Jiao drink sounded.

Whoosh ~

a figure rushed to the challenge arena.

It's Lu CHAN!

She opened her slender arms and protected LV Hong behind her. She raised her head. Her delicate body was shaking. She was afraid but said firmly: "you You can't hurt my grandfather! "

"Get out of here!"

Xue Meng said coldly, "otherwise, I'll waste it with you!"


Lu Chan stubborn way: "I will not let you hurt my grandfather!"

"Xiao Chan, get out of the way!" LU Hong urged.He was afraid and in a hurry.

Afraid of Xue Meng's anger, even LV Chan won't let it go.

This is not what he wants to see!

"I don't know!"

Lu Chan shook her head and said stubbornly, "grandfather, I won't get out of the way!"

"Silly girl..."

LU Hong was very moved, but also very helpless.

"Xiao Chan, even if my grandfather dies, he won't hurt you." He said in secret.

There was a firm light in his eyes.

"Elder Jiang Hao, please show up quickly!" At the same time, he prayed.

"Since you don't get out of the way, I'm sorry!" Xue Meng said coldly.

He's a little impatient!


All of a sudden, he gave a low drink, swung his fist, and was about to fight.


All of a sudden, there was another cold cheering.

"What do you want to do?" Xue Meng turned his head, cold eyes, with a trace of anger, staring at Shen Murong, angry.


Suddenly, Shen Murong's neck shrank and his legs trembled.

He trills: "before Master, calm down, I I just have a question for this old guy. "

"Ask quickly!" Xue Meng said coldly.

"Yes, yes." Shen Murong nodded again and again, submissive.

Immediately, he moved his foot and appeared in front of LU Hong.

His eyes were full of blood, and he said harshly, "old man, last time, where was that little JiangHao bastard from the black rose club?"


LU Hong is going to say.

Suddenly, he shut up again.

He hesitated and tangled.

Xue Meng is so powerful!

Shen Murong inquires about Jiang Hao's whereabouts and says that he wants revenge.

With Xue Meng to help him, Jiang Hao might be in danger.

So he hesitated a few times and chose to shut up.

"I don't know!"


Shen Murong was furious on the spot.

His eyes were full of murders, and he said coldly: "old man, tell me quickly, where is JiangHao little bastard!"

"If you don't say it, I'll kill you!"

"Don't know is don't know."

LU Hong said coldly, "I don't know if you killed me!"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Shen Murong made a rude remark.

Immediately, his eye bead son a turn, fixed on LV Chan.

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, he threatened: "old man, if you don't tell me where Jiang Hao is, I'll go up to your granddaughter in front of you."

"Then, kill her again!"

"How dare you?" LU Hong was instantly angry and roared.

"Of course I dare!" Shen Murong sneered.

In LU Hong's eyes, he shot out an awe inspiring kill.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, he gave a violent drink. His five fingers were curved like dragon claws, with metallic luster. He burst into trouble and grabbed Shen Murong's throat.

His accomplishments are higher than Shen Murong's, plus he is a surprise attack. Unexpectedly, Shen Murong had no time to dodge or resist.

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