"Go to hell!" Lu Hongbang cheered.

His five fingers flashed, like a metal hook, with fierce breath and tremendous momentum, and grasped Shen Murong's throat.

This claw is too swift and sharp.

Shen Murong can't hide or stop him. He will die.

"Master, help me!" Shen Murong's face changed greatly and cried in horror.


Suddenly, Xue Meng gave a cold drink. The pressure of terror, mixed with strong inner strength, formed an invisible mountain and an invisible wall, which imprisoned LV Hong.

Deng Deng Deng!

Shen Murong quickly retreated, retreated more than ten meters, and then stopped.

Hu ~ Hu ~

he took a few breaths, his face was scared, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Old man, how dare you attack me?"

Shen Murong roared: "master, waste him! He's useless


Xue Meng nodded, and his fists were shining.


All of a sudden, he had a punch.

The air exploded and rumbled, shaking the whole arena.

Pan family rest area.


the pan family leader sighed and shook his head.

Yujia rest area.

Yu's father took a glance, then withdrew his eyes and concentrated on healing.

Lohan gate rest area.

King arhat was the most seriously injured. His eyes were covered with blood. In his scarlet eyes, there was a flash of fierce hatred and murder from time to time.

"Don't do it"

seeing this, LV Chan screamed and prepared to rush over.


Suddenly, Shen Murong reaches out his hand and holds her.

"You let me go, you let me go!"

LV Chan struggles and shouts.

However, the strength gap is too big, she can't break free at all.

Hey, hey

Shen Murong said with a smile: "little beauty, your grandfather is dead!"

"But don't worry, you'll be able to survive for a while."

"I'll kill you when I'm good enough!"


LU Hong saw this scene, eyes canthus to crack, eyes, face, full of unwilling.

Shen Murong wants to kill him!

Unfortunately, he was imprisoned and couldn't move at all.

"What's your name, old man?"

Shen Murong's face is full of killing air way: "Darling become useless person!"

"When I finish playing with your granddaughter, I will send you two to hell together!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The air is exploding and the arena is shaking.

Xue Meng's fist, glowing with terrible power and energy, blasted at LV Hong's abdomen.

To be exact, it's the Dantian of LU Hong!

LU Hong used to be a six-star master. He had strong strength and strong elixir field in his body. He had to use stronger strength to smash it.


Suddenly, a cold cry rang out.


A flash of white sword light came from the horizon, as if splitting the barrier of time and space.

Poof ~

suddenly, a bunch of blood splashed out.

A broken arm, flying out, drew a beautiful arc, fell on the ground more than ten meters away.

Ah ~

Xue Meng covered his broken arm and screamed bitterly.


Seeing this scene, Shen Murong's eyes shrank and his face changed greatly.

He looked around warily and yelled, "who is it? Get out of here


The air broke.

A figure suddenly appeared on the challenge arena.

It's Jiang Hao!

"It's you?"

When enemies meet, they are very jealous.

As soon as Shen Murong saw Jiang Hao, his eyes were red with blood. He burst out a strong sense of killing and roared: "little bastard, you're here at last!"

Jiang Hao glanced at him as if he had glanced at the ants on the ground. Then he looked back at LV Hong and said, "are you OK, old LV?"

"No It's OK. " LU Hong was stunned.

Immediately, he was still a little confused, not fully awake.

"I'm sorry."

Jiang Hao said apologetically, "I'm a little delayed. I almost hurt you."

"Jiang Elder JiangHao, save Xiaochan, save Xiaochan Suddenly, Lu Hongda cheered.


Jiang Hao nodded.

"Come here!"

He opened his hand and inhaled.

Suddenly, LV Chan flew over without any obstacles.LU Hong was very excited. He rushed up and grabbed LV Chan's arm. He looked up and down, left and right, and said, "Xiao Chan, are you hurt?"

"Grandfather, I'm fine." Lu Chan shook her head.

"If it's all right, if it's all right!"

LU Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Old Lu, what's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

LU Hong took a look at Xue Meng and said, "elder Jiang Hao, I..."

"Kill him!"

Suddenly, Shen Murong pointed to Jiang Hao with scarlet eyes and ordered, "master, kill him immediately!"

"As long as you kill him, I'll give you 10 billion!"

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke and waved his hand.

All of a sudden, a strong spirit spurted out and sealed Shen Murong's mouth, making him speechless.

The next second, he looked at Xue Meng, frowned, and his face was a little cold.

"You again?"

"Jiang Master Jiang. " Xue Meng covered his face, his face convulsed, and he was in pain.

Jiang Hao looked at him coldly and asked, "why did you also attend the martial arts conference?"

Xue Meng did not dare to lie. He pointed to Shen Murong and replied, "he Spent 500 million, hired me, let me help him fight, won the championship of martial arts assembly


When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he gave a cold hum and said, "what a big tone!"

"With me, did you win the championship?"

"Win I can't win. "

Xue Meng trembled, lowered his head and said humbly, "good morning I knew that master Jiang also attended the martial arts conference. I I will never agree with him

Jiang Hao glanced around and said coldly, "what are these conditions?"


Xue Meng's words stopped.

"Old Lu, you say."

Jiang Hao looks at LV Hong.


LU Hong did not dare to neglect, but quickly told the whole story.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao eyes cold, staring at Xue Meng, cold drink: "you big courage!"

"Last time I was in the maple leaf forest, I thought you were kind. I let you go."

"I didn't expect that you didn't know how to repent. On the contrary, you intensified your efforts. For the sake of worldly money, you killed innocent people indiscriminately."

"Well, I can't spare you today!"


All of a sudden, Xue Meng got short and knelt down on the ground. He was afraid and said, "please learn from master Jiang. I remember the rules and prohibitions of Wudao League. I didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"I didn't kill these people."

"Elder Jiang Hao, he didn't lie."

Suddenly, LU Hong said, "these people are not killed by him, but by Shen Murong!"

"Shen Murong?"

Jiang Hao turns his head and looks at Shen Murong.

Suddenly, he frowned.

"Who are you? I seem to have seen you

Pooh! Shen Murong spat a mouthful of saliva and said: "JiangHao little bastard, you killed my lang'er in the black rose club. I'll die with you!"

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