"Black rose club?"

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "I remember what Shen family you are

"How dare you

"Last time I begged for you, I spared your life. Unexpectedly, you didn't repent and killed innocent people indiscriminately!"

"Damn you!"

Shen Murong roared: "JiangHao little bastard, you are the damned one!"

So he looked at Xue Meng and ordered, "master, kill him, kill him immediately!"

"As long as you kill him, I'll give you 10 billion. No, I'll give you the whole Shen family. Kill him quickly!"


Jiang Hao hummed coldly: "it's too hard to kill. You can't stay!"


As soon as he raised his hand, he chopped it with a sword finger.


All of a sudden, Shen Murong's body, from the center of his eyebrows to the bridge of his nose, from his navel to his crotch, splits into two parts, falls to the ground and scatters his internal organs.

In a flash, he was dead, not even a scream.

"As for you..."

Next second, Jiang Hao looks at Xue Meng.

All of a sudden, Xue Meng fell on his knees, shivering and pleading for mercy: "master Jiang, please forgive me, please spare my life, I can't die!"

"Shut up

Jiang Hao scolded: "for the sake of you not violating the ban of wudaomeng, I won't kill you!"

"But next time, I will abolish your cultivation!"

"Yes, yes." Xue Meng said repeatedly.

Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "remember, I don't care how much money you are short of, but if you dare to do anything wrong for money, I will waste your cultivation!"

"No, no!" Xue Menglian is busy.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao waved and gave a cold rebuke.


Xue Meng immediately stood up and reached for the broken arm on the ground not far away.

Then he flew away like a runaway.

Jiang Hao glanced at him, then drew back his eyes, looked at LV Hong and asked, "Mr. LV, how is the martial arts meeting going? Is it over? "


LU Hong was stunned for a moment and said: "should I don't think it's over yet. "

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao slightly a joy, way: "fortunately, did not miss the martial arts conference."

He said faintly: "this time's martial arts conference, which people have participated, ask them to fight together, one by one, it's too troublesome and a waste of time."


LU Hong was stunned again.

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "old LV, what's the matter?"

"Are all the people who participate in the martial arts conference very powerful? I can't beat all of them alone?"

"No No, "he said

LU Hong raised his hand, pointed to the bottom and said, "they are the people who participated in the martial arts conference, but now, they can't stand up, they can't move at all."


Jiang Hao frowned deeply and said, "what can I do? Who is the champion of martial arts

"Well, let me ask."

So LU Hong glanced at the king of Luohan, the master of Yu's family and the master of Pan's family, and asked, "ladies and gentlemen, this is a member of our Wudao League branch who participated in the Wudao conference."

"He is one of the major law enforcement elders in the Wudao League, and a bronze medal elder appointed by him."

"Just now, he said a few words and drank back Xue Meng."

"So, I think elder Jiang Hao is the champion of this martial arts conference. Do you have any opinions?"

"No! No! "

All of a sudden, the king of Luohan, the master of Yu's family and the master of Pan's family shook their heads.

You're kidding!

Xue Meng, who is in a terrible mess, is just like a mouse meeting a cat when he meets Jiang Hao. He is so scared that he shivers and kneels down to beg for mercy.

Obviously, he is more powerful than Xue Meng!

And it's a lot more powerful.

This kind of great master, don't say they are injured all over, even in the peak period, they can't beat him.

He deserves to be the champion!


LV Honglang said in a voice: "now, I declare that the 35th martial arts conference is officially over. The champion of this martial arts conference is Jiang Hao

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Suddenly, under the challenge arena, there was a round of applause.

"All right."

LU Hong pressed his hand and said, "King Luohan, Master Yu and master pan, we will gather in the valley of the dead at noon tomorrow. Don't forget the time."


"I see."

"I remember, Mr. LV, I'll leave first!"

"I'll leave, too!"

The king of Luohan, the master of Yu family, the master of Pan family, and others all handed in their way.Immediately, with the help of the people, they limped away.

They are all seriously injured and need to find a quiet place to recuperate and stabilize their injuries.

Then, use the spirit liquid energy pool of the valley of the dead to heal the injury and restore cultivation.

"Elder Jiang Hao, let's go, too." LU Hong suggested.


Jiang Hao nodded.

Soon, he left Longteng mountain.

In half an hour.

Jiang Hao returned to the villa.

He didn't waste his time. He talked with Han Lulu on the phone for a quarter of an hour and began to practice.

The road of martial arts is boring and long. If you want to go further and become stronger, you must persevere and practice unremittingly.

Three days of fishing, two days of net drying, difficult to achieve great success!

In an hour.


Abruptly, Jiang Hao opened his eyes, his eyes shot out two rays, his brows wrinkled and he whispered: "there is a strong breath coming near."

"Why? The smell It's Xue Meng. "

"What did he come for?"


The next second, he turned over and got out of the villa and went straight to the Swan Lake in the center of the villa.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Hao looked at Xue Meng coldly and said, "do you really think I won't kill you?"


Suddenly, Xue Meng bent his knee and knelt down in front of Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao is tiny a Leng, way: "what are you doing?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xue Meng kowtowed and prayed: "please help me, master Jiang!"

"Help? Save what life? "

Jiang Hao is at a loss.

Xue Meng is very good. He has a long breath and is very fierce. Even his arm, which was cut off by him soon, has been connected. He is almost unhurt. What kind of life can he save.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He continued to kowtow and begged, "please save my daughter, master Jiang!"

"What happened to your daughter?" Jiang Hao asked.

Xue Meng explained: "a month ago, I took my daughter to travel around. "

" suddenly, one night, a group of masked people rushed into our hotel and robbed my daughter. "

"I've been looking around, and I've been to almost every city and county in the southern provinces of the Yangtze River."

"Finally, ten days ago, I found my daughter's whereabouts!"

"She was locked up in the ghost city of Jianghai city."

"After I found the clue, I sneaked into the ghost city to rescue my daughter, but..."

Suddenly, Xue Meng slapped himself in the face and swore, "but I'm too useless to beat those people." "Besides, not only did he not save his daughter, he was almost caught."

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