Xue Meng clenched his fist and said in a deep voice: "later, I didn't dare to mess around. I kept hiding my identity and asking around."

"Five days ago, the gang who robbed my daughter suddenly announced that my daughter would be auctioned in five days, that is, tonight, and the one with the highest price would win!"

"That's why, in recent days, for the sake of money, I've abandoned the dignity and pride of a warrior, and I'm willing to be a thug for a rich man."

"I'm just a casual practitioner. I have no money. I can only make money in this way."

"But now, I don't make a cent."

"In fact, I know that even if I have money, I can't buy my daughter back. I can only rob her."

"But I can't succeed alone."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, he kowtowed again and again, praying: "so, master Jiang, I beg you, please, save my daughter."

"As long as you save my daughter, I am willing to be your slave. In my life, I will always listen to you and help you. I will never betray you."

"Get up first." Jiang Hao light way.

With a wave of his hand, he spurted out a stream of strength and lifted Xue Meng up.

"First of all, what is ghost city?" Jiang Hao asked.

Xue Meng quickly replied: "ghost market is the market of martial arts. It's similar to antique street. It's a mix of good and bad, but it's very popular with martial arts, especially in sanxiu."

"Because every month, the ghost city will hold an auction to auction all kinds of cultivation resources."

"Even, sometimes, auction magic tools."

Xue mengdun for a moment, continued: "tonight, is the day of the ghost market auction this month, my daughter, will be in the auction, auction."

"Take living people as objects for auction, doesn't wudaomeng care?" Jiang Hao frowned.

"No way!"

Xue shook his head and said, "every ghost city, especially in a prosperous city, has a very muddy and complicated water. Even the wudaomeng can't manage it."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Hao asked again.

"Who are the men who took your daughter? And why did they take your daughter? "


Xue Meng's desire for words stopped, and he didn't seem to want to say it.

Jiang Hao's face was cold, and he said, "since you don't want to say it, forget it. You can go away quickly."

"I can't save your daughter!"

You're kidding!

Xue Meng's words should be true, but they must have concealed a lot of things.

At least, the gang who robbed his daughter is absolutely extraordinary. They can't even beat him. It can be seen that the force is very strong.

Since Xue Meng asks him to save people, he can't even tell the origin of the gang and why he robbed his daughter. Why should Jiang Hao take the risk to help him?

"I said, I said."

Seeing this, Xue Meng said in a hurry: "after my investigation, that group of people is a force called seven star gate."

"As for the origin of the seven star gate, I checked, but I couldn't find it at all."


Jiang Hao frowned.

It sounds like the seven star gate is quite mysterious.

"Go on."

Jiang Hao said coldly: "seven star gate people, why robbed your daughter."


Xue Meng hesitated for a moment and said, "because my daughter is an ancient body!"


Jiang Hao hears speech, Mou Guang a coagulate, surprised.

In the ancient times, when the spirit was strong and the land was full of immortals, the body of the wilderness was very famous. It was known as one of the ten most powerful constitutions in the world.

The body of antiquity.

As the name suggests, it is the constitution of the ancient times.

This is a unique and powerful constitution. Every ancient body is called a blood atavist. As long as it doesn't die early, once it grows up, it is almost invincible.

Up to now, among some ancient and powerful forces, the remnant volumes of ancient books have recorded the horror of the barren ancient style in huachongmo.

Even, detailed records of a few ancient body, brilliant and invincible.

It can be said that in the ancient times with rich aura, the body of desolate antiquity represented invincibility.

However, with the rarity of aura, the civilization of cultivating immortals gradually declined and even disappeared, and the invincible ancient body also became a chicken rib.

In the past thousand years, a total of twenty or thirty ancient bodies have been born, but none of them has achieved much.

Even though they are all rubbish, they can't practice martial arts and can only be ordinary people.

As a result, the legend of the body of desolation and antiquity has declined and disappeared.

Three hundred years ago, a madman who made everyone turn pale at that time, and a conceit who made all geniuses depressed and desperate, were born.

Few people know the real name of this person, but everyone only knows his name Ancient king!It's his own name.

Moral King of the ancients!

The ancient king's natural talent contains both ancient and modern.

After ten years of exploration, exploration and experiment, he finally discovered the value and strength of the ancient style, which made the ancient style famous and shocked the world of martial arts and Taoism.

He invented a method, a method of using the ancient body!

That is The blood of the ancient body was extracted and purified repeatedly. Finally, through his special materials and formula, the ancient elixir was refined.

If you take Huanggu pill, you can not only purify your blood and internal strength, but also strengthen your muscles and build the most solid foundation.

The most important thing is

Wasteful ancient elixir can help the warrior to improve the probability of breaking through the big realm.

For example, if a warrior is promoted from bright strength to dark strength, or from dark strength to vigorous strength, there is only 30% chance.

If you take a piece of ancient pill, you can increase your grasp by 30%.

Therefore, huanggudan is in short supply and can only be enjoyed by a small number of key figures of big forces.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that every ancient body will become the most popular item after it appears, and all major forces will fight for it.

"Are you sure your daughter is the body of antiquity?" Jiang Hao asked.


Xue Meng nodded heavily.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice: "in the last hundred years, the ancient style has become more and more rare. After the appearance of each ancient style, the major forces will seize it."

"With my strength, I can't save your daughter at all."

"If you take part in the snatch rashly, you will die."

"I can't help you. You go."

The news of the desolation of the past must have spread all over the country, and all the major forces will send out the top strong to participate in the looting.

Those people, at least, are eight star masters.

Even nine star master.

Jiang Hao knows himself well.

He couldn't take it. Maybe he would lose his life.

For a stranger, risking his life to help.

He would not do such a thing.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Suddenly, Xue Meng yelled: "master Jiang, there is something wrong with you." "What's the matter?" Jiang Hao frowned and said.

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