Zhang Sanfang looked at Qin Xiu somewhat in surprise.

"You don't seem to be surprised by my appearance at all!!"

"Otherwise? How clever do you think your disguise is?"

Qin Xiu sneered, didn't continue to argue with him, and turned to look at another man in the full-body machine.

The mecha man gave him a dangerous feeling.

The man in the mecha smiled ferociously, revealing a mouthful of white steel teeth.

"How is it! Lord Black Dragon God! Do you still remember my face!!"

Taking a closer look, Qin Xiu was startled.

The man in the mecha in front of him was actually Baidi who was cut into a stick by him.

His body has been completely transformed into a receiver.

But this face is indeed Baidi's face, but there are many cracks on the face.

Even the smile became very mechanical.

Now it looks more like a robot.

Qin Xiu's [Eye of True Sight] swept quickly, and the information of the mech man was displayed.

【Mecha White Emperor】

Affiliation: Lighthouse Nation

Level: Level 999

Age: 50 years old

Physique: 150 million

Power: 130 million

Agility: 110 million

Spirit: 100 million

Nima!!!957 this attribute!!!

All of them have exceeded 100 million!!

And this level! Why is it suddenly full level??!!

When we dealt with him outside the wormhole, he was just a gangster in the middle of rank nine!

Qin Xiu's whole body tensed up.

He tentatively asked: "You are.........Baidi??!!"

Mecha White Emperor gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to vent his endless hatred.

"Thank you for remembering me!!"

"Thanks to you! I have become what I am now! But it is also thanks to you! I have gained the power I have longed for all my life! Now I will use this power to repay you well!!

Qin Xiu's Staff of the Origin of Destroyer is already in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

However, Mecha White Emperor and Zhang Sanfang did not attack in a hurry.

They still held two hostages in their hands, and they had nothing to fear.

Qin Xiu didn't act hastily either, and he didn't dare to make fun of the hostage's life.

Elder Bai Ji and Bai Ruxue were held in the hands of the mecha Baidi, and fell into a coma.

The two of them were entwined by a strange chain, and there was a strong mental fluctuation on the chain, which seemed to be concretized with skills (cbc).

The disappearance of the induction that the Great Elder said should be shielded by this spiritual chain.

Qin Xiu suppressed his emotional fluctuations, looked at Mecha Baidi and Zhang Sanfang expressionlessly, trying not to reveal his true intentions.

"Are you sure you want to fight me with two oil bottles?"

"Or, are you sure that you can subdue me alone?!"

Zhang Sanfang smiled.

"Thanks for your reminder."

"In that case, I'll give you one!"

As he spoke, he threw Bai Ji over.

"Look! Now you have a mop bottle too! None of us suffer!"

Qin Xiu caught Bai Ji, checked quickly, and found that Bai Ji was not injured, but was stunned by strong mental power.

It has to be said that Bai Ji at this time is more beautiful than usual with a frosty face.

The chains locked her whole body, and at the same time showed her figure vividly.

The waist that can be grasped gracefully, the curve that is protruding forward and backward, and the delicate red lips that are dripping.

It made Qin Xiu feel his head bursting after seeing it.

Calm down, now is not the time to think about this!

Qin Xiu shook his head vigorously to stabilize his mind.

He quietly injected a bunch of spiritual power into Bai Ji's body.

Bai Ji's eyelids moved slightly, as if she was waking up.

Qin Xiu laughed, "Thank you, General Zhang, for sending us a great helper!!"

However, before he finished speaking, his smile froze on his face.

"What chain is this?!!"

Qin Xiu found that the chains that bound Bai Ji seemed to have life.

When he tried hard to break the chain, the chain would tightly strangle Bai Ji and transfer all his strength to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji, who just woke up, was strangled by this force, her brows were tightly frowned, and she couldn't help moaning softly.

Qin Xiu had no choice but to stop.

His [Eye of True Sight] swept across the chain, and finally understood why.

【Spiritual chain】

Quality: colorful myth

Explanation: Indestructible, the power can be transferred after receiving force, and cannot be destroyed by brute force; after dripping blood, the owner can be recognized, and the chain can be freely activated with spiritual power; the chain can be charged with spiritual power to make the chain stronger.

Zhang Sanfang and Jijia Baidi looked at Qin Xiubai busy with their faces proudly.

It seemed that Qin Xiu had long been expected to be trapped by this chain.

"The quality of this chain is not bad!! Do you want to give you one?"

Qin Xiu snorted coldly, injecting a strong spiritual force into the chain.

"Whether the quality is good or not, let me test it out!"

Since brute force is not enough, use spiritual power to destroy it!

A series of golden arcs continued to swim on the chain, and the chain began to show signs of loosening.

In one go, Qin Xiu released his mental power to the maximum extent.

The chains came off Bai Ji's body little by little.

Finally, the entire chain fell to the ground, completely losing its luster as if dead.

The limp Bai Ji collapsed into Qin Xiu's arms.

"Miss Bai! Wake up!! Now is not the time to sleep!"

Qin Xiu supported Bai Ji's shoulders, and the light of healing slowly shone on her face.

Bai Ji's feeling of weakness finally receded slowly, and her eyes opened little by little.

When Qin Xiu was treating Bai Ji, the chain that fell under his feet suddenly moved.

Winding upwards with lightning speed, Qin Xiu and Bai Ji were firmly trapped together.

"I rely on!!!"

Qin Xiu couldn't help but swear.

Now people can't be rescued, and even themselves are involved.

He and Bai Ji were tightly tied together face to face, and they could feel each other's body temperature when they were so close.

The faces of the two of them were already close to touching each other.

Bai Ji's light breath hit Qin Xiu's face, causing his body to tremble.

Qin Xiu finally looked away, and cursed at Zhang Sanfang.

"I can't tell, Zhang Sanfang, you're actually an old cunt! Wouldn't it be nice to have a serious fight!"

Zhang Sanfang chuckled, "It's just each other, no matter how bad you are, you can't compare to the Black Dragon God!"

"You have wiped out so many countries without anyone noticing, but I am willing to bow down!"

Just when Qin Xiu and Zhang Sanfang were chatting happily, Bai Ji finally woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he found a man stuck to his face so close!

"Qin Xiu?? What are you doing!!".

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