This distance is too close.

Bai Ji could even feel the firm muscles and scorching body temperature of this man.

How can a girl who has not been out of the court stand this kind of stimulation.

Bai Ji blushed, and tried hard to push Qin Xiu away, but found that she and Qin Xiu were tightly bound together.

Qin Xiu pouted innocently, "I'm here to save you..."

Bai Ji suddenly lost her temper.

"Do you look like you are here to save me? Get out of here!!!"

As he spoke, he bit Qin Xiu's shoulder.

"Hey!! It hurts!! It hurts!!"

Qin Xiu bared his teeth and shouted ~.

In an instant, two rows of neat imprints appeared on the shoulders.

A few days ago when I was fighting with this woman, I didn't get hurt at all, but I didn't expect to be broken-defended now.

Qin Xiu groaned in his heart.

"Grandma, can we flirt later?"

"Didn't you notice that there are still people watching?"

Bai Ji gave him a hard look, even though she was flirting with you! You are an apprentice!

When she turned her head to look, she realized that the two people were looking at them gloatingly.

His father was still being carried by his cousin, looking dying.

It was only then that Bai Ji remembered that she was still in a dangerous situation, and the circles of her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Baidi! Let go of my father!!"

"The Bai family has raised you for many years, how could you do such a thing of revenge!!"

Hearing Bai Ji's painful complaint, Mecha White Emperor's expression turned cold little by little.

"Shut up!! What do you know!!??"

"For so many years, your father never told me the whereabouts of my parents! He even lied to me that my parents are all soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It wasn't until I became Rank Nine that I finally found out!! I am not from your Dragon Country at all!"

"My father! He is General Sakura Country!!"

"You hateful Dragon Kingdom people! Killed my father! You actually made me treat a thief as my father!!"

"If Big Brother hadn't found me and told me everything, I'm afraid I'd be kept in the dark by you for the rest of my life!!

Bai Ji looked at this cousin who had been loved by her since childhood with teary eyes, and couldn't believe that what he said was true.

"Baidi! What they said is not true!! I know you are all deceived!"

"We are your family, how could we harm you!!"

"Okay!" Zhang Sanfang interrupted Bai Ji.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with her, our revenge has just begun!"

"Let this woman be the sharpening stone for our revenge! We will make the Dragon Kingdom pay for it with blood!"

"Go, kill this woman! Get rid of your last demon!!"

Mecha White Emperor hesitated.

He looked at Bai Ji, who was full of tears, and he really couldn't control the time.

After all, this woman really takes good care of herself.

"What are you waiting for!! Have you forgotten our dead parents!!"

Zhang Sanfang continued to put pressure on Baidi.

Qin Xiu listened to their conversation with great interest, and just moved a small bench to sit down and eat melon seeds.

So far, almost all the speculation can be on the number.

This Zhang Sanfang is indeed not from Longguo.

It's just that they didn't expect that even this Baidi was actually from the Sakura Kingdom.

"Wait a minute! I have a question!"

Qin Xiu suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"I listened for a long time, and finally understood! So you and Baidi are both from the Sakura Kingdom! And you are Baidi's big brother?"

Zhang Sanfang smiled strangely with a face full of success.

Didn’t expect it! Qin Xiu!’

"It's been 50 years since I sneaked into your Dragon Kingdom, and those trash in your Dragon Kingdom have always regarded me as one of their own!"

"Everything was going according to our plan, but it turned out to be all your fault! Let the Sakura Kingdom be destroyed by the tsunami!"

"Qin Xiu, you devil! Almost ruined our century-old plan!!"

"But it doesn't matter now! The Sakura Kingdom is destroyed, we can rebuild it!"

"Even the Dragon Kingdom will become our territory! Just watch how I can nibble away the Dragon Kingdom little by little!"

"Oh? It's up to you?" Qin Xiu raised his eyebrows contemptuously, as if mocking.

"Then you're talking about how you plan to turn the Dragon Country into your Cherry Blossom Country's territory?"

Zhang Sanfang's eyes were extremely confident, he was sure that Qin Xiu would not be able to escape here even if he died.

"It's okay to tell you!"

"The biggest hole card of your Dragon Kingdom is nothing but the Seven Star Formation!"

"Now that a corner of the seven-star formation has been controlled by me, it will be difficult to activate the formation!"

"Wait until I reveal all the things about you destroying the country everywhere! Guess how those masters who have been destroyed by you will react?"

"When the enemy of the Dragon Kingdom is approaching, the seven-star formation cannot be launched, and you, the strongest combat power, will be completely missing. You say, if I come forward to help the Dragon Kingdom to rescue, how will the Dragon Kingdom thank me?"

"Hahahaha!! As long as I sit on the position of the Great Elder of the Dragon Kingdom, I will have the final say on the future Dragon Kingdom!"

"I want to turn Dragon Kingdom into another Sakura Kingdom!!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Sanfang himself was a little excited to the point of madness.

Qin Xiu frowned, "Since when did you find out that these countries were destroyed by me?"

"When did you ask me?" Zhang Sanfang looked at Qin Xiu like an idiot.

"You guys are chatting and doing business in the Long Group all day! It seems that you don't regard me as an outsider at all!"

"The forbidden curse you bought from Wan Sicong in the group appeared on the territory of the Three Kingdoms in less than half a day!"

"Did you forget that I have always been in the group?"

"Since then, I have been secretly investigating all your actions!"

"Jimmy Buff of the lighthouse country that was hunted down by you to a desperate situation, I saved it!"

"And John Jess of Sunset Empire, I also saved it!"

"Didn't expect it, Qin Xiu, you too will be counted one day!"

"Ah...this..." Qin Xiu turned into petrification.

He really didn't expect this, because the dragon group is full of high-level officials from the Dragon Kingdom, so he didn't think there was any need to guard against each other.

Besides, except for a few of their acquaintances, no one else spoke, which made Qin Xiu self-righteously forget everyone else.

Unexpectedly, the others were all diving veterans.

Damn, miscalculation.

Now, I can't hide it even if I want to hide it.

Qin Xiu sighed and took the opportunity to bury his head on Baiji's shoulder.

"It's over, it's over, this time it's really going to fall!"

"Miss Bai, I'm afraid I can't save you. We are really going to die together."

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