Three hours have passed since the start of the team challenge.

At this moment, the score of the two sides has been equal! Comparable!

And in the personal standings, Lin Yun's points alone are as high as 1170, which is a great ride!

9527 Newbie Village chat channel.

"Almost a thousand and two, brothers! How could this man be like this! What! Cattle! "

Lie in the groove, draw the score with your own strength, big guy, you take the little brother with me, ah~!"

"Hahahahaha, let those grandchildren be arrogant, and when the challenge is over, they will know what it is to eat their own fruits!"

"That is, you dare to be the first to challenge the team, this is called lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot hahahaha!!"

Everyone in the chat channel has a full sense of tacit understanding, and as soon as the score is tied, the chat channel is simply Lin Yun's singing field!

Finally, the points were tied, and with a fierce breath, everyone switched to the United Channel.

United Channel -

"The big guy is really awesome! Such a big score, this is leveled?

"Hahaha, the other side is estimated to be even more confused than you! See if they dare to brag again!

"Heck, everyone on the losing side will be deducted 100 attribute points. Rest assured, adhering to the international spirit, I will pray to you well at the moment of ascension, hahaha.

"It's just a tie, there are still three hours, we will definitely win!"

"Oh~! What a knife slashed the ass - opened the eyes, how can you say this with such confidence in the fact of such a big gap?

"Ah, disgusting Dragon Countryman! I curse you for never eating kimchi again in your life!

"Oh roar! I'm so afraid of it~" "

The other side really won't scold people, it's better to pay a tuition fee and let grandpa teach you, hahahaha!"

"Ya West! It's finally here, wait for death on the other side!

"What about a tie, let's wait for our counterattack!"

"You will definitely be defeated by our great president!"

"That's right, there are still three hours, the abominable Dragon Country, wait for death!"

"Hahaha, let you be arrogant again! Our president has risen to level 7! Victory must be ours! "

9527 Newbie Village Chat Channel.

"Lying groove, those grandsons really came out of a level 7! What to do, we won't be pressed down again. "

What's the panic, can't you see the speed of Lin Yun's monster brushing?"

"I really don't blame me for panicking, there are so many attribute points to upgrade the seventh level, maybe what can I do if that Jin Canlie's combat power is high, and the speed of brushing monsters exceeds Lin Yun's boss?"

"Without further ado, I will always believe Lin Yun's big guy, the group of grandchildren on the United Channel are still barking dogs!" Brothers to the line. "

Even if there is a little apprehension in my heart. But! In the United Channel, that must not be seen by the other side!

"Hehe, how, your little president will be upgraded, won't we Lin Yun boss? Do you want to calculate how much experience Lin Yun will have if he beheaded this more level 5 ferocious beast!

"Ya Xi! Abominable Dragon Countryman! Learn the essence! "

Hehe, who learns whom, it's clear that it's our Lin Yun boss who brushed the fifth-level monster at the beginning, okay?"

In the noise of everyone, time passed quickly.

In 5 minutes, the scolding battle continued, Jin Canyeol had already killed a level 5 monster, Lin Yun did not move, and the 9527 novice village did not panic at all.

In 10 minutes, the scolding battle still did not stop, the area score had exceeded 150, Lin Yun still did not move, and the 9527 Novice Village was still not panicked.

In 15 minutes, the point gap was still widening, Lin Yun still did not move, and the 9527 newbie village chat channel began to waver a little.

20 minutes, the gap has reached 330! Everyone began to call Lin Yun anxiously.

30 minutes, just half an hour, the gap is back to 500! 9527 The confidence weakened, and the other party even kicked his nose on his face!

"Miane, I'm really sorry to overtake you and kill you!"

"Oh~, it's all to blame that our elders are so powerful."

"What about your Lin Yun? Isn't it claimed to be more powerful than our elders? Why is it gone? "

Being ridiculed and not talking back is simply not the style of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but now Lin Yun's situation is indeed very anxious!

9527 Newbie Village Chat Channel -

"Muggle, watch Laozi is hot, who knows what Lin Yun is doing, there is no news for half an hour!"

"Oh, the little sister is so afraid in her heart, Lin Yun will not be in any danger."

"The gap in half an hour is five hundred, and after the opposite side is upgraded to level 7, the gap speed of this point is simply doubled!"

"I'm bored, where is Lin Yun, why does it give people hope and despair!"

"Here it is again! Shut up if you can't speak, okay!

"I'm not wrong, from the moment he appeared, my mood was like a roller coaster, die and let me suffer so much!"

"I advise you, in this world, if you still have this mentality, you are destined to not go far! Team battle, not a team battle of a single person, just want to rely on others, you will die a miserable death! At the same time, if you lash out and denigrate a strong person like this, don't you feel cold air in your back? Li Jie.

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