It seems to be a moment, and it seems to be a long time.

Still in front of the giant tree, Lin Yun opened his eyes, and those eyes were full of surprise.

Time mysteries!

He never expected that he would get a trace of time here.

This trace of time mysteries was so sudden, so sloppy, that until now, he couldn't believe it.

At this moment, the voice of the Heavenly Dao sounded.

[Hint: The meaning of time, each novice village has its own thread, within the seven-day protection period, it will appear randomly at any time, and each novice village will definitely have an advent to get. ] 【Hint

: The power of time is magical, and the power of time is mysterious. When you have mastered the meaning of time to a certain point, you will awaken the talent of time. 】

【Hint: Advents who have the mysteries of time will be sensed the moment they see each other, and killing the other party in the arena or the real world can get the other party's time mysteries.】 】

【Hint: Advent who possesses the time mysteries is killed by other advents in the real world, and the time mysteries will be obtained by the other party until the awakening of the time talent.】 【Hint

: Between members of the same force, it can be transferred.】 Every

novice village must have someone who gets this trace of time mystery, and the time mystery of 9527 village happened to be obtained by me.

Is this the benefit of being handsome?

Lin Yun touched the back of his head, thinking very narcissistically.

However, this person who has the meaning of time can sense the other party's time mystery as long as he touches it.

Without thinking about it, you know that the struggle around this time mystery will inevitably be very cruel.

No one can refuse the magical power of time!

Lin Yun thought he couldn't!

From the very beginning of the team challenge, the cruelty of Heaven's Dao was first visible.

The original beast tide and rankings only encouraged humans to improve themselves.

As soon as the arena opened, and now the mysteries of time have become a confrontation between human beings!

It's like a selection tournament, Heavenly Dao is constantly pushing mankind forward, and then, in the process, competing for the strongest!

Lin Yun took a deep breath and shook his head to stop thinking about this.

Open the Federation channel.

When you see the top of the channel, it shows that the challenge is over, and there are 2 hours and 26 minutes left! And the point difference between the two sides is back to five hundred points!

Lin Yun was suddenly shocked!

"What! It's been half an hour? Has Jin Canyeol been upgraded to level 7?

That is to say, in his senses, it was only for a moment, in fact, half an hour had passed!

And in half an hour, Jin Canlie rose to level 7, once again opening the gap with the 9527 Novice Village!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yun directly closed the chat channel and quickly rushed towards the level 6 monster area!

Fortunately, this slope was not far from the sixth-level area, and he advanced with all his strength, but Lin Yun had already arrived in five minutes.

With two hours and 20 minutes left before the end of the team challenge, Lin Yun officially began his monster brushing journey!

White-striped demon leopard! Lightning Deal! Points start beating again!

Two level 6 ferocious beasts! Points climb to 1,605!

The villagers naturally discovered this situation, and while killing monsters, they also ignited hope!

Another ten minutes, two hours before the end of the team challenge, at this time, Lin Yun's points were already approaching the two thousand mark!

And the score between the two novice villages is about to be leveled!

"It's going to be flat, I'm going to be flat!"

"Lin Yun really has strength, I only hope that he won't disappear again!"

"Yes, yes, don't be happy again!"

One hour and thirty minutes, looking at the five hundred points that far exceeded the other side.

No one doubted whether Lin Yun could lead them to victory in the end. Such a strong strength has already made the villagers worship!

United Channel -

"Lin Yun big guy, eternal god!"

"Be dumbfounded, take advantage of the big guy not daring to pull us five hundred points, as soon as the big guy Lin Yun comes back, he will equalize the score in half an hour, and then pull you five hundred in half an hour!" Hahaha.

"Hahaha, if our big guy doesn't make a move, he will kill you as soon as he makes a move!"

"Groove, that's also so cool! I love to watch the famous scene of Lin Yun's boss hitting his face every time. "There's

still an hour and a half to go, let's see what you guys take to turn over!"

"Won the win, won hahaha, a hundred attribute points!"

"Hehe, you're crazy, why don't you talk, huh?"

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