Turning around again and looking at this barrier, Lin Yun sighed lightly.

Breaking the shuttle is undoubtedly a hole card for him.

When the space cultivator has the void shuttle, its lethality will also increase geometrically.

Hole cards, after leaking out, are not hole cards.

Because when your enemies know your hole cards and then do something to you, they will take these factors into account.

Breaking the seal of the teleportation temple happened in an instant, and it may not cause the other party to be alert.

And this time, on this deep barrier, a passage was carved out of life, and it took three seconds before and after, if the other party did not notice it again, it was a big joke in the world.

There is no perfect thing in the world, even if the plan is perfect, it is difficult to achieve the ultimate in execution.

Variables, which no one wants to see, but happen often.

In these three seconds, he naturally wanted to see who was controlling the Great Array of Changshan County.

However, the other party hides too well.

Although the squeezing force from the formation was increasing, he did not find that person from beginning to end.

Short gaze.

Lin Yun withdrew his gaze.

It was just a hundred meters deep into the inner space, and although the space storm and the law of chaos here were much stronger than those brought by the edge, they did not pose much threat to Lin Yun.

However, it is still unrealistic to want to use one click to return to the city here.

Shuttling through space, soon, Lin Yun left the scope of Changshan County City and came to the edge of space again, and then, Lin Yun decisively started to return to the city with one click.


Changshan Gunjo.

When the Great Array of Guardians was activated, the old man of the late Heaven Realm who teleported the temple across regions, a touch of interest appeared in his deep eyes.

However, this light only lasted for a moment and ceased to exist.

In the sharp contraction of the pupils, the old man's gaze very vaguely swept over a certain area outside the core area, and then, the aura belonging to the late stage of the Heaven Realm was opened, and those eyes swept between heaven and earth, as if to wait for Lin Yun to appear and give Lin Yun a thunderous blow.


At the same time.

It was built in Moyuan Town, a small mansion on Mount Moyuan.

Gu Changfeng's brows frowned slightly, and then returned to normal.

"Xiao Jiu, why do you want to do this? In less than two days, how much have you been hiding from me? Who is that person? Do you have some handle to grab in that person's hands? Gu Changfeng looked at Gu Zixuan and asked lightly.

When Gu Changfeng's words sounded, the kind smile on Gu Zixuan's face disappeared.

Like Gu Changfeng, Gu Zixuan's complexion was also calm.

And in the previous second, it was still a scene of father and son filial piety

, and when Gu Changfeng's voice fell, Gu Zixuan said in a flat voice: "Because, I am the son of Ye Xiao." Hearing

this, Gu Changfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and in the depths of those eyes, a complex light flashed.

"You want to kill me?" Gu Changfeng said lightly.

"Just like you killed my mother, kill me, otherwise, one day, I will kill you." Gu Zixuan took a step forward, looked at Gu Changfeng closely, and said in a deep voice.

"Tell me who that person is, and I will not care about you today." Gu Changfeng squinted his eyes slightly and said.

"Aren't you deeply accomplished in the Soul Avenue? If you really want to know the answer, come and search my soul."

At the end, Gu Zixuan's tone became aggressive, and a hideous look appeared on his face.

Gu Changfeng frowned.

Those deep eyes looked at Gu Zixuan like this, as if they wanted to see Gu Zixuan through.

Gu Zixuan raised his head slightly, and looked at Gu Changfeng with that indifferent gaze.

Brief eye contact.

Gu Changfeng said lightly: "You tricked me here, that person started in Changshan County, he didn't consider your safety at all, why did you protect him like this?"

Could it be that he can help you complete your so-called revenge plan and kill me?

"It's my choice, it's no one to do with it." Gu Zixuan said: "Death, for me, may not be a relief, of course, the premise is that I want to die in your hands." "


Gu Changfeng snorted coldly, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

Seeing Gu Changfeng angry, Gu Zixuan sneered and did not retreat.

Another step.

Between this father and son, it is almost going to meet each other.

"Over the years, you have been obsessed with that incident, and I ask you, how much do you know?" Gu Changfeng asked in a deep voice.

"All I need to know is that my mother died because of me, and the murderer of my mother is standing in front of me, and that's enough." Gu Zixuan said coldly.

Hearing this, the corners of Gu Changfeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"If I say, your mother..." When

he said this, Gu Changfeng stopped.

Taking a long breath, Gu Changfeng's slightly excited look became calm again.

"What if I say that your mother's death is much more simple than you know?" Gu Changfeng said.

A slight pause.

Gu Changfeng added: "In the County Lord's Mansion, in Changshan County, what you know is only because I want you to know." Hearing

this, Gu Zixuan's pupils contracted violently, and then smiled disdainfully.

"Gu Changfeng, until now, you are still thinking about how to deceive me and get out the true identity of that person from my mouth, hmph, wishful thinking." Gu Zixuan said: "It's you who said that the sky is broken, I still say that, I want to know his identity, although I came to search for souls!"

Gu Changfeng shook his head and said, "If you want to seek revenge on me, this is nothing, but you shouldn't always think of relying on others, in this world, as a man, all you can rely on is yourself." "

A slight pause.

"As for whether I'm lying to you, you should already have the answer in your heart."

"If one day, you defeat me by your own strength, I will tell you everything about that year."

"From this moment on, you are no longer the ninth prince of the main mansion of Changshan County, meet again, I will no longer show mercy to your subordinates, when it comes to this, how to do it depends on yourself."

The moment the words fell, Gu Changfeng walked straight out of the mansion, stepped into the air, and rushed towards Changshan County.

Looking at Gu Changfeng's departing figure, a complicated expression appeared on Gu Zixuan's young face.

A moment of staring.

Gu Zixuan withdrew his gaze, opened the friend channel, and sent a message to Lin Yun.

The main hall of the main mansion of Huaixiang County.

Hearing the system's prompt, without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yun hurriedly opened the friend channel.

"Gu Changfeng is gone."

Immediately after, another piece of information.

"County Lord, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back after all, and I didn't retreat according to our scheduled plan."

Seeing this information, Lin Yun was not surprised at all.

In the plan he and Gu Zixuan agreed upon, after Gu Zixuan sent him a message, he took the opportunity to leave.

With Gu Changfeng's trust in Gu Zixuan, if he said that Gu Zixuan wanted to leave, it would be a simple thing.

It's just that after this incident, it is inevitable that Gu Changfeng will have doubts about Gu Zixuan.

And this was also the reason why he asked Gu Zixuan that question in that hall.

Although Gu Zixuan's life and death were in his hands, he didn't want to treat Gu Zixuan completely as a tool person and wantonly squeeze Gu Zixuan.

Everyone has everyone's value, and Gu Zixuan's value is far more than that.

At the same time, there are many ways to trick Gu Changfeng out of Changshan County, but this is the simplest and most direct, and it is also the most time-saving.

And Gu Zixuan's answer also coincided with this simplest method.

In this plan, when he returned to the County Lord's Mansion, Gu Zixuan was already waiting for him.

The current county lord's mansion is no better than the previous small mansion, both in terms of land area and the number of palaces, which have undergone earth-shaking changes.

And the location where Gu Zixuan returned to the city with one click was set at a palace in the outer area of the county lord's mansion.

However, when he returned to the county lord's mansion, Gu Zixuan had not yet returned, which meant that something had gone wrong on Gu Zixuan's side.

He is not omnipotent.

In this situation, there was a problem with Gu Zixuan, and he couldn't help.

Fortunately, Gu Zixuan could still give him a message back, which meant that Gu Zixuan was still safe.

"You first return to the city with one click and come back to the main hall to meet me."

After sending this message, Lin Yun sat there and waited for Gu Zixuan.

Soon, Gu Zixuan returned to the city with one click and came to the main hall of the county lord's mansion.

"County Lord, it's my fault that I didn't evacuate as planned this time, and I'm willing to accept any punishment." Gu Zixuan bowed and bowed.

With a wave of his big hand, he held up Gu Zixuan with mana.

"Let's not talk about punishment or punishment, you tell me what happened between you and Gu Changfeng in Moyuan Mountain."

"It's like this..."

When Gu Zixuan finished speaking, Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly, and he fell into deep thought.

A moment of contemplation.

Lin Yun's gaze fell on Gu Zixuan again.

"It's not all to blame for this, we still underestimated Gu Changfeng after all, and soon after you sent me the message, Gu Changfeng questioned you.

If it seems like this, I am afraid that Gu Changfeng has a doppelganger in Changshan County, or maybe, by soul means, control some people.

As long as the distance is not very far, Gu Changfeng can clearly perceive what happened in Changshan County. "

A slight pause.

"I don't judge the matter between your father and son, but he is right in saying that in this world, as a man, all you can rely on is yourself.

Similarly, if you want to go further on the path of practice, then you cannot develop the habit of relying on others.

Dependent on others, there are only 0 times and countless times.

Therefore, I also think that the matter of finding Gu Changfeng for revenge is still up to you to do, and I can give you some help here, and I can give you the opportunity to create a head-on confrontation with Gu Changfeng.

"County Lord, I will defeat him." Gu Zixuan said firmly.

After the words fell, he seemed to have thought of something, and a tangled look appeared on Gu Zixuan's face.

"Zixuan, do you know what your biggest flaw is?" Lin Yun frowned and said.

Gu Zixuan was slightly startled, and then, he shook his head a little blankly.

"Xu is related to your childhood experience, many things, you think too much, and think too much.

Cautious nature is a good thing, but if it is too much, it will appear a little indecisive and twisted.

Maybe there is nothing yet, but if you don't want to correct it, one day, it will become a shackle on your path of cultivation. Hearing

this, Gu Zixuan's brows furrowed and fell into deep thought.

"This kind of personality change can not be completed in a short time, and there is no need to change completely, just grasp the degree of it."

Lin Yun's voice sounded again.

Gu Zixuan's face was slightly startled, raised his head, looked at Lin Yun with a complicated expression and said, "This sentence, Gu Changfeng also said to me.

"You just wanted to talk and stop, it should also be related to Gu Changfeng." Lin Yun asked.

Gu Zixuan nodded and said: "The county lord's wisdom is indeed related to him, and the county lord believes that what he said has some credibility."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yun said directly: "If I were you, I would choose to believe what he said, and I would also want to believe what he said."

Let's put it this way.

If his words are true, it means that there is another secret in the events of that year.

In your current situation, is there anything better than having a secret?

"But if there was really a secret in the matter back then, I wronged him..." When

Gu Zixuan said this, he was rudely interrupted by Lin Yun.

"Stop, this is not something you should think about now, Gu Changfeng has shown you a way, defeat him, you can get the answer, and what you have to do now is to do everything possible to improve your strength and strive to defeat him as soon as possible."

Before defeating him, thinking too much about these things will only be self-inflicted. Hearing

Lin Yun's words, Gu Zixuan said with a straight expression: "County Lord, I understand, County Lord Xie's guidance, just as the County Lord said, before defeating him, he only needs to have one belief, that is, do everything to become stronger." Hearing

this, Lin Yun nodded and said: "I will show you a road, a road that can make you stronger quickly, but this road is very difficult, in this process, Huaixiang County and I will not give you any more help, even if you die on this road, the same is true."

"County Lord, I'm willing to give it a try!" Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Zixuan said with a serious face.

"Come with me."

When the words fell, Lin Yun strode out of the main hall, followed closely behind, and Gu Zixuan also followed out.

Soon, Lin Yun and Gu Zixuan came to the periphery of the county lord's mansion, in front of a palace with a closed gate.

When you open the gate, you can enter the teleportation array that is more esoteric than the ordinary teleportation array.

"Through this cross-regional teleportation array, go to Fuhu Village, which is located on Tiger Island, and when you get there, you will go to any large island except Qianliu Island through other cross-regional teleportation arrays.

The next thing you have to do is kill.

The entire Xingluo Sea, including the vast ocean, but wherever there are living beings, it will be a battlefield for you to quickly improve your strength.

The moment you step on this teleportation array, I will close all of your permissions except for the town hall and attribute panel, and I will also ban your mansion in the county lord's mansion.

Meeting Lin Yun's gaze, Gu Zixuan nodded heavily, bowed, and then stepped onto the cross-regional teleportation array.

With the teleportation array activated, Gu Zixuan's figure disappeared.

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