Looking at the place where Gu Zixuan disappeared, Lin Yun stared for a moment.

Lookers-on see most of the game.

From his point of view, he could see that everything Gu Changfeng did was for Gu Zixuan.

What was hidden in the events back then, he did not know.

However, as Gu Changfeng said, the things that Gu Zixuan, who was only five years old, knew were all things that Gu Changfeng wanted him to know.

In Qianliu Island, if Gu Changfeng was bent on hiding something, let alone Gu Zixuan, it was Gu Changfeng's closest person who could not know.

As for Gu Changfeng's purpose, to put it bluntly, it was also to motivate Gu Zixuan.

It's just that this method is a bit extreme, or perhaps, in it, Gu Changfeng also has his own unspeakable secrets.

And this time.

On the surface, Gu Changfeng and Gu Zixuan broke off their relationship and went to the opposite side, but after thinking about it carefully, why is it not a way for Gu Changfeng to motivate Gu Zixuan.

If Gu Changfeng really had a killing intention for Gu Zixuan, why bother to do more, wouldn't it be better to leave Gu Zixuan directly in Moyuan Mountain.

As for Gu Zixuan, he also had his own plans.

The current Huaixiang County is not inferior to Gu Zixuan in the early stage of the Heavenly Realm.

Whether it is the Blue Star Realm or this Star Luo Sea Region, any force may be able to develop rapidly with one person or several people at the beginning.

But when it reaches a certain height, more and more talents are needed.

Letting Gu Zixuan leave Qianliu Island is for future consideration.

As for using Gu Zixuan as a bargaining chip.

Although the current Huaixiang County is not as good as Changshan County, it is not enough to say that this method is used.

More importantly, in his eyes, Gu Zixuan's value was more than Changshan County.

Now Gu Zixuan is like a piece of jade, as long as it is carved, it can bloom with dazzling light and become his right-hand man.

Retract your gaze.

Lin Yun strode out of the hall and flew towards the direction of the teleportation array.

Through the teleportation array, Lin Yun came to Tiger City.

Tiger City is a city controlled by the Golden Tiger Clan, and with the Golden Tiger Clan joining Huaixiang County, it naturally becomes the influence point of Huaixiang County.

Although the Golden Tiger Clan joined Huaixiang County for a short time, it had prepared in advance, coupled with the experience of the Green Wolf Clan, it had completed the eradication of the city to which it belonged.

No stay was made.

Lin Yun left Tiger City directly, and then entered the interior of the space.

Navigate the space.

Soon, Lin Yun came to Lifo City.

Tiger City, although it is not the closest city from Qianliu Island to Lifo City, but it is the closest to Lifo City among the major power points in Huaixiang County.

From the beginning of Haian City to the destruction of the cross-regional teleportation array, this series of things made the major forces of Qianliu Island nervous.

The first thing to bear the brunt of is the inventory of the teleportation array.

In comparison, it is more convenient to go from Tiger City to Lifo City.

It can not only avoid some unnecessary troubles, but also save time, after all, Lin Yun, as the controller of space, can rush through space shuttle.

Standing inside the space, looking at the two figures standing in the air, a playful smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

The owner of one of the figures, the unconcealed breath of a strong person in the late stage of the Heaven Realm, coupled with the shining brain gate, looking at the entire Qianliu Island, there is only one person, that is, the master of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate.

At this moment, Zen Xin's face was gloomy to the extreme.

And walking with Zen Xin is an old man in the late Heavenly Realm.

Like Zen Xin, this old man's face was somewhat ugly.

This old man was one of the late stages of the Three Heavenly Realms who came to Qianliu Island with Lei Xiangyang.

As for Lei Xiangyang and the remaining two late Heavenly Realms, the moment they learned that the cross-regional teleportation array in Changshan County City had been destroyed, they turned around and rushed back.

For the ten heaven-level forces, the importance of the cross-regional teleportation array was all at the strategic level.

The cross-regional teleportation array was destroyed, and even Lei Xiangyang, who had a big backer in the royal family, could not bear such a responsibility.

The country lord blamed it, Gu Changfeng, who was the lord of Changshan County, naturally bore the brunt of it, but Lei Xiangyang, who had only come to Qianliu Island not long ago, would also be involved.

And what can minimize one's guilt is to catch the person who made the move.

If it weren't for the fact that the destruction of Lifo City might cause a conflict between the two Heaven-level forces, Lei Xiangyang would not even leave a late Heavenly Realm to Zen Xin.

The city of Rever was destroyed.

After Zen Xin and the others left Changshan County, they did not hide their figures at all.

Although it is said that the flying speed of the Heaven Realm powerhouses is extremely fast, it is difficult to detect their movements.

However, their purpose is to worship the Buddha City, which is much simpler.

Li Xiping, who had received Lin Yun's order in advance, arranged some cultivators of the Sixth Legion around the ruined Lifo City, as well as between the Lifo City and Huai'an City, which had a teleportation array closest to the Lifo City.

Not long after Lei Xiangyang left, Lin Yun received news from Li Xiping.

This is the moment.

Looking at the ruined city of the Buddha, Zen only felt that his heart was dripping blood.

"When, on this Thousand Streams Island, a Thunder Cultivator of the late Heaven Realm appeared!"

Zen Xin said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

Feeling the thunder energy that still remained in the void, and then hearing Zen Xin's words, the muscles on the face of the old man in the late Heaven Realm who came from the royal family of Hongyu County couldn't help but twitch, and his face became more and more ugly.

"The Zen Heart Gate Master should not think that the destruction of Lifo City has something to do with the Hongyu County State." The old man said slowly.

"Although the poor monk is very angry, he is not so much as to be carried away by anger, even if you Hongyu County Kingdom wants to make a move on my Ten Thousand Buddha Gate, you can't afford to take the price of the destruction of the cross-regional teleportation array." Zen Xin said with a cold snort.

Hearing this, the old man's face eased a little, and he said slowly: "The Zen Heart Sect Master thinks so, but it is better. "

The powerhouse in the late stage of the Heaven Realm, that divine sense spreads, and he will soon be able to probe the situation of the entire Lifo City.

Now the city is completely in ruins, and there is not much to see.

Therefore, after a short conversation, the two retracted their consciousness and planned to leave.

At this moment, the old man of the late Heaven Realm changed his complexion greatly.

Between the minds, the violent throbbing seemed to be targeted by some peerless fierce beast, and it would suffer a catastrophe in the next second.

Without the slightest hesitation, the old man frantically urged mana, pouring into the robe attached to his body, and wanted to withdraw from here.

At this moment, Lin Yun rushed out of the space with the board brick and slammed it at the old man.

The old man's reaction could not be described as unhappy, but Lin Yun's speed was faster.

When he got the brilliant blue light that had just lit up on his robe, the bricks made of the thick earth flag slapped the blue light.

The glaucoma dissipated.

At the moment when the bricks were about to hit the old man's head, two crisp cracking sounds sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a violent energy exploded.

At the same time, a light mask appeared between the old man's body.

The power of this tyrannical energy was comparable to the all-out blow of the sixth layer of the late Heaven Realm.

The moment he decided to make a move on the old man, Lin Yun made a decision.

In the shortest possible time, to solve this old man, so that the other party does not even have time to use the friend channel and send messages to the outside world, naturally he has made complete preparations.

This is the moment.

In the face of this tyrannical energy, between Lin Yun's surroundings, the light that belonged to the chain golden armor was magnificent.

Carrying this energy bombardment, the brick in Lin Yun's hand slapped on the light mask.

The light mask shook violently, and dense cracks appeared on it.


With a muffled snort, the old man's body flew out upside down, and the light mask finally couldn't withstand it and shattered.

As for Zen Heart, the moment Lin Yun rushed out of the space, Devouring Heaven turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Zen Heart.

After destroying three cities in succession, especially the last Buddha City, most of the cultivators became the food for devouring the heavens and becoming stronger.

Now, the strength of Heaven Swallowing has also reached the extreme that it can achieve.

Three layers in the late stage of the Celestial Realm.

In the realm of cultivation, of course, it is not comparable to the Zen mind of the fifth layer of the late stage of the Heaven Realm, but it is not only cultivation that determines the combat power of a living being.

The distance between Zen and the old man is not far away.

And the perverted speed of swallowing the sky, even when the Zen heart has not reacted, will rush to its approach, if it were not for the fact that the Zen heart also has the means to save his life, at this moment, the Zen heart has been swallowed alive by the devouring of the sky.

But even so, Zen Xin broke out in a cold sweat.

In the process of flying upside down, Zen Xin urged his treasure robe with mana, flipped his palm, and sacrificed his middle-grade imperial soldier.

The pair of eyes that looked at the devouring sky again carried that kind of horror.

His puppet, which was comparable to the fourth layer of the Heaven Realm, was swallowed alive after only blocking this strange beast for an instant.

Moreover, he could clearly feel that the puppet's aura was weakening at an incredible speed.

Obviously, this strange beast is refining his puppet with all its might.

It was a puppet that he had spent countless efforts and cultivation resources to cultivate!

"Wicked beast..."

Zen shouted angrily, just said two words, and stopped abruptly.

With just a momentary pause, Devouring Heaven rushed towards Zen Heart again.

At this time, Zen Xin didn't care about saying any nonsense without nutrition, and urged his imperial soldiers to fight with the heaven-swallowing battle.

In this way, Lin Yun and Devouring Heaven shot at the same time.

From the very beginning, the war entered a white-hot stage.

After carrying the bombardment of that tyrannical energy and bombarding the old man, Lin Yun did not choose to retreat backwards.


In the loud shout, mana was frantically poured into the chain golden armor, and the majestic blood qi also gushed out like no money.

Carrying the bombardment of this energy, he chased the old man.

Looking at Lin Yun, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and was awe-inspiring, the old man's pupils contracted violently.

It is the so-called stunned who is afraid of the horizontal, and the horizontal is afraid of death.

At this moment, in the eyes of the old man, Lin Yun belonged to the kind of person who did not want to die.

This kind of fighting method of killing a thousand and self-damaging eight hundred can only be so extreme if it does not share the hatred of heaven and crazy physical cultivation.

And this man who is not good-looking undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

The late stage of the Heavenly Realm who controls space, when did this Star Luo Sea Region produce such a pervert!

Be sure to get the news out to the royal family.

Such a pervert who is very hostile to Hongyu County Country, if he really allows it to grow, it may even shake the entire Hongyu County Country.

I thought so.

The old man used his magic power to urge the robe on his body, condensed a protective shield between his body, and while sacrificing his imperial soldiers, he shouted towards Lin Yun: "Friend, slow!"

At this moment, Lin Yun had already rushed to the old man.

Although Lin Yun's speed was not as perverted as Devouring Heaven, it was countless times faster than ordinary cultivators.

Without the slightest hesitation, the slab brick in his hand, with that supreme brute force, slapped at the old man again.


In the heaven-shaking roar, the guardian shield, facing the all-out blow under the blessing of the blood and qi realm, only lasted for an instant, and then shattered.

At the same time, about five meters behind the old man, a crack appeared on the solid spatial barrier.

The protective shield was broken, and under the huge countershock force, the old man sprayed several mouthfuls of blood and flew out.

In the next second, the old man sensed that something was wrong, and he was almost scared to the point that his soul flew.

He was actually blasted into the endless nothingness inside the space!

The eyes that looked at Lin Yun again were full of horror.

A space cultivator who can tear through spatial barriers!

In an ancient book of the royal family, there was a sentence recorded: try not to offend space cultivators, especially space cultivators who can tear space barriers, unless you can kill him, otherwise, he will eventually become your nightmare, because such an existence has the ability to banish you to the endless nothingness, and in the endless nothingness, all you can feel is despair and loneliness.

The one who said these words was not a creature in the Star Luo Sea, but a supreme figure who was said to have a great reputation on the Gupan Continent.

And now, he is facing such a situation.

No, it should be said, it is worse than this.

Because, even if he bombarded him into the endless nothingness, this person still refused to give up, and he looked like he wanted to kill him completely.

If this happened before, his state of mind would not have fluctuated much, because his life expectancy was running out.

Now, however, with the Advent appearing and getting the Properties panel, everything is different.

Although he also paid a great price, he also saw hope for a longer life and even a stronger one.

And now, this hope will be dashed, which he cannot accept in any way.

Until the last moment, he will never give up his life.

"My lord, please leave me with my life, I am willing to submit to you and let you send me."

Lin Yun, who followed the old man into the interior of the space, heard the old man's hurried shout, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

A playful smile, a thought.

The figure of the old man disappeared in place.

At the same time, there was one more person in the enslavement prison in the county town of Huaixiang.

For now, what Lin Yun knew was that in addition to the assessment space, the only thing that could seal the attribute panel was the enslavement prison.

If you can easily put this old man into a slave prison, it will also save a lot of work, and you can also avoid accidents, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

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