Through the teleportation array, Lin Yun came to a city called Pure Jade.

Jade City is one of the hundred cities in Changshan County, and it is also the closest city to Heavenly Sword City among all the cities on Qianryu Island.

Without lingering, Lin Yun quietly left the Jade City, and then entered the interior of the space.

Strolling inside the space, Lin Yun soon stopped at a place about thousands of miles north of Pure Jade City.

Without the teleportation array, if it was said that Lei Ri and Lei Yue wanted to rush to Heavenly Sword City in the shortest possible time, then this was the only way to go.

The area is sparsely populated.

Standing inside the space, the range that Lin Yun could see was far beyond ordinary times.

In his eyes, within a radius of a hundred miles, he could only see more than ten cultivators.

If it is said that in a place with many people, Lei Ri and Lei Yue will still cover up their cultivation, then after leaving Pure Jade City, after arriving here, Lei Ri and Lei Yue can fly with all their strength and rush to Heavenly Sword City.

This is also very helpful for him to discover Lei Ri and Lei Yue, and at the same time, here, it is also convenient for him to make a move.

About ten minutes later.

Lin Yun received a message from Zhang Ruozhuo again.

When he opened it, a faint smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

This time's information has nothing to do with the Lei Ri and Lei Yue brothers, these two people rushed to Pure Jade City from other places, and then from Pure Jade City to here, it will also take time.

The death of Zen is finally fermented.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect quietly came to Hongyu Island, wanting to find out the situation on Qianliu Island through the teleportation array.

However, at the Hongyu Island Teleportation Temple, the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect were told that the Cross-Region Teleportation Temple could not be used for the time being.

In order to find out why Zen Xin died as soon as possible, the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect did not hesitate any longer and revealed their identities.

The leader is a Buddha.

Buddha, in the status of Hongyu County Country, although it is not comparable to Chujun, after all, there is only one Crown Prince of Hongyu County Country, and in Wanfomen, there is more than one Buddha.

However, even so, as one of the candidates for the next Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect Master, when this Buddha named Fa Yuan revealed his identity, it still caused a great sensation.

A Buddha came to the territory of Hongyu County, which is nothing, but if this Buddha came secretly and brought more than ten Heavenly Realms, it would be somewhat intriguing.

In particular, the reappearance of the once-in-a-millennium advent, at such a point in time, such a thing has occurred, which is even more extraordinary.

Soon, this matter reached the King of Hongyu County.

The next thing is simple and straightforward.

After learning of Zen Xin's death, King Hongyu naturally asked his brother, then Lei Xiangyang, and finally, Lei Xiangyang asked Zhang Ruozhuo.

After all, Zhang Ruozhuo arrived at Lifo City with Zen Xin, and only then left after that.

"Is Lei Xiangyang suspicious of you?"

Zhang Ruozhuo: "It should be no, although my cultivation is slightly stronger than Zen Heart, but if I say that I want to kill Zen Heart, even if it is a sneak attack, at most, it is to defeat Zen Heart, and I definitely can't kill it."

County Lord, the death of Zen Xin is related to the two heaven-level forces, I guess that Lei Xiangyang should send someone to Lifo City for a walk, and it is not impossible to even go in person. Seeing

this message, Lin Yun nodded slightly and replied: "The death of Zen Xin, you can take yourself out, as for the rest, don't interfere anymore, so as not to arouse Lei Xiangyang's suspicion, the top priority, you have to rush to Xuanjian Mountain as soon as possible."

Zhang Ruozhuo: "County Lord, I understand that in one hour at most, I can rush to Xuanjian Mountain."

After ending the chat with Zhang Ruozhuo, Lin Yun secretly calculated for a while.

The death of Zen Xin, to say that it is not big, at best, that is, he was killed in the late stage of a heavenly realm.

However, it is not small to say that it is small, after all, Zen Xin is the master of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, a branch of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, and in the Thousand Buddha Island, it represents the heaven-level force of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect.

When Zen Xin was killed, he was undoubtedly punching the Ten Thousand Buddhas in the face.

The visit of the Buddha of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect to Hongyu Island is enough to see the importance that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect attaches to this matter.

Then the Buddha Zi did not reveal his identity, and when he revealed his identity, even the King of Hongyu County could not ignore it.

Naturally, the pressure came to Lei Xiangyang again.

In the current situation, it is really possible for Lei Xiangyang to leave Fulong City and go to Lifo City.

Taking a step back, even if Lei Xiangyang does not go, he will send some people to investigate the situation.

At the same time, this matter will also implicate Gu Changfeng.

If he wanted to find out the death of Zen Xin in the shortest possible time, Lei Xiangyang would inevitably rely on Gu Changfeng's power.

Calculate the time.

Even if Gu Changfeng rushed to the nearest Spirit Sword City at full speed after he left, he was still on his way now.

And in Spirit Sword City, Gu Changfeng was destined to return in vain.

Although Lei Xiangyang has an attribute panel, but Gu Changfeng does not have it, and if he wants to contact Gu Changfeng, he can't do it in a short time.

Lei Xiangyang wanted to hold an auction to find out the person who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array, but at this moment, Gu Changfeng disappeared.

Not to mention that Lei Xiangyang is already very suspicious, and he has a lot of suspicion about Gu Changfeng, even if Lei Xiangyang and Gu Changfeng have a good relationship, in this case, there will inevitably be some dissatisfaction.

After Lei Xiangyang learned about the situation of Xuanjian Mountain through Zhang Ruozhuo, his suspicion of Gu Changfeng would also reach the extreme.

If the plan is done properly, it is impossible to let Lei Xiangyang and Gu Changfeng part ways.

In this calculation, time passed quietly.

Two figures rushed from a distance.

Standing inside the space, looking at these two figures, Lin Yun's eyes froze.

Without even having to check their information, he could conclude that these two people were the Lei Ri and Lei Yue he was waiting for, the breath that belonged only to the powerhouse of the Heaven Realm, even if these two people were trying their best to suppress it, but in his eyes, they were still so conspicuous.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Yun took a step forward, stepped forward, and then walked out from the inside of the space.

The moment Lin Yun walked out of the space, those two palms with great power shot down like lightning.

Thunder Sun and Thunder Moon, one middle of the Heavenly Realm, one early Heavenly Realm.

Under the huge gap in the cultivation realm, the two of them didn't even have time to respond, only to see the two palms that suddenly appeared rapidly enlarged, and then, under that powerful force, they lost consciousness.

A palm for a little friend.

After easily stunned Lei Ri and Lei Yue, Lin Yun directly put the two into the Huaixiang County Town Enslavement Prison, and then, through one click, returned to the city and returned to the County Lord's Mansion.

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