Huaixiang County Town Enslavement Prison.

After returning to the county lord's mansion, Lin Yun did not linger, and went straight to the stone prison where Lei Ri was held.

With a wave of his hand, a wisp of breeze blew by, and Lei Ri woke up from his coma.

The moment he woke up, Lei Ri stood up suddenly, and his eyes looking at Lin Yun were full of vigilance.

"Who are you?" Lei Ri questioned loudly.

Facing Lei Ri's questioning, Lin Yun said lightly: "I am the person you are looking for, Lin Yun of Huaixiang County, as for where this is, I don't need to introduce it again." Hearing

Lin Yun's words, Lei Riman exclaimed in disbelief: "Huaixiang County?!! Lin Yun?!! You are the master of the five elements of that first god-level village in the Blue Star Realm?!! How could you be so strong?!!

Lin Yun smiled noncommittally and said, "Give you ten seconds to calm down and think clearly about your current situation." In

the plain voice, there was that unconcealed killing intent.

The invisible killing intent made Lei Ri couldn't help but shiver, and there was shock, doubt, and awe in the eyes that looked at Lin Yun again.

Take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself down.

Lei Ri did not try to tell Lei Xiangyang about his situation through the chat channel.

Not to mention that in the enslavement prison of other forces, his attribute panel will be temporarily blocked, even if the attribute panel is not blocked, he does not dare to play this small action in front of Lin Yun, who can kill himself with a wave of his hand.

This is no different from self-defeating.

In his thoughts, he seemed to have thought of something, and Lei Ri's eyes were full of horror.

Raising his head again, those eyes stared at Lin Yun deadly, and asked, "You are the space cultivator who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array?!!

Without waiting for Lin Yun to respond, Lei Ri said affirmatively: "Yes, it must be so, first slaughtered Lifo City, so that Zen Xin had to leave Changshan County City, and then transferred Gongzi and the late Three Heavenly Realms from Changshan County City, and then, after destroying the cross-regional teleportation array, he rushed to Lifo City and killed Zen Xin."

Zhang Ruozhuo should have been subdued by you at that time, otherwise, you would not have known our whereabouts. Hearing

this, Lin Yun smiled lightly and nodded.

He would not be surprised by Lei Ri's words.

But anyone who has a little brainstorm can deduce it.

He suddenly appeared in front of him and stunned Lei Ri and Lei Yue, perhaps Lei Ri did not react at that time, but when he woke up, he could definitely see that this was a means that belonged exclusively to space cultivators.

Before he appeared, space cultivators only existed in legends.

Naturally, it connects everything.

"You are a smart person, you should understand why you can still stand here and talk to me, I have always been a person who does not like to beat around the bush, tell me, your decision."

Hearing Lin Yun's words, a hint of hesitation appeared on Lei Ri's face.

He said with a bitter smile: "People like me, from the moment they became conscious, have been instilled with the idea that the prince's mansion is heaven, and everything we have is given by the supreme king.

Our destiny has long been predetermined, and life and death are under our control?

What if I surrender to you today? It is nothing more than the difference between early death and late death.

If Lei Xiangyang wants to kill me, he only needs to crush my Divine Soul Mark. Hearing

this, Lin Yun's eyebrows raised slightly, "Divine Soul Mark? It's a hassle, but it's not completely impossible. When

the words fell, Lin Yun stretched out his hand and punched out a soul law.

The soul law that exuded an obscure aura, mixed with that mysterious energy, slowly floated towards the thunder sun.

Seeing this scene, Lei Ri was slightly startled, and then, in those eyes, a bright light flashed.

"Sir, you even cultivate the Soul Avenue?"

"It's just touching some fur, for now, it can't make that divine soul mark in Lei Xiangyang's hand invalid.

However, when Lei Xiangyang crushed that divine soul mark, it can also ensure that you do not die, as for how much your divine soul can preserve, I don't know.

You can bet, bet that I can put Lei Xiangyang in slavery and control it like I do now, or maybe my attainment on the Soul Avenue will improve before Lei Xiangyang discovers that you have secretly surrendered to me. "

A slight pause.

Lin Yun continued: "If you choose to submit, I will control your life and death like them, and it will be more thorough, but I can promise you that as long as you do your best to do things for me, at most one month, I will give you freedom, and at that time, the only person who can decide your life and death is yourself."

When Lin Yun's voice fell, Lei Ri's breathing became rapid, and without the slightest hesitation, Lei Ri directly replied: "Sir, I am willing to give it a try."

Lin Yun bowed his head slightly, "Are there any other prohibitions in your divine soul?" Hearing

this, Lei Ri shook his head.

Lei Ri understood what Lin Yun was going to do.

However, he himself had no secrets, and as far as he was concerned, he hoped that Lin Yun would search his soul.

Without further hesitation, Lin Yun controlled that soul law and fell into Lei Ri's eyebrows.

Soon, Lin Yun's expression became solemn.

The divine soul is the most important place for monks.

And the divine soul mark is made by tearing off a small part of the divine soul and then condensing it with the qi of the divine soul.

It can also be said that all cultivators who hand over the divine soul mark are incomplete in nature, although they will not affect normal thinking, but they will also have an impact on their own cultivation to some extent.

In this case, it is necessary to integrate this soul law into the divine soul of Lei Ri, moreover, it cannot affect the divine soul mark in Lei Xiangyang's hand, so as not to be noticed by Lei Xiangyang, and at the same time, it cannot affect the divine soul of Lei Ri, which is also difficult for Lin Yun now.

A moment later.

Lin Yun took a long breath, and then looked at Lin Yun's forehead, and unconsciously, small beads of sweat appeared.

"Things are going better than expected, that soul law has quietly integrated into your divine soul, and it has not caused trauma to your divine soul, that is, Lei Xiangyang really discovered something one day, and wanted to crush the divine soul mark and kill you, this soul law can also save your life."

"Lord Xie." Lei Ri bowed and saluted.

"Let's go, it's also time, go find Lei Yue."

While speaking, Lin Yun strode out of the stone prison, and Lei Ri hurriedly followed.

There is a thunder day, and the process of subduing the thunder moon is naturally very smooth.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took Lei Ri and Lei Yue and came to a stone prison.

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