Esdes wondered how it came so quickly?She knew there would be movement in the Empire, but it shouldn't be so soon.

Someone leaked a secret?

Her eyes swept over the three beasts under her command.

During this period of time, she had excuses to prevaricate, and the only people who knew the most clearly were these three people.

At this time, General Budd's face was as cold as ice: "Esdes, don't joke, no matter how dark the empire is, it is not the reason for you to betray the empire. I will call the shots and let you and your subordinates save their lives, otherwise none of them will be left, Niu, you will not come."

Niu's figure had already retreated to the front door, and it was obvious that the informer was him.

Esdes' face turned cold, "Niu, I didn't expect you to betray me."

Niu also bowed his head slightly: "Lord Esdes, I didn't expect you to betray the empire. Sorry, I can't do such a thing."

I'm so sorry, I don't want to.

But what to clean up the darkness of the empire, then what about my family.

Niwu was born in a prestigious family. In the case of these famous families in the empire today, basically [-]% of the kills are missing.

As a powerful imperial envoy, Niu became a loyal subordinate because of his worship of Esdes.

But Esdes intends to overthrow the rule of the emperor and ministers and cleanse the darkness of the empire. This is another 0.8.

Niu clearly knew what kind of situation his family was in. With Esdes' temperament, since he said that, he would not let his family go.

People are always different.

What's more, although Esdes is very powerful, but the empire has General Bude, there are armies from various places, and there are many masters. Esdes and the three beasts may not succeed.

If you follow Esdes to rebel, it will be impossible for Niu, his life and family will be in danger.

Only by suppressing Esdes.

The family can be preserved.

I'm sorry, Lord Esders, I will keep your face well.

Niu has a hobby, that is, he likes to collect female faces among enemies.

There are also a lot of blood cases in the hands of this pseudo-girl boy.

He is also a noble. .

Chapter 161 Action Begins

Niu's heart is also very contradictory.

But in the end, between his own life, his family and the people he admired, he chose to turn his back.

The other two of the three beastmen, Liva and Daydas, were also angry at this time.

"Niu, you actually betrayed Lord Esdes!"

Niu sneered: "General Esdes betrayed the empire, everyone just betrayed each other. I am different. Between the empire and the general, I am more loyal to the empire."

He had already decided to turn his face, but now Niu didn't even call the adults.

He knew that even if Esders didn't die, there would never be a good end.

It is very possible to be abolished.

This is still under the control of General Bude, and once it is abolished, will the minister let her go?

General Bude looked at Chen Zhi and the group, "Esdes, is this your confidence, seven helpers, do you underestimate the empire?"

Around General Bude, more than a dozen people appeared, all of whom were elites in the empire.

"Let's see, this time, there are a lot of secret masters on the face of the empire. That's right, I'll look for it." Ai 29 Sters was not nervous at all, it was good and wonderful.

There is a group of reinforcements here.

These people came here just to die.

Take a look at who else came besides General Bude.

The four generals from Minister Ornest's subordinates are also private executioners. Each of them is quite powerful, and they are collectively called the Four Ghosts of Rakshasa.

Some members of the original "Hunter" unit.

Because of Esdes, the hunter unit that was originally serving the empire was obviously split into two factions.

And some masters found by Sheila, the son of the minister, from all over the world.

Plus some of the original masters in the army.

There are more than [-] scattered people standing here.

In addition to the tens of thousands of imperial troops that have been prepared to encircle and suppress the ten people in the hall, General Bude thinks it is enough.

Not everyone is as perverted as Estes.

Bud thought very well. After the war, he blocked Esters himself, and the imperial army and the other masters joined forces to deal with the remaining nine people. Even if there are two of the three beastmen who are still very strong, but this time they came here. The ministers are not weak in power.

There is no reason to lose.

In terms of numbers, it is their own side that has an absolute advantage.

Piccolo became impatient, "I said, if you want to do it, start it. If you don't do it, the points will belong to me."

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