Saitama said quickly: "Hey, you can't eat alone, the strongest person on the opposite side is the one who talks, I want this."

Dugu Qiufei looked at the opposite side, "There are so many people here, it's not too much for this old man to divide into three."

"Don't grab it, there are more than [-] people, the average distribution is enough, and you need to assign people to deal with the guys in the rest of the place, don't worry." Chen Zhi said quickly, let these guys shoot at will, and these people on the opposite side It is estimated that it will be divided by two or three people, which is unbelievable.

"What a big tone!" A lot of people at the gate of the hall looked bad. Where did these guys come from, they didn't pay attention to them at all.

Liva and Daidas were also stunned. Is Lord Esdes' friends too confident that the empire sent these masters to encircle and suppress them so decisively? I don't know how the minister and General Bude reached a cooperation. It's the enemy of death.

They are all ready to fight to the death, why do these guys say that it is easy to defeat the Bude side.

Esdes' expression has returned to normal: "It seems that everyone can't wait, Liva, Daidas, the plan is going on normally, don't worry, this place is not big enough, let's go out and fight."

As soon as the voice fell, Piccolo raised a hand, and a qigong wave burst out from the palm and hit the door.

"!!!" All the masters at the entrance of the main hall on the Bude side were horrified, and they quickly retreated and dispersed.

This qigong wave flew directly out of the door and hit the sky, just to say hello. Even so, the qigong that had been strengthened by Piccolo's casual strike hit an imperial master who had no time to hide.

Hearing a scream, the guy fell to the ground and lost his combat effectiveness.

General Bude's eyelids twitched, what kind of power is this, and he killed one in seconds.

Although this person's strength is only average in their group, he is also a real master.

Niu swallowed, the green-skinned monster he shot was probably of the same rank as Esdes and General Budd, so he shouldn't fight this kind of thing, it's better to fight the woman in armor, how much Beautiful face, I want that skin.

This pseudo-mother boy has made up his mind to beat the beautiful woman in armor later.

As the group of people retreated and dispersed, Esdes also left the hall.

Outside, there were also groups of Imperial soldiers surrounded.

But they weren't too close.

It will be farther away from the battlefield of General Bude and General Esdes later. Ordinary soldiers participating in this kind of battle will have no effect and will get in the way. This is the idea of ​​an experienced veteran.

But they don't know how the enemy exists this time.

"It's really empty outside, is it specially prepared for this battle?" Chen Zhi turned around, if he restrained his strength, he should be fine, "Everyone, take it easy, don't demolish the imperial capital, we are here to clear the darkness, It's not to destroy the building, by the way, Piccolo, Aizen, and Dugu Qiuqiu should act according to the plan, and we will arrive later."

Dugu Qiu defeated nodded, "Okay, the old man wanted to participate in this battle, but the spike is really meaningless."

173 Aizen smiled: "Follow the words of the group leader."

Piccolo replied indifferently, "Got it." He immediately flew up and was about to leave.

Seeing Piccolo fly away so easily, of course General Bude was not happy, "Where do you want to go, stay with me!"

"Hey", several figures flashed not far in front of Bud.

"You can't get through, except for General Bude, kill all the others." Chen Zhi said.

"Understood." A group of chat group members responded.

But General Budd and the others watched the three of Piccolo leave, and wanted to block it, but they were immediately attacked strongly.

"These guys can fly."

The Empire, Liva, and Daidas all stared.

Is it a special Teigu effect?

In fact, no matter which strong person in the group is, they are all interested in learning the use of suffocation and air dance.

The ability to fly is awesome.

Many of the world's powerhouses have been shattered in battle, turning the rivers and seas overturned, but they just can't fly in the air, and air dance is a perfect solution to this.

How could General Budd just watch a few people fly out, and the few people in front of them just wanted them not to stop them, what a joke.

But at this moment, a figure whizzed past like this.

General Bud suddenly felt cold all over his body, and he blocked his hands in front of him.

"boom"! .

Chapter 162 Sorry, let's go

Many people can't see at all, or even see the action.

All I know is that when he reacted, General Bude had already flew hundreds of meters upside down and knocked over a wall.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

A bald head stood where General Bude was originally.

Surrounded by the masters of the empire.

Dressed in a cape and an old-fashioned uniform, Saitama just stood quietly, his aura intimidating a group of masters.

"Come on, what a joke!" Someone couldn't help shaking their teeth.

A group of experts from the empire reacted, what happened just now? !

Previously, Bick's qigong wave was fast and powerful. The sound of the fireworks that flew into the air was loud enough to directly crippled a person and had an aftermath. It has already proved that this green-faced guy has extremely strong strength.

In the hearts of everyone, the green-faced star with the tentacles on the opposite side can be mentioned at the highest level with General Esders and General Bude.

This is already the highest expectation.

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