You must know that there are only two strongest empires.

A General Bude, an Esdes, the two are equally famous.

But what's going on now.

An unremarkable bald head that knocked General Budd away with one punch? !

what monster is this?

Even if it was a sneak attack, he could beat General Budd so far by surprise. This guy is conservatively estimated to be on the same level as Esdes.

It looks like the existence of a power-type Tegu.

This is trouble.

The hearts of the people on the side of the empire sank.

Counting the green-faced people, there are actually three Esdes-level characters on the opposite side.

Even if so many masters are here, everyone has no bottom in their hearts.

The strength of one or two is so amazing, so the remaining guys, even if they are not as good as the two who shot first, may not be too far apart.

Today is probably a deadly battle.

When the army from all over the empire arrives, even if they can suppress the rebellion, the bodies of these people will stink.

But at this stage, the masters who can come here also know that there is still life in a desperate battle, and if you want to escape now, you will die.

A group of masters also boosted morale, maybe this guy was just terrifying.

Although the punch just now was ferocious, General Bude wouldn't be incapacitated by a single punch... It should be.

After all, the speed at which General Budd flew out just now was so fast, it was really uneasy.

In the rubble of bricks, General Bude lay in it, wanted to get up, looked up to see who it was, but failed three times in a row.

Beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and his face was hideous.

Damn, why is there no strength at all.

What just happened, what kind of monster attacked me? !

General Bude felt exhausted, no matter how hard he tried, he was unsuccessful, and even Teigu couldn't motivate him.

His eyes were a little flowery, and he looked at the figure that was surrounded.

Is it a god?

Soon some imperial soldiers had rushed to the side, ready to help General Bude up.

"¨"Don't help me, I'm sorry, let's go, this battle is the defeat of the empire'". "General Budd tried his best to spit out the last sentence, endless darkness poured in, and he was about to lose consciousness. After saying these words, there were already dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

At this time, General Bude was full of despair in his heart.

Such power.

Even if you know in advance, can you really win, even if the green-faced guy on the opposite side and the other two have left, there are only seven people left on the opposite side, but the bald head is there, and the victory is already doomed.

"Are you still conscious? It's amazing willpower." Saitama admired the fact that General Bude could still look here and talk to the people next to him.

This is not pretending, Saitama is indeed sincerely admiring.

The punch just now should be enough to make this General Budd faint directly. What kind of will is the other party holding on like this.

It's a pity that it's useless, but Bude has only this level. Sure enough, no one in this world can fight him, so boring. .

Chapter 163 Overwhelming Power

The words of Saitama's admiration were of course not heard by General Bude. Hundreds of meters away, Bude had already passed out.

The imperial soldiers did not obey and fled, but carried General Bude away in horror.

Even if there is panic in the heart, it is hundreds of meters away after all, the enemy has been stopped by a group of imperial masters, a group of soldiers listened to General Bude actually let them escape, and their brains quickly understood, this is to tell them not to die.

The guy who can kill General Bude in seconds, it is not sure whether the tens of thousands of imperial troops here are enough for the opponent to warm up.

Even Esdes couldn't kill General Bude in seconds.

The name Esdes is basically equated with the devil to the enemy.

What is more terrifying than her?

Esdes alone can match a hundred thousand imperial army.

There are only tens of thousands of imperial troops here, and this place is said to be empty, which is not suitable for a large army to expand. It can only be used to consume the physical strength of the remaining masters of the enemy.

But this tactic vanished when someone stronger than Esdes appeared in the enemy.

General Bude was killed in seconds, and there were at least two Esdes-level characters in the enemy.

The soldiers who stayed behind were also to die.

The reason why they did not flee immediately was because General Bude had a good reputation, sheltered many officials of conscience, and thought about internal reforms, but was repeatedly suppressed by ministers.

These soldiers took the risk and ran with General Bude, who made General Bude still angry.

If Bud was dead, then a group of imperial soldiers would have run away long ago, and at most some conscientious ones will wait to see if there is a chance to collect Bud's body later.

It's just that General Bude was specially left behind. How could this key person be taken away like this? General Bude couldn't move for several days at least, and it would be dangerous to be taken away by soldiers like this.

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