The game is still going on. Luo Ren went back to the city for supplies and returned to the top lane. In this game, he chose to go the AP route instead of pure tank. He first bought some mana recovery equipment so that he could be more proactive in pushing the line when laning.

In the middle lane, Xiaoxuedi's Syndra and Perkz's Leblanc were basically evenly matched. Although Leblanc had a blood advantage, it was difficult for Perkz to play in front of Xiaoxuedi.

Five and a half minutes into the game, Luo Ren's Gragas reached level 6 and pushed the line into the defensive tower. Luo Ren chose to go back to the city for supplies.

The factory manager was about to go to the top lane for GANK. Seeing that Luo Ren was going home, he quickly signaled to Luo Ren: "Don't go back yet, I'll help you catch. You let the line go, let Galio come out a little, and use the ultimate to blow him back."

The factory manager was quite considerate to teach Luo Ren how to operate. After all, Gragas is a traditional jungle hero. He has been used more in the jungle in recent versions. He has also practiced it and feels that his proficiency is definitely not lower than Luo Ren.

However, Luo Ren did not interrupt the return to the city and went back.

"No, what are you doing?" The factory manager was embarrassed on the spot. He was about to go to the top lane, but the barrel went back?

The main reason why he didn't gank the top lane in the last game was because of Zhu Kai's arrangement, and the lineup had to focus on the bottom lane.

This game, he finally found an opportunity to gank the top lane, but Luo Ren didn't give him any face?

Luo Ren said: "You just help other lanes, the top lane doesn't need a jungler to help."

Hearing this, the factory manager's nose was crooked. He was taking his kindness for granted, right?

The director gave the factory manager a close-up. After the factory manager walked to the top lane, he saw that the barrel went back, so he had no choice but to go back to the city for supplies.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone was complaining wildly on the barrage:

"No, what is the factory manager strolling around? Why did he suddenly start strolling around?"

"If you want to catch, then catch. If you don't want to catch, forget it. What does it mean to stroll around?"

"This is what the Canyon Wanderer does."

"The factory manager's mission in every game is to leave as many footprints as possible in the Summoner's Rift."

"Why are you brushing up your prestige steps here?"

As everyone was talking, suddenly, the camera was turned to the bottom lane!

In the bottom lane, Lee Sin is here again!

It's still the same routine. While the bottom lane has the line right, after the bottom lane soldiers enter the tower, Lee Sin goes around from behind the defense tower.

The difference this time is that neither top laner has TP, and the mid laner has ignite, so there is no risk.

Guan Da said: "Here we go again. Now G2 has targeted G2's bottom lane and has been making trouble around it. It feels like EDG's bottom lane is going to collapse. This time, Varus is playing in the bottom lane. He is very dependent on development. If he is messed up a few times, he will be unplayable."

As Guan Da was talking, G2 had already started to fight. This time G2 learned to be smart and let Karma take the tower first with RQ. Lee Sin directly touched the eye and kicked Varus, and knocked Lulu away.

In this way, Karma stood on the edge of the defensive tower to hold the tower, and could walk out of the range of the defensive tower at any time without any risk.

Lee Sin and Rat just walked out after getting the kill. Although Rat was turned into a sheep by Lulu and did not deal damage in the first time, Varus would still die after the sheep time.

Lee Sin even deliberately injured Varus but did not kill him, letting Rat collect the kill.

However, just when G2 thought everything was going well, a big barrel was suddenly thrown over and hit Karma!

Karma was hit by the Gragas's ultimate and flew directly under the defense tower!

Although Karma used flash immediately after landing, it was too late and Karma was killed by the defense tower!

"Gragas! Gragas is here again! How did he get here? Doesn't he have no TP?" Reta was surprised.

Of course, Guan Da was also surprised, but he couldn't speak now.

Luo Ren's Gragas used his E skill through the wall to hit the opposite rat, followed by the W and Q skills, and the rat lost most of its health.

"Kill the rat." Luo Ren gave the rat a kill mark, and Meikou understood it, so she chased the opposite rat and beat it, slowing it down with the Q skill and attacking it with the basic attack.

On the other side, the blind monk took Varus's head, took two hits on the defense tower and walked out of the defense tower.

Now it's a bit embarrassing, he and the rat are not in good enough condition to continue two-on-two.

Then he had to give up and sell Rat. Lee Sin chose to walk towards the triangle grass and parted ways with Rat.

Rat was still operating. Luo Ren's Gragas chose to wait until the CD of WQ skill was ready, approached Rat, pretended to use E skill, but actually just scared him.

Sure enough, Rat was scared and directly used Flash to retreat.

There was no other way. When Gragas was completely close to him, Gragas could not react to Flash by using E skill directly, so he could only predict.Failed to predict, Rat tried to move, Gragas's E is a skill that can be easily used as a positioning show.

"Go, keep moving." However, Luo Ren was not in a hurry. He waited until Lulu turned Rat into a sheep, then followed up with a Q skill to slow down, and then rushed forward with a full stomach to take down Rat's head!

Luo Ren completed a double kill in the bottom lane!

The audience was excited:


"Who is the jungler in this game? Why do I always see XLG doing things? Where is the factory manager?"

"Is the factory manager invisible again?"

"No such person."

The audience supported Luo Ren more and more, and many EDG fans "rebelled".

The game continued, Luo Ren returned to the top lane to develop, and now Galio was difficult to hold.

He couldn't win the laning match, and Gragas had three heads in his hands, so he couldn't fight even more.

However, Luo Ren himself did not intend to waste time with Galio. He chose to quickly push the line of soldiers into the defensive tower, and then directly circled around and went behind the opposite tower to cut off the line of soldiers.

The director also gave Luo Ren a close-up very considerately. Reta smiled: "Now the barrel is not under any pressure in the top lane, and he has been bullying the opposite Galio."

"After cutting off the line of soldiers, the barrel went to the opposite jungle to brush the jungle. Now the opposite jungler is fighting the little dragon in the bottom lane. Is the factory manager going to fight for it?"

Originally, the two sides exchanged the jungle in this game. It was not easy for the factory manager to go to the lower half of the jungle. If he went there and found that the wild monsters were all brushed by the opponent, and there was no GANK opportunity, it would be a pure waste of time.

However, just now the opposite blind monk was counter-camped by Luo Ren, and the rhythm was messed up, which gave the factory manager an opportunity to exchange the jungle back.

Seeing that the opponent was fighting the dragon, the factory manager started to call people: "Blind Monk has no ultimate, the opponent is fighting the dragon, we can join."

Before the teammates responded, Luo Ren suddenly said: "What's the difference between you joining the team and giving away heads?"

"Mid and bottom lanes come over, we join the team." However, the factory manager was determined to kill, mainly because he didn't want to be completely led by Luo Ren and wanted to regain the initiative.

So the mid-lane and the duo walked towards the dragon pit together, and Guan Da explained:

"Is EDG planning to join the team? Blind Monk's lack of ultimate seems to be an opportunity. The opponent is also gathering, and a team fight is about to break out around this dragon!"

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