The factory manager was very strong this time. In his opinion, Lee Sin was useless in a team fight without his ultimate. Now was the best opportunity. It would be difficult to fight if he waited any longer. The CD of Lee Sin’s ultimate was estimated to be about ten or twenty seconds.

Although the factory manager was not good at playing Lee Sin, he remembered some basic data very clearly, such as the CD time of Lee Sin’s ultimate.

Just when the two sides were fighting, suddenly, the opposite Lee Sin attacked!

Lee Sin used a sound wave to hit the male gun, and flew over without saying a word.

This surprised the factory manager. Isn’t Lee Sin just giving away his life by playing like this?

The male gun used his E skill and retreated, bringing Lee Sin in, so that his teammates could focus on killing Lee Sin.

At this position, Lee Sin would die even if he touched his eyes to pull away, and Lee Sin didn’t have flash, so he was already dead.

“Lee Sin! Lee Sin!” The factory manager frantically gave Lee Sin a kill signal.

However, just when the EDG team was about to focus on Lee Sin, suddenly, an accident happened!

A circular area appeared around Lee Sin, Galio used his ultimate, and the hero appeared!

Seeing Galio's ultimate, the EDG players panicked. Those who had flash used it, and those who didn't had to be knocked away.

At the same time, Perkz's Ahri came out from the side, WRQE and threw out a set of skills, hitting an explosive AOE!

Guan Da exclaimed: "Oh! Perkz's Ahri has maxed out his output, and Galio's W flash controls three people! EDG's team battle is going to explode! This wave still has a chance."

Although Guan Da seemed to be quite regretful, he was already very happy. Can EDG still win this game? The gap is so big.

The G2 fans at the scene were excited and cheered:

"Perkz! Perkz! Perkz!"

In the end, EDG was beaten 3 for 0. Except for Zz1's Graves who flashed his ultimate and ran away, everyone else was gone.

Meikou felt that things were not going well: "We can't fight, there is a Galio on the opposite side, we think too simply."

Xiaoxuedi: "We shouldn't fight this wave, the opposite Galio disappeared in the top lane for a while, they planned it."

Iboy: "The opposite rat double killed, I can't fight in the bottom lane."

Zhaozhang suddenly felt a headache, after all, this wave of team battle was his to fight.

Even Luo Ren tried to stop him but it was useless, so now he had to take the blame: "My, this wave... my problem."

At this time, in the EDG lounge, Abu was already furious: "Isn't Mingkai doing something? He messed up the rhythm? Can he fight the little dragon this wave? He is simply a genius!"

Zhu Kai was also very angry: "Why can't you calm down in this crucial game, you are so impatient and keep giving the opponent this opportunity."

The camera was given to the top lane, and everyone suddenly found that the barrel was no longer in the top lane.

Then, the camera was given to the bottom lane, and Luo Ren's barrel appeared in the bottom lane and was walking towards the bushes on the opposite bottom lane.

Reta explained: "Look at the soldiers in the top lane. The next wave of soldiers is still on the opposite high ground. Did Gragas cut off the soldiers so far? Then there is enough time to go to other places to make trouble."

"He chose to come to the bottom lane. The opponent seemed to be completely unaware. The G2 duo returned to the city and was walking to the bottom lane."

So, the fans of G2 at the scene began to get excited:

"There is someone in the bushes in the bottom lane! Gragas is ambushing inside!"

"Duo, be careful, don't be fooled!"

"Why do I feel that G2's bottom lane is going to have problems?"

"This Gragas is so shady, who can think of this?"

Colonel Guan also saw it and was anxious in his heart.

If there was a chance, he wanted to rush up and tell the G2 players to be careful of Gragas.

Soon, the opposite duo returned to the line, but the top lane of G2 also sent a signal to let teammates be careful. Gragas disappeared.

G2's bottom lane became careful. The auxiliary Karma went to the triangle grass to put a ward and used RQ to test to confirm that there was no one in the bush.

Then when approaching the bush on the line, he also used the Q skill to test first, and only approached to place a ward after ensuring safety, and everything was normal.

In the middle lane, Perkz's Ahri was also very careful, saving his W. If Gragas appeared, he could use W to retreat.

Just when everyone in G2 was very careful, suddenly, Luo Ren took action!

At this time, the EDG duo had just returned to the line to start last-hitting and development. Luo Ren's Gragas first handed over a Q skill at his feet, and then handed over his ultimate to blast the opponent's last-hitting rat back.

When the rat was about to land, the barrel was full of belly, followed by a flat attack with W passive damage, and finally detonated the Q skill, cooperated with Varus's Q, and killed the opponent's rat directly!

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded:

"Fuck, is this a geometric barrel?? So showy? "

"No, buddy, you have to show off your skills, right? What if you fail?"

"Success and failure are temporary, but being cool is for life. As long as you are cool, it's all!"

"That's right, being cool is right, and I won't accept any rebuttal."

In the commentary booth, Reta cheered: "What a cool operation! This wave of Gragas is really cool, not only the operation is cool, but also his thinking is very cool. He first cuts off the line of soldiers and then goes to the bottom lane to wait."

"It seems to take a long time, but after the work is done, he TPs to the top lane, and actually there is basically no loss of soldiers. This is to take one step and look three steps ahead! "

Guan Da was dumbfounded. He was very surprised when he saw the operation and thinking of the barrel, but he couldn't say it now. If he said it, he would be slapping himself in the face.

The game continued. Luo Ren TPed back to the top lane to continue to develop. He has now produced the Book of Death, and it is level 14!

On the G2 side, Perkz noticed Luo Ren's Book of Death, and he reminded his teammates:

"You'd better not give this barrel a kill. He is not a tank. If he continues to develop like this, we can't bear his damage in team fights. ”

Hearing this, the teammates also felt a headache. They were not deliberately giving away their chances. Every time, this Gragas could attack in ways they could not imagine. Who could do anything?

In fact, the bottom lane was very careful this time. They tried various ways and made various visions, but they were still killed. They could only feel helpless.

The game lasted ten minutes. The Rift Herald refreshed. Luo Ren continued to play the dragon in the top lane and cut off the line of soldiers behind the defensive tower.

After the lesson of the last game, the G2 jungler did not want to gank the top lane. He was worried that he would be manipulated by Luo Ren again, so he could only continue to focus on the bottom lane.

This time, Galio had TP, and G2 had ideas about EDG's bottom lane.

The jungler Lee Sin first came to the bottom lane to clear a wave of vision, and then invaded EDG's lower jungle area.

As a result, he met Zz10's Graves in the jungle. This time, Lee Sin was very tough. He touched the eye and approached Graves to start fighting with Graves.

"Look at me. "Zizi retreated while fighting, and chose to call for help.

So both sides' mid and bottom lanes started to move and went to the jungle together.

Guan Da said: "Zizi's jungle was invaded, it seems to be a four-on-four wave, but the male gun is not in good condition, it feels like he may not win."

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