As Guan Da was talking, suddenly, Lee Sin kicked Graves away, and Ahri followed up with WQR, killing Graves in mid-air!

At the same time, Syndra's QE controlled Lee Sin, who didn't have much health. With a W and a big move, Syndra was going to get a kill!

But just when everyone thought Lee Sin was going to die, suddenly, a magic shield appeared on Lee Sin!

Guan Da was surprised and said, "Galio's big move! Galio used his big move to forcibly save Lee Sin. He's not dead yet. This wave of Lee Sin is not dead yet. Now G2 has five people, and EDG has only three people in front. We dare not fight!"

EDG had no choice but to give up this team battle. The lower half of the jungle was going to be eaten by the opposite Lee Sin.

This happened to be when the third blue BUFF was about to refresh, and three groups of wild monsters were lost at once, which meant that the factory manager was killed again!

The factory manager was a little helpless: "The opponent is so annoying, the opposite Galio is so disgusting, always using the ultimate to support and cause trouble."

He originally wanted his teammates to stand on his side and speak for him.

But unexpectedly, Xiaodi had a different opinion: "Now Galio is fifty knives behind Gragas, we just need to stabilize, we can win this time."

This time, Meikou agreed with this statement: "Gragas should have a chance to carry, let's not worry now, we are not in a hurry, it is the opponent who is anxious."

The game is still going on, Luo Ren chooses to play alone, takes down the Rift Herald, and then continues to cut off the line of soldiers in the top lane.

The game time is twelve minutes, Luo Ren returns to the city to replenish, and then takes the Rift Herald to the middle lane.

In the middle lane, Xiaodi's Syndra and Perkz's Leblanc are showing off their skills to each other.

The two are now almost developed and have similar health, and it is almost a 50-50 situation.

The director gave a close-up of Gragas, and Reta explained: "Gragas seems to be going to the middle lane to cause trouble. Leblanc has not died yet, and Gragas is going to take her first time."

Hearing this, Guan laughed: "Gragas is going to catch Leblanc? Leblanc has flash and ultimate skills, I think Gragas is thinking too much."

"If Leblanc can be killed by Gragas this time, then I can only say that Leblanc is too bad."

Reta retorted: "Didn't you say that his Leblanc is good before? How come it becomes too bad now?"

Guan said playfully: "So I said that Gragas can't kill Leblanc this time, Reta, your understanding seems to be a bit problematic."

Reta rolled his eyes at Guan Da, thinking that Guan Da should just wait to be slapped in the face!

As the two were talking, Luo Ren's Gragas was already in place.

At the same time, Syndra exchanged blood with Leblanc in the middle lane, and Syndra threw a QE in the backhand, but it missed!

Guan Da laughed: "Hahaha, this wave is not Gragas' fault, it's Syndra's skill that's a bit crooked, so let Syndra take the blame."

At this moment, LeBlanc took advantage of Syndra's lack of E skill, handed over W to close the distance, and gave Syndra a QE, which hit!

Suddenly, Luo Ren's Gragas came out from the side and approached LeBlanc.

LeBlanc didn't go back immediately, he chose to go down, while keeping the chain from being broken.

Gragas handed over an E skill and hit it with his stomach, and at the moment the distance was closed, LeBlanc disappeared!

LeBlanc used the W skill to return to the other side, and Guan Da laughed: "This wave of Gragas was shown..."

However, before he finished speaking, the situation suddenly changed.

Before the E skill ended, Gragas suddenly handed over the flash, came an E flash, drew a "7" on the map, hit the opposite LeBlanc, and then handed over the ultimate move, LeBlanc was blown back!

At this time, the passive of the Enchantress is triggered, and she enters the stealth state.

Even in this case, the barrel still used the Q skill to predict the flying position of the Enchantress and took the head.

The audience was shocked:

"Fuck! What is this barrel doing?"

"It's the will of 7! This is the will of 7!"

"This person's operation is too exaggerated, how did he react?"

"Scared, I'm really scared, Perkz must be numb."

The director gave Perkz a close-up, and he was indeed numb at this time, staring at the screen directly.

At the moment when the barrel handed over the E, he also felt that he had shown off this barrel, but he didn't know that this barrel had such a trick!

In the commentary booth, Reta was overjoyed: "So cool! This wave of Gragas's operation was so cool! Leblanc didn't react at all. He had his ultimate and flash, but he was killed before he could use either!"

Reta looked at Guan Da and asked: "Guan Shen, how was this wave of Gragas's operation? Wasn't it cool?"

"Tsk..." Guan Da couldn't even find any points to nitpick except venting his emotions. He couldn't find any faults.Come.

After this wave, Luo Ren released the Rift Herald in the middle.

There was no choice, Lee Sin could only choose to defend in the middle.

Luo Ren reminded: "If you can control Lee Sin, you can kill him."

The junior brother understood: "Okay, I'll try."

Although Luo Ren has the E skill, he can't take the initiative. Gragas' E is slow and easy to be shown, especially when there is no flash.

The defensive tower was hit by the Rift Herald and became a residual health. The opposite Lee Sin tried to output the Rift Herald, and he was quite careful.

Suddenly, the junior brother's Syndra handed over a QE, and Lee Sin wanted to leave but it was too late, and he was controlled!

So Luo Ren's Gragas W started, and he pushed forward with a belly, followed by the basic attack and Q skills, and a set of skills followed by the ultimate move, the damage was just right, and Lee Sin was killed instantly!

Colonel Guan couldn't help it and yelled: "What is G2 fighting? Why do they keep giving up? Do they know how to play this game? Can't they just stop giving up? Will Lee Sin die if he uses Flash?"

Reta smiled: "I know you are anxious, but don't worry, it's okay, G2 still has a chance, and it's not certain to lose."

Reta said this deliberately. In her opinion, EDG will win with Luo Ren, and now she is just teasing Colonel Guan and making fun of him.

The game lasted 18 minutes. Luo Ren took down a tower in the top lane, and then continued to farm in the opposite jungle.

The director gave a close-up, Luo Ren is now 240 knives!

After returning to the city for supplies, Gragas directly took out a hat.

Reta exclaimed: "What an exaggerated development! Now Gragas has magic penetration shoes, a hat, Luden and a killing book. The killing book has 20 layers and will be full soon!"

Luo Ren went to the bottom lane. This time, the opponent was much more cautious. When they found that Gragas was not in the top lane, they all chose to hide.

"There is vision in the river and in the bushes on the line." Meikou reminded.

Now the third dragon is about to refresh, Luo Ren commanded: "I will kill the opponent's Leblanc in one second, and you go to fight the dragon."

Hearing this, the EDG team was a little confused. Can Leblanc be killed in one second?

Soon, the dragon refreshed. In the middle lane, Perkz pushed the line over and walked towards the dragon pit. He was close to the bushes below the middle lane. He chose to put a ward first to confirm safety. He found a true eye inside, so he demolished it while moving.

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