The lineups of both teams were determined:

Blue EDG: Top Titan, Jungle Gragas, Mid Jayce, ADC Varus, Support Zyra.

Red SKT: Top Rumble, Jungle Nidalee, Mid Lucian, ADC Ashe, Support Lulu.

When Guan Da said that Peanut was absolutely sure to beat Luo Ren, the director was very considerate and gave Peanut a close-up of his expression.

However, unlike what Guan Da thought, Peanut was not relaxed at all at this time, his brows were furrowed, and he was very nervous.

Guan Da immediately changed his words: "This wave, this wave is... Although I am very sure, I have to go all out, this is professionalism!"

"Puff..." I remember I couldn't help laughing out loud.

Guan Da looked over immediately: "What are you laughing at? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Jide quickly responded: "No problem, of course no problem, I'm a professional, I don't usually laugh..."

Entering the game screen, Luo Ren began to arrange tactics:

"In this game, you exchange more blood on the line, and wait for me to gank."

Mei Kou reminded: "You have to be careful of the opposite Nidalee's counter-jungle. Nidalee must counter-jungle, otherwise it's useless."

Luo Ren smiled: "Don't worry, if he dares to counter-jungle, he will definitely regret it."

Hearing this, everyone in EDG began to feel uneasy.

Because normally, Gragas will definitely not beat Nidalee in a single fight.

After Gragas uses a set of skills, he can only be chased by Nidalee.

And Nidalee is very flexible, and Gragas' skills are not easy to hit.

If Luo Ren plays too aggressively and hangs around in the jungle with Peanut, it will easily go wrong.

Everyone in EDG was worried, and suddenly found that Luo Ren had started to play routines.

Luo Ren's Gragas came to the dragon pit, used his E skill to pass through the wall and entered the upper jungle of SKT.

"Don't come over, just stand guard, otherwise I will be killed by you." Luo Ren commanded.

Although the EDG people didn't know what he was going to do, they had to do it because he said so.

I remember the commentator said: "What's going on? Gragas invaded alone. Is he planning to open Nidalee's red buff alone? Why do I feel that it's not profitable? Gragas is very slow to open buff alone at level 1."

Colonel Guan became more and more optimistic: "Like I said just now, he doesn't know how to play jungle at all, he's just pretending. There will definitely be big problems this time."

Soon, the first wave of minions came out, and the wild monsters were about to refresh. Luo Ren went straight to kill the giant bird.

I remember the commentator said: "Open the giant bird directly? The jungle experience has increased once in this version, so opening the giant bird at level 1 can also upgrade it to two levels. So this is the idea?"

Luo Ren took the giant bird and upgraded it to level 2, then went straight to the red buff.

At the same time, Peanut's Nidalee was clearing the jungle in the lower jungle, clearing all the monsters in the first round, so he needed to kill three groups of monsters before he could go to the top lane.

I remember feeling bad: "If we keep playing like this, when Nidalee comes to the upper jungle, there will be nothing in the upper jungle."

"It was agreed that Nidalee would counter Gragas's monsters, but why do I feel like it's the other way around, Gragas is now going to counter Nidalee's upper jungle?"

The SKT fans at the scene started to get anxious and yelled:

"Peanut, your jungle is gone, hurry over."

"Gragas is clearing your upper jungle, can you see it?"

"No way, Peanut was countered?"

"This Gragas seems to have a trick."

Everyone couldn't believe that EDG and SKT were playing a game, and EDG could counter SKT's monsters. When Zz1t played jungle before, it was Peanut who countered.

In the EDG lounge, Zhu Kai looked back at the factory manager and said, "Mingkai, you have to take a good look. Peanut is not that difficult to deal with."

The factory manager was very embarrassed. He was really afraid of Peanut before. Peanut was too reckless.

The better Luo Ren performed now, the more embarrassed he was.

At the same time, the factory manager also wanted to win the championship, which was very entangled.

Luo Ren cleared the upper half of the opponent's jungle area, and at the same time, he placed a ward outside the opponent's red buff and above the dragon pit.

From the perspective of God, Nidalee had already reached the red buff pit. His jungle clearing speed was faster than that of Gragas, but he had walked a long way, so he just came here.

I remember the commentator said: "It was really thrilling. Nidalee almost caught up with Gragas. Now he must be very angry and found that his upper jungle area was gone."

"Niepa put a trap through the wall, but didn't find the stone man, which proves that the stone man is gone. Now we have to see what Nidalee will do next. It seems that he is going to go to EDG's upper jungle area! Wait, there is something interesting in this eye position. Nidalee's movements can be seen clearly!"

Niepa turned into a leopard and jumped down from the dragon pit. However, all this happened to be in the vision left by Luo Ren.Discovered.

Guan laughed: "Haha, so what if I saw it? Look at the top lane, now A Guang's Titan is being ruthlessly suppressed by Huni's Rambo. In this game, Huni took out his signature Rambo and went to blow up the lane."

"As long as the jungle fight starts, Titan dares not go over with low health, but Rambo can go over. EDG will explode if they dare to fight."

At this time, Luo Ren had returned to the city for supplies. Unlike what Colonel Guan expected, Luo Ren chose to go to the lower half of the jungle!

At this time, on the SKT side, Peanut was frantically shaking people: "Mid and top lanes, pay attention to my position. I may encounter the opponent's jungler at any time."

He knew that the barrel probably left a ward at a certain position, and his traces had probably been discovered.

So it is necessary to remind teammates in advance and let them pay attention to support.

In general, the problem is not big. As long as the fight starts, they will definitely have the advantage.

However, he was brushing the jungle while waiting, and he didn't wait for the barrel.

"The barrel must have gone to the lower half of the jungle." Peanut made a judgment immediately.

This was something he had not expected. He had lost his chance to counter-attack the jungle in the first wave. He could have relied on his fast jungle clearing speed to counter-attack the upper jungle area of ​​Gragas.

Now that Gragas had done this, everything was in chaos.

However, there were still many opportunities later, and Peanut was not in a hurry.

On the commentary stand, I remember saying, "Both sides seem to have developed steadily. I thought that Nidalee would put a lot of pressure on Gragas in the front. It seems that Gragas is also well prepared."

"The current situation is also quite comfortable for Gragas. If both sides develop normally, Gragas is much stronger than Nidalee in team fights."

Suddenly, in the middle lane, Luo Ren's Gragas took action!

I remember saying, "No, Gragas did not clear the lower jungle area this time. He only killed a big bird and went to gank the middle lane!"

"Also, Lucian didn't seem to know that Gragas was down there. His position gave him an opportunity!"

Faker's Lucian was passionately laning with Xiaodi in the middle lane, and both of them were less than half-blood.

He was standing in the direction of the bottom lane, thinking that Gragas must be in the upper jungle.

But he didn't expect Gragas to appear from the side and hit him in the face!

Luo Ren's Gragas E skill rushed towards Lucian, and Faker reacted quickly, using the E skill to retreat and then flashed!

Lucian used an E flash!

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