Faker originally wanted to make a move. He bet that Gragas would definitely use E flash. If he didn't use flash, he would be dead.

However, Luo Ren's Gragas didn't flash at all, and Lucian's flash was tricked out!

Luo Ren also sent an emoji with a question mark on his head, indicating that he didn't understand what Lucian was doing.

The official live broadcast room was boiling with comments:

"Hahaha, someone seems to have been fooled, but I won't say who it is."

"No way, Lucian is so sensitive, did he flash directly?"

"What do you know, Lucian is on the fifth floor, predicting Gragas' flash."

"Then XLG is on the sixth floor, predicting your prediction."

After Luo Ren tricked Lucian's flash in the middle lane, he pretended to retreat, but actually gave a signal to Jayce to push the line: "Push the line in, we'll cross the tower."

At this time, on the SKT side, after being hit with a flash, Faker was already very angry, and when he saw Luo Ren's question mark icon, his mentality exploded:

"How do you play jungle? You don't even know the opponent's position? What level are you? You don't know where the opponent's jungler is at level three?"

Xiaohuasheng had nothing to say, because this is indeed the basic skill of jungle, especially in the first few levels, normally you should be able to fully grasp the opponent's whereabouts, at least know which half of the area they are in, and whether they can catch people.

Just as the mid lane soldiers entered the tower and Faker started to last hit, suddenly, he felt that he was hit by someone!

Gragas came from the side jungle, followed by a Q skill and a basic attack with W skill damage, Jayce followed with a QE, and Lucian was gone!

"West..." Faker almost swore, this wave of soldiers just happened to enter the tower, his loss was not a little bit!

I remember the commentator said: "It feels a bit targeted, the first wave came and flashed, the second wave went over the tower and took away, Lucian had ignite, the loss was huge."

Peanut's Nidalee had reached the middle lane, but could only help to clear the soldiers.

The director gave Faker a close-up of his expression, and Faker's face was black at this time!

Luo Ren returned to his lower half jungle to continue to brush the jungle, and he didn't even use flash this time.

And Nidalee was embarrassed now, he knew that Gragas still had two groups of wild monsters to brush, which could be seen from the number of brushed jungles.

But because his own midlaner was gone, if he went to invade, he would be easily double-teamed and killed.

There was no choice, Xiaohuasheng could only choose to give up the idea of ​​invading.

"Nice! Nice! Got it!" In the lounge, Mina cheered wildly. In her opinion, Faker was the kind that was difficult to catch, and being able to catch Faker was also a skill.

Moreover, as the absolute core of SKT now, if Faker's development was restricted, it would be a big blow to SKT.

Eunjeong muttered: "I didn't expect his jungler to be so good, so is there any position he can't play? I can't think of it."

After Luo Ren finished brushing his lower half jungle area, he chose to go to the bottom lane: "Bottom lane, we can cooperate."

Meikou reminded: "There is no eye in the bush online, there should be an eye in the river."

Luo Ren responded: "Okay, I'm coming."

Luo Ren's barrel entered the bush online along the line of soldiers, and then began to wait for an opportunity.

Both sides were using their skills to consume each other in the bottom lane. Suddenly, Luo Ren saw an opportunity. The opposite Lulu used her Q skill to try to consume Varus, and her position was relatively forward.

So Luo Ren started with W and used his E skill to push forward, and Lulu was controlled!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jyra followed up with an E skill, and Varus came forward to output, and the three of them cooperated to kill the opposite Lulu.

Luo Ren then returned to the city for supplies.

I remember the commentator said: "Grandal's rhythm is quite good. He has been looking for opportunities. Counting the first wave of Lucian flashing, this is the third time he has made a move, and he has gained something every time."

Guan Da was a little anxious, and suddenly he found something: "No, Gragas seems to have made a profit this time, but in fact he lost a lot. Normally, he should go to the upper jungle of the opponent to refresh the jungle."

"But he chose to gank the bottom lane, and Nidalee could take back the upper jungle. Nidalee knew the refresh time of Gragas' own upper jungle, and she would definitely come to counter the jungle at that time. In fact, Gragas lost a lot!"

I remember suddenly feeling that what Guan Da said made some sense. If so many wild monsters were countered, one kill would not be profitable.

However, Luo Ren's Gragas did not go to the upper jungle, he chose to go straight to the middle lane!

The fight between Jayce and Lucian in the middle lane was still very fierce. It was almost impossible for these two heroes to develop peacefully in the line.

Luo Ren's Gragas rushed to the position below the middle lane, and he chose to give Lucian a kill mark.

Guan Da said he couldn't accept it: "No, this Gragas doesn't farm the jungle anymore? He just keeps catching people?If we don't catch him, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

As Guan Dazheng was talking, his junior Jayce took action. Jayce used QE to speed up and approach Lucian. AWAA... Lucian knew someone was coming and retreated all the way.

Sure enough, Gragas approached from the side. Luo Ren's Gragas used E skill to hit him. Lucian used E skill to the side. He thought Gragas would flash with E.

But this time, Gragas still didn't flash. E skill closed the distance and Q skill slowed down. Jayce switched to hammer form and hit him with Sky Leap. Gragas activated W to drink and cooperated with Jayce to take away Lucian with a basic attack.

I remember the commentator said: "Gragas came to the middle lane and killed Faker's Lucian again. It's a bit targeted, this is a bit targeted!"

Guan Da seemed very unconvinced: "No, this Gragas... doesn't he farm? It's a loss for him not to farm. He just keeps catching people? Don't you think about what will happen if you can't catch him? ”

Ji Ji laughed and said, “It’s a shame not to catch anyone, but the problem now is that he can really catch someone.”

At this time, Peanut was also confused on SKT’s side: “No, is this Gragas so confident? If he can’t catch anyone, he will self-destruct!”

As a jungler, Peanut knew very well how shameful it was to actively gank in the game but fail to catch anyone, especially when there were wild monsters in the jungle.

But this Gragas dared to do it, and he succeeded.

Peanut wanted Faker to be careful, but he didn’t dare to say it out loud. He could feel that Faker was very angry now.

“Oops! "Suddenly, Peanut thought of a possibility!

Why did the opponent suddenly want to play jungle? And he obviously wanted to target the middle lane?

Maybe it was because he had already mastered Faker's psychological state!

Faker didn't win the previous game in the middle lane and was beaten up. Now he is in a state of excitement and anger.

At this time, Faker is easy to get excited, and the more he is caught, the more excited he gets.

This has happened before, and Faker has a bad temper.

Peanut realized that he had to give more protection to the middle lane, otherwise the middle lane would definitely be withdrawn infinitely!

After Luo Ren ganked in the middle lane, he helped push the line to get some experience.

The lower jungle area just refreshed, and he refreshed the lower jungle area. Now Luo Ren's level is still low, only level 4.

Luo Ren estimated that Peanut's Nidalee should be almost level 6.

The good news is that his equipment is quite ahead.

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