Melee soldiers are easy to kill, but ranged soldiers are a bit difficult. Gala's Varus starts to pull and move back and forth to test Luo Ren's reaction.

On the contrary, Luo Ren's policewoman behaves very abnormally, standing still without moving. Normally, she must pull and move, and it is much easier to move while moving than when she is still.

Varus charges the Q skill, and Luo Ren's policewoman suddenly walks up and attacks with a basic attack to consume.

Varus shoots the Q skill, Luo Ren moves sideways and easily dodges it, and continues to attack with a basic attack, pulling while attacking, keeping the maximum output distance.

Crisp's Lulu walks up and seems to want to help, so Braum also comes out from the opposite bush, threatening Lulu's movement, and the bottom lane becomes a duel between the ADC and the support.

After being hit by the policewoman three times, Gala's Varus didn't attack at once, so he could only retreat.

Luo Ren didn't force the pursuit. The second wave of soldiers arrived at the line. There were many soldiers. If he forced the pursuit, he would be attacked by the soldiers. He chose to give up a Q skill.

"Move!" Gala tried to move, but failed to dodge!

Mina explained: "It's a good fight. The policewoman has a perfect control of the output distance. Varus was kite. The difference in proficiency and basic skills of the two ADCs can be felt in the first wave of confrontation."

Miller agreed: "Indeed, the difference between top players lies in the details. This wave can clearly see the difference between Gala and XLG in details."

Guan Da was not in a hurry: "It doesn't matter. Suppression is suppression. I said that DL can win this game by relying on the mid, top and jungle. The disadvantage of the bottom lane doesn't matter at all."

The director gave the camera to the top lane. The stone man of the emperor in the top lane was resisting the pressure. He chose to use the Q skill to make up the knife instead of using the Q skill to consume.

The shy's prince used the Q skill to knock out the passive granite passive of the stone.

So he let the Emperor hide in the bushes and wait for his passive to refresh before coming out to continue last-hitting.

Miller was dumbfounded: "This Stone Man is too cowardly in the laning phase. He gave up many last-hittings by himself, just not giving the Prince a chance to consume him."

Mina analyzed: "If he can continue to develop like this, it's not bad for him. The Prince can only develop normally at most, and the Stone Man is a little worse. He just needs to use his ultimate in team battles."

"The strength gap in the top lane is here. It's already very good to be able to play like this."

In the middle lane, Xiaohu's Clockwork was suppressed. He wanted to push the line of soldiers into the tower, but the line of soldiers was stuck by the snake girl, which was very embarrassing.

If he can't push in immediately, when the next wave of soldiers comes, the opponent's jungler may come to the middle lane to gank, which will be troublesome.

So Xiaohu bit the bullet and pushed the line of soldiers. Suddenly, the snake girl used Q and hit it!

The snake girl directly started sprinting and rushed up to fight.

"Is she sprinting now?" Xiaohu was dumbfounded. The opposing Cassiopeia was too sensitive.

Cassiopeia chased Xiaohu and attacked him. Xiaohu could only retreat all the way. When he ran to the defense tower, he was already at low health.

Mi Le explained: "This Cassiopeia is really violent. She sprinted and attacked as soon as she met him. She was suppressing him to the fullest. Now Xiaohu can only go back first. The good news is that he has TP, and Cassiopeia doesn't have much mana left. She has to go back after pushing the line."

Guan Da has begun to be optimistic: "This is what I said just now. RNG's mid and top are too different from DL, so the bottom lane advantage is useless. In the end, we still have to lose."

The director's camera was given to the bottom lane. Luo Ren's policewoman pushed the bottom lane line over, and then began to look for opportunities to consume in front of the defense tower.

While Varus was last-hitting, Luo Ren handed over a Q skill.

"Move!" Gala tried to move, but it was useless.

Every time, the policewoman used her Q skill when he was blocking her attack, and the angle of this Q was very tricky, so she had no time to move.

Fortunately, Lulu gave him a shield, so her health didn't drop much.

Varus came up to continue to last hit, and Luo Ren's policewoman began to consume in front of the defense tower, attacking once and turning back, attacking once, and then turning back.

At this time, the hatred of the defense tower was constantly transferred to Luo Ren, but he didn't hit him.

Mina analyzed: "In the gap between the policewoman's attacks when blocking the defense tower, the policewoman attacks Varus every time when the defense tower attacks the minions. In this way, the hatred of the defense tower is transferred to the policewoman."

"But because she is still in the state of attacking after the swing, she can't attack the policewoman. The policewoman only needs to pull out of the defense tower's attack range after the swing ends."

Miller exclaimed: "Is Miss Jin Minna so professional?"

Although Miller also knew the principle, he couldn't summarize it in such precise and simple words.

Crisp's Lulu stepped forward to help relieve the pressure, and Luo Ren's policewoman began to attack Lulu.

He will attack anyone who dares to stand forward. Anyway, Lulu's basic attack range isMuch shorter than him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Ming used a Q skill to slow down. Lulu was too far forward and was hit by this Q. The policewoman used three basic attacks to trigger her passive, put down the trap, and then followed up with a headshot with the Q skill, and Lulu lost half of her health!

Jin Minna praised: "What a strong suppression force. The policewoman and Braum cooperated well. Now DL's bottom lane is a bit overwhelmed. If teammates don't come to help, the bottom lane will collapse sooner or later."

In the jungle, Wei's Gragas is now being chased by Mala Xiangguo's Mantis.

Mantis is still too strong in the jungle, especially when the opponent gets a jungler like Gragas.

Miller commented: "Now the jungler seems to have no time to manage the line, both sides are, so the players can only rely on their own ability to line up."

The next wave of soldiers came, and Luo Ren kept pushing the line.

Gala was very entangled. He didn't have much health now, so he should go back, but going back now would lose the soldiers.

Moreover, he didn't have enough money to buy equipment, so going back was a waste of time.

He chose to stay and planned to clear another wave of soldiers.

After the soldiers entered the tower, Luo Ren saw that the two opponents did not leave, so he wanted to kill them: "You can kill them, watch me operate."

Xiao Ming replied: "Okay!"

At first, Xiao Ming actually doubted Luo Ren, but after these waves of laning, he was convinced that Luo Ren was really good!

Luo Ren approached Varus again, and Varus could only retreat. Luo Ren's policewoman continued to move forward, and Varus continued to retreat.

But this position is a bit deep. If the policewoman attacks Varus, even if he is stuck in the attack gap of the defense tower, he will be hit by the defense tower!

"You can fight!" This gave Crisp an opportunity. When the policewoman raised her hand to attack, he chose to hand over the sheep transformation!

However, after handing it over, he found that he was fooled.

He and the policewoman actually canceled the attack, and his sheep transformation had been given out, and the defense tower did not attack the policewoman, which was a waste!

"I've been tricked." Crisp muttered.

"Just kill Lulu!" Luo Ren gave Lulu a kill mark.

So Braum used Q to attack Lulu, and Luo Ren's control effect disappeared and he attacked Lulu.

Seeing that her passive was about to be hit, Lulu flashed back.

"Crack!" Stepped on the trap!

"Why is there a trap?" Crisp was confused.

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