Luo Ren's policewoman followed up with AQ and headshotted Lulu.

The first blood broke out, Luo Ren's policewoman got the first blood!

Mina commented: "A very exciting wave of line kills! The policewoman placed a trap behind the defense tower in advance. The position of this trap is very tricky and blocked by the defense tower. Lulu obviously didn't notice it. Now it's troublesome. The policewoman got the first blood."

Crisp said helplessly: "This wave is mine. I didn't handle it well."

Gala responded: "It's okay, we can still fight."

Of course he is under a lot of pressure now. The policewoman and Braum are getting closer and not giving him experience.

Varus can only retreat and pull back all the way. At this time, Luo Ren's policewoman surrenders to Varus at close range.

Miller exclaimed: "Did the policewoman flash? What is she doing? The policewoman has no control skills. Braum jumped up and gave Varus a basic attack. Varus flashed and Braum's Q skill hit!"

"The policewoman used Braum's passive and placed a trap. Braum followed and ignited Varus, and Varus was also killed!"

Mina explained: "This wave of policewoman is so decisive. Generally speaking, this kind of operation will not appear on the hero of the policewoman. He is really confident."

Guan Da was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Luo Ren to be so good at playing. He could even kill Varus?

At this time in the RNG lounge, although RNG's bottom lane is now advantageous.

But UZI was sweating profusely!

What's the situation? Even if it was him, it would be impossible to play such a big advantage against DL's bottom lane.

This is not the first time he has played against DL's bottom lane, so he is very clear about the strength of the DL duo.

Suddenly, Feng Ge looked back.

Turned his head immediately.

Although Feng Ge didn't say anything, UZI felt that Feng Ge had said everything.

"It's okay, this policewoman." UZI suddenly said.

Feng Ge was stunned, and then responded: "Yes."

UZI regretted why he suddenly said something hard, but he had already said it hard and couldn't take it back, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to say:

"There are still some places that are not detailed enough, and there is still room for improvement."

Feng Ge stopped talking, and UZI was even more embarrassed.

The game continued. Luo Ren returned to the city for supplies and continued to suppress after coming out.

At the same time, the stone man of the top laner who made Emperor go home was beaten back, and TP came out to continue the line.

Luo Ren took a look at the top lane. The top lane now had twice the last hit difference, which was completely acceptable.

For Luo Ren, as long as Emperor didn't give away heads, such a small disadvantage was the same as no disadvantage.

"Let Emperor, not bad, very powerful." Luo Ren suddenly said.

"Ah... No way, I was suppressed by double the last hits, and there is a TP gap..." Rangdi himself was embarrassed.

Luo Ren continued: "This is not the point, the point is that you completed the task I gave you, that's all."

Rangdi was touched! If UZI was in the bottom lane, he was suppressed by double the last hits in the top lane, UZI would have started to scold him, but Su Bai not only did not scold him, but comforted him.

In this comparison, the difference is not a little bit.

So Rangdi suddenly became full of energy and doubled his investment in the line.

As for Xiaohu in the middle lane, Luo Ren saw that Xiaohu was being chased by Zuoshou, and this wave of flash was hit, which was really miserable.

"Let's push the line and look for opportunities in the middle lane."

Xiao Ming responded: "Okay."

The two quickly pushed the line over and disappeared in the bottom lane.

In the middle lane, Snake continued to suppress Clockwork.

Suddenly, the policewoman and Braum came from below.

Guan Da mocked, "Does he really know how to play the bottom lane? How can Caitlyn and Braum catch people? What if Braum is level 6? A level 4 Braum is catching people with Caitlyn?"

Suddenly, Braum used a Q flash and hit!

Luo Ren's Caitlyn came forward to output, and Snake Girl could only use flash to retreat. Luo Ren used E in the opposite direction, followed by a basic attack to trigger the passive, and followed by a clamp.

Xiaohu's Clockwork came up to output, and Snake Girl was clamped by the clamp, standing in place like crazy, and finally Luo Ren's Caitlyn took the head.

"The opponent's support has no flash, and neither do I." Zuoshou felt speechless.

It was not easy to get the Clockwork to flash, and there was a chance to kill alone in this wave.

In the end, he was caught by the duo.

Crisp took the blame: "My, I didn't give a signal, I thought they were ambushing in the bushes in the bottom lane, this kind of combination usually doesn't gank."

Zuoshou replied: "It's okay."

Of course, he just said it was okay, in fact, this wave had a great impact on him.

He was originally suppressing the middle lane steadily and had a chance to kill alone, after all, he had an extra flash.

But now he has no flash, and he is back on the same starting line as Xiaohu, so it is difficult to kill alone.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was all:

"You don't really want to win, right? No way? What about UZI? "

"Oh my god, is he so strong? Is he so awesome playing the bottom lane?"

"Brother, don't kill him, leave a way out for us so that we can meet again in the future, you will be punished by God!"

"You are so bold! You suddenly started a team fight, right? You are almost there!"

The game is still going on, Luo Ren returns to the bottom lane to continue the laning.

The equipment advantage is huge, just mindlessly push the line and suppress it.

Six minutes, Mala Xiangguo's Mantis is level 6.

"I want to invade the opponent's jungle, can the bottom lane come over?"

Mala Xiangguo suddenly said.

In this game, Luo Ren asked Mala Xiangguo to take the Mantis, just waiting for him to go to the jungle to cause trouble.

So far, it has worked, and the junglers on both sides have no chance to GANK, and they have been entangled in the jungle.

"Okay, just go and fight directly. "

Hearing Luo Ren's words, Mala Xiang Guo went straight to the opposite red BUFF jungle area.

So when Gragas was hitting the red, Mantis suddenly came out!

"Jungle, look at me!" Wei started to call people.

Zuoshou in the middle lane rushed over, and Gala and Crisp in the bottom lane were also rushing.

Mina explained: "Mantis wants to counter Gragas' red BUFF. Although the opponent has people coming, he still won't leave, because the bottom lane has already supported in advance. Are we going to fight?"

Mala Xiang Guo pulled the opposite red into the bush to fight.

Soon, Lulu and Varus came over, so Wei's Gragas went directly to find Mantis.

Gragas controlled Mantis with an E skill, and Varus and Lulu came up to give skills and damage.

"Magic!" Lulu handed over the sheep magic.

"Stand behind Braum! "Suddenly, Braum jumped up! Braum opened his shield to help Mantis block the first wave of the opponent's burst.

Left-handed Cassiopeia came over and handed over a W, Q skill hit, and came up to output.

"Crack!" Left-handed Cassiopeia J stepped on the trap!

"Second Cassiopeia, kill her!" Luo Ren gave Cassiopeia a kill mark.

So Braum used a skill to Cassiopeia, and Luo Ren put down the second trap.

Xiaohu's Clockwork came from the side and used a set of skills QRW to Cassiopeia.

Miller explained: "Cassiopeia seems to be killed in seconds, Cassiopeia handed over her ultimate! Braum was controlled, Mantis and Policewoman turned around and moved!"

The passive of Braum on Cassiopeia was hit, and Mantis pounced on her to get the head!

"Keep fighting!" Luo Ren asked his teammates to pursue the victory.

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