Luo Ren got the first blood at level 1, and Xiao Ming didn't dare to fight to the end, and Spider came over.

If he was killed, it would be a loss even if Varus was replaced.

Xiao Ming's Karma could only retreat and give up this chance to kill.

"Nice! We won!" Crisp was also very happy.

Wei was directly optimistic: "It seems that this game is over, brothers, how can we lose if we have an advantage in the bottom lane?"

Luo Ren said: "You like the level 1 routine, right? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

In fact, Luo Ren knew very well that if he was too timid and didn't fight back immediately, the bottom lane would collapse directly!

The policewoman would keep chasing him and Crisp, drive them away, and go around before returning to the line.

After returning to the line, because of the lack of experience, the opponent can grab the second.

Then you can only wait behind, the policewoman controls the line of soldiers and directly announces the end of the line!

This is a very disgusting way of playing, but fortunately this wave was won.

The director gave a close-up of RNG's bottom lane, and UZI had already started to purse his lips.

This wave had a great impact on him.

Originally, the opponent was going to explode, but now he was going to explode. The difference was two explosions!

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was boiling:

"Hahaha, you like to ambush at level 1, are you comfortable now?"

"Red warm! Brothers, red warm! Warning! Warning!"

"No, bro, you took the initiative to ambush, and you still couldn't beat it in the end?"

"He thought XLG would be like other ADCs and would not dare to fight if he ambushed them. Sorry, he is XLG! Will he be afraid of you?"

When UZI returned to the line, the second wave of soldiers had arrived, and Luo Ren and Crisp were about to upgrade.

Luo Ren's Varus used Doran's Blade to suck blood, and cooperated with the potion bottle to restore some of his health.

Seeing UZI's policewoman coming, Luo Ren gave an order: "Go up and suppress him, put pressure on him."

So Crisp and Luo Ren pushed forward together, and at the same time, they last hit and reached level 2.

UZI didn't shoot, he had a health advantage, and chose to take the initiative to fight.

In fact, he had no choice, if he didn't take the initiative to fight, he would lose the line of soldiers.

Xiao Ming's Karma saw the opportunity, and when Varus and the policewoman were about to fight, he threw out an RQ.

"Run quickly." Crisp gave Luo Ren a speed boost, and Luo Ren accelerated and moved, easily avoiding Karma's floor skill.

Lulu took the opportunity to give the policewoman a Q skill, and followed up with a flat attack.

The policewoman attacked Lulu, and Varus shot a Q skill over.

Luo Ren waited for Karma's Q skill to disappear, gave AE to the policewoman, and then pulled.

Crisp's Lulu continued to attack, and the two took turns to move forward.

Xiao Ming was still helping to fight Lulu, and UZI got angry: "No, why are you playing support? Fight Varus!"

So Xiao Ming immediately approached Varus, and Luo Ren chose to retreat and wait for skills.

Jin Minna commented: "Although I haven't seen Crisp and XLG cooperate before, it seems that the cooperation between the two is very good now."

"Through this kind of back and forth pulling, UZI and Xiao Ming can't concentrate their output on one person."

Colonel Guan was a little anxious: "It's okay, UZI has the ability, just didn't handle it well just now."

The third wave of soldiers came, with a cannon.

Luo Ren's skills are also ready, continue to exchange blood.

The idea is the same as before, to ensure that the skills hit, and occasionally confront the policewoman.

This exchange of blood is not a loss, Karma is only level one, and can't give the policewoman a shield to accelerate.

This makes it difficult for the policewoman to fully utilize the advantage of long arms through pulling.

However, UZI and Xiao Ming have also reached level two.

"Don't rush to fight, let's reach level 3 first and then fight."

Crisp responded: "I think so too."

In the middle lane, Zuo Hand's Corki faces Xiao Hu's Clockwork.

Although he plays a hero like Corki, Zuo Hand is still looking for opportunities to consume Xiao Hu.

"This guy is so annoying." Xiao Hu felt a little disgusted.

In his opinion, since Corki and Clockwork were chosen, the middle lane just needs to push the minion line to each other, why bother so much?

As if you can kill alone? You have to make yourself so tired.

In the top lane, The shy's Qing Gangying faces Ren Di's Malphite.

Ren Di is disgusted by Qing Gangying's blood exchange.

In the last game, his Malphite can use Q skill to last hit, and if it doesn't work, he can smell the experience.

As long as he keeps a distance, The shy can't do anything.

But this time, Qing Gangying is too far away to start a team fight.

Ren Di feels that he is standing too far behind, and Qing Gangying can kick him in the face.

"You can catch him in the top lane. This Shen has no moral principles and uses his E skill to consume him without thinking."

Let EmperorChoosing to call for help, I feel there is a chance.

But Mala Xiangguo doesn't think so.

He has a level 3 Mantis, and cooperates with a level 3 Stone Man to catch Shen.

This is too difficult, it's a complete waste of time.

Miller commented: "Now RNG's mid and top are both suppressed. If the bottom lane can't play an advantage, this game will be difficult. I rarely see three lanes being suppressed and winning. It's really rare."

Jin Minna continued: "But the problem now is that RNG's bottom lane can't even stabilize, let alone play an advantage."

In the bottom lane, Luo Ren and Crisp went forward together after reaching level 3, using their level advantage to put pressure.

There was no way, UZI and Xiao Ming could only continue to exchange blood with Luo Ren, otherwise they would lose minions.

Although Karma has acceleration and shield at level 2, Lulu also has it, so Luo Ren is not at a disadvantage in this regard.

After this wave of blood exchange, the policewoman's supplies were eaten up, and she still had half blood left.

Just when the troops could no longer be controlled, Luo Ren pushed the troops to the tower.

"I'll go plant a ward." Crisp went to the triangle grass on the opposite side to plant a ward to prevent the gank of Mantis.

Luo Ren's Varus began to look for opportunities in front of the tower.

While the policewoman was last-hitting, he approached and then used his E skill to harass.

Karma gave the policewoman a shield, and Lulu accelerated Varus.

Pulling the distance, waiting for Karma's shield to disappear, Luo Ren charged his Q skill, shot it out, and shot an arrow through the heart, hit!

Miller commented: "Now UZI is uncomfortable last-hitting under the tower, Varus is suppressing him like crazy, I feel that this can't go on."

UZI was exhausted by Luo Ren, so after Varus approached, he chose to decisively give up last-hitting and confront Varus.

"Come on! Come on! Who is afraid of who!" UZI shouted wildly.

However, after Luo Ren discovered UZI's intention, he pulled outside the range of the policewoman's basic attack and refused to attack.

Anyway, the defense tower was last-hitting, so Luo Ren was not the one who should be anxious.

Sure enough, UZI didn't find an opportunity and could only go to last-hit. As soon as he last-hit, Luo Ren seized the opportunity and attacked the policewoman with a basic attack.

This back-and-forth pulling made UZI sick.

"Bottom lane, you can cross the tower." Suddenly, Wei's voice came.

Crisp reminded: "The opponent didn't provide vision, you can just come over."

So Wei's spider went straight to the bottom lane.

While the policewoman was still under pressure in the bottom lane.

Wei appeared decisively, flashed over the wall and cocooned at the same time!

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