At this time, UZI's policewoman was attracted by Luo Ren, and then he looked for an opportunity to attack.

He thought he had found an opportunity, but was suddenly controlled by Spider!

Almost at the same time, a TP was given to RNG's bottom lane tower.

Spider followed up with a set of skills, and Luo Ren's Varus Q skill finished, taking the head of the policewoman!

Spider can also switch forms and fly away, and will not be killed by the defense tower.

Let Emperor's stone man TP down, and he can only watch Spider walk out of the defense tower. He has no level 6 and no ultimate, and his combat effectiveness is very poor.

"The opponent's jungler didn't flash..." Xiao Ming was embarrassed, he didn't play any role.

When Spider took action, Karma's E happened to have a bad CD, so he could only watch.

"The opponent's jungler caught the bottom lane at level 3? Is it so disgusting?" UZI's defense was broken.

Spicy Hotpot comforted him, "You guys develop in the bottom lane first, I'll focus on the jungle this time."

He knew that Spider hadn't finished clearing the upper jungle yet, so there must be something there, so he chose to go counter-jungle first.

Miller explained, "Spider's level 3 gank in the bottom lane was indeed very sudden. It felt like RNG's bottom lane was not prepared at all. Now Varus has two kills, so it's embarrassing now."

"Moreover, Rendi's Stoneman TPed to the bottom lane and got nothing, while Qing Gangying didn't TP and was still developing in the top lane. The difference between the two is huge."

Colonel Guan complained, "This is unfair! Why did the opponent's jungler gank the bottom lane at level 3? Doesn't RNG have a jungler? This is not a problem with the bottom lane."

Jin Minna disagreed, "But Spider was able to gank successfully because of the suppression and consumption of the bottom lane. Without these, Spider wouldn't have found any opportunities."

Colonel Guan was speechless. He knew this at his level, but he couldn't admit it.

Luo Renhuicheng was not in a hurry. These serrated daggers were made.

This game will go the armor-piercing route.

Back on the line, Luo Ren continued to look for opportunities to consume.

This time he used the Q skill to consume directly. After charging it to the full, Luo Ren suddenly attacked.

Karma gave the shield to the policewoman in time, but the shield was not enough. The damage of this Q was much higher than he expected, and he still lost blood.

"The opponent is using armor-piercing! If the stone man gets up this time, the opponent's Varus will definitely not be able to beat him." Xiao Ming became optimistic.

But UZI has something to say: "I think it's difficult for Rangdi to get up with his level, really."

Rangdi suddenly felt that he was being shot. It was agreed that as long as he didn't die, it would be fine.

Why did the standard suddenly rise?

UZI continued to suffer in the bottom lane, and Luo Ren deliberately didn't push the line of soldiers, but relied on the Q skill to consume.

The consumption required various operations in the past because the damage of Q was not enough, and the mana was not enough.

But now there is a serrated dagger, the damage is very high, there is no need to go up to attack people, and the line of soldiers can be controlled.

After being hit by three consecutive Q skills from Varus, UZI couldn't stand it anymore:

"The opponent's bottom lane didn't flash, so the jungler won't come?"

Mala Xiangguo has been watching the bottom lane. If there was a chance, he would have come long ago.

But now he is going to the bottom to brush the jungle, so he can try it when he passes by.

Five minutes into the game, suddenly, Karma accelerated with a RE.

Policewoman and Karma rushed up together.

"The jungler is coming." Luo Ren understood at a glance, it must be the jungler.

Sure enough, Mantis came from the river.

Varus and Lulu retreated in time, causing Mantis to not have a chance.

So Mala Xiangguo's Mantis jumped into the face and output when he met, he just wanted to help the bottom lane to gain a little health advantage.

Luo Ren chose to use the E skill to slow down Mantis, and continued to pull. When RNG stopped fighting and retreated, Luo Ren started to fight back!

Three basic attacks were given to the opponent's Mantis, and one Q skill triggered three layers of W passive damage, and continued to chase forward and continue to output basic attacks.

Jin Mina commented: "Varus is very strong, counter-attacked on the spot, and Mantis was hit hard. Caitlyn and Karma came up, and Varus was still dealing damage..."

"Wait, there is a TP! Someone TPed down from behind, three TPs!"

Suddenly, the director's camera looked up at the back line of soldiers.

Three TPs were given to the line of soldiers, two red and one blue.

Miller commented: "RNG is very embarrassed in this wave. Di's Stoneman wasted TP. Now there is no TP, and can only watch Qing Gangying TP to the bottom lane to help."

"I'm playing with you..." UZI's mentality exploded when he saw this situation.

Because he was caught in the middle, there was no place to go.

Corki and Qing Gangying TPed to the ground, and the two handed over their displacement skills to face the policewoman.

Crisp's Lulu stepped forward and gave a sheep transformation, and Varus dealt damage from the front.

Now the policewoman was wrapped up and could only give away heads.

Although Xiaohu's Clockwork was also trying his bestIt hurts, but the clockwork in this time period doesn't hurt at all.

Xiao Ming Karma ran away very quickly. When he saw the policewoman was surrounded, he ran away and finally survived.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

"Hahaha, why is it always Uzi who gets hurt?"

"Uzi is going to vomit blood, brothers, he is always the one who gets arrested."

"This is a bit too much, really, is DL planning to destroy the world's No. 1 ADC?"

"Aren't DL afraid of God's punishment? How dare they humiliate your God like this."

In the commentary booth, Jin Minna explained: "It's only five and a half minutes, and the policewoman has died three times! Although she was not killed by the line every time, she was caught twice, but being caught has a lot to do with not being able to beat the line."

Miller agreed: "Yes, this wave is actually a chain reaction. After Ren Di's TP was deceived in the last wave, RNG had fewer people this time, a chain reaction."

The director gave UZI a close-up again, and it can be clearly seen that UZI's face is ruddy, and it is getting redder and redder!

The camera was given to Ren Di again, and Ren Di shrank his head. Although UZI didn't speak yet, he knew that he was going to suffer.

I regretted giving up my TP so easily in the last wave. I wanted to keep the bottom lane so much, but it backfired.

Seven minutes into the game, Luo Ren's Varus had the Tear of the Goddess, and the mana problem was solved.

UZI's policewoman couldn't bear it again through continuous Q consumption.

"Is this cheating? Why is his Q so accurate?" UZI suddenly said.

Xiao Ming didn't know what to say. Cheating was too outrageous. There was no chance of cheating in this kind of game.

But if he said it was impossible to cheat, UZI would probably get angry.

"Be careful in the bottom lane, I think Spider might cross the tower."

Mala Xiangguo gave the bottom lane a signal, and he was walking towards the bottom lane.

So while the soldiers didn't come in, Mala Xiangguo went to the triangle grass to put in a ward.

As soon as the ward was placed, Spider came in and found the existence of the ward.

But Wei still wanted to cross the tower!

"You can continue!"

Luo Ren and Crisp led the soldiers into the defensive tower.

Wei's spider circled around and came behind the defense tower.

Suddenly, the mantis from Spicy Hotpot appeared!

There's an ambush!

"Just get him!" Wei had nowhere to go. He was double-teamed. It was better to fight to the death and give the policewoman a kill mark.

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