After the contract was re-drafted according to the conditions mentioned by Principal Wang, the two of them carefully read the contract.

After confirming that the contract was OK, Lu Hao decisively signed his name at the end of the contract!

Principal Wang took the contract handed over by Lu Hao after he signed his name and confirmed it again.

After Principal Wang confirmed that there was no problem, he also signed his name immediately.

At this point, Lu Hao officially joined the IG team!

"Warmly welcome Lu Hao to join our IG team family!"

"I hope IG can get better and better with your joining, and can create more glory!" Principal Wang smiled and extended his right hand to Lu Hao.

Seeing this, Lu Hao also reached out and shook hands with Principal Wang in a very friendly manner.

"I am also honored to have the opportunity to join IG, a team with an unlimited future."

"I believe that with me here, IG will definitely get better and better and rebuild the glory of S8!"

Principal Wang heard this and smiled and patted Lu Hao gently and said:

"Very good, I like your confident look!"

"Come on!"

"If you really perform very well this year, I will definitely give you a substantial salary increase next year!"

"Don't worry about this, as long as you are really capable, then we IG will definitely not treat you badly in terms of money!"

"This is my promise to you!"

After speaking, Principal Wang raised his arm and looked at the time on his watch Then he said to Coach Mafa:

"My dear Coach Mafa, I will leave the remaining matters regarding Lu Hao to you."

"Because I have another meeting to attend, it will be too late if I don't leave now."

Hearing this, Coach Mafa smiled and replied:

"It's okay, Principal, just go about your business."

"As for the remaining trivial matters on our side, I will definitely take care of them."

After getting Coach Mafa's answer, Principal Wang smiled and said goodbye to Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan, and then walked out of Coach Mafa's office very casually.

As for Coach 193 who was still sitting in the office, Principal Wang didn't even look at him again!

After Principal Wang left, Coach 193, who was already very restless, dared to leave Coach Mafa's office in disgrace.

Looking at the figure of coach 193 leaving, Lu Hao said a little embarrassedly:

"I seem to have troubled you, coach Mafa."

"I'm sorry."

Hearing this, coach Mafa waved his hand indifferently and said:

"It's okay, the quarrel between him and me has nothing to do with you in essence."

"The fundamental reason for the quarrel is that my theory and his theory are fundamentally different."

"So you don't have to take it to heart, you just need to play the game well."

As he spoke, coach Mafa gave Lu Hao a bear hug and congratulated him:

"Welcome brother Haozi to officially join our IG team!"

"From now on, we are brothers fighting together in the same trench!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao also smiled and replied:

"This is thanks to coach Mafa's insight."

"If it weren't for coach Mafa, I would probably be in the near future. Then I went to the Snake Team for a tryout."

Coach Mafa heard this and immediately rejoiced:


"Then it seems that I am lucky?"

"I was able to get such a powerful support like you before the Snake Team."

"Not bad."

After a little sigh, Coach Mafa said to Lu Hao:

"Let's go, Haozi, let's go to the third floor to take your makeup photos!"

Lu Hao was a little surprised when he heard this:

"Go to the third floor to take makeup photos?"

"Really? Our team's training base can actually take makeup photos by ourselves?"

Hearing Lu Hao say this, Coach Mafa said with a smile:

"You don't think it's our own people who will take your makeup photos, right?"

"Then you think too much. We don't have anyone who can take makeup photos."

"The reason why I asked you to go to the third floor is just because I made an appointment for you while I was getting the contract for you just now.

I just asked the person who took the makeup photo to come over."

After hearing this, Lu Hao patted his chest lightly and said funny:

"You scared me. I thought our team was so awesome that we had all kinds of talents."

Then, Lu Hao followed Coach Mafa to the third floor of the training base.

About twenty minutes later, the person who took the makeup photo arranged by Coach Mafa came to the third floor of the training base.

Just after the makeup staff put on a light makeup for Lu Hao, Lu Hao had a little accident.

Because when Lu Hao made a thumbs-up and smiling expression according to the requirements of the photographer, whether it was the photographer, Chu Xinyuan, or Coach Mafa, they all felt a little helpless.

All this was just because everyone felt an astonishing incoordination when Lu Hao made this expression and action!

Chu Xinyuan was stunned: "Why does Brother Hao's expression and action make me feel silly? ”

Coach Mafa was dumbfounded: "How did Haozi achieve such an amazing effect with such a simple action?"

The guy taking the photo was speechless: "Fuck, I have to find an alternative pose quickly, otherwise I will be out of work soon after this photo is taken!"


Fortunately, Coach Mafa had an idea and asked Lu Hao to do the same action as Theshy, with his hands on his chest and ignoring the front, which solved the problem of Lu Hao's makeup photo.

So far, Lu Hao's makeup photo has been taken!

After the staff who took the makeup photo left the IG team's training base, Coach Mafa asked:

"Haozi, think of another ID for you to use when you participate in the competition."

"This way, I can post an announcement on the team's Weibo as soon as the makeup photo comes out, and I can also help you apply for the account for the game clothes. "

Lu Hao answered without hesitation:

"Competition ID? I have already thought of it."

"Coach Mafa, the ID I use in the competition is called: Unfair!"

Coach Mafa asked curiously:


"It sounds like an English word, what does it mean?"

Lu Hao smiled proudly:

"Unfair means unfair, I think this word suits me very well."

"After all, the competition I participated in has become an unfair game in itself."

"How about it, my ID is very good, right? ”

Chu Xinyuan, Coach Mafa: “…”

Because Lu Hao came to the IG team’s training base without any preparation this time, he just came alone.

So after taking the final makeup photos, Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan left the IG team’s training base and prepared to go back and pack up their things before coming back.

Just as Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan were on their way home, Lu Hao’s final makeup photos had been processed.

So, with the idea of ​​notifying the team’s fans as soon as possible, Coach Mafa directly chose to make an official announcement:

Welcome player Lu Hao (game ID: Unfair) to join the IG team’s big family!

In the next game, player Unfair will work with our IG team to overcome all obstacles and continue the glory!

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