The new situation is getting worse.

Not long after the official announcement of Coach Mafa was released, it set off a huge wave among the fans of the IG team!

"Lu Hao? Who is this? Why is IG recruiting new players at this critical juncture of the bubble game?"

"Is the management of the IG team crazy? From which mountain valley did they dig out a new player whom I have never heard of?"

"Hehe, I think IG has already known that there is no hope of breaking through the bubble game, so they recruited a new person to take the blame?"

"Will you be so proud of winning the S game? Is IG team like this?"


At the same time, Vincent, who learned that Lu Hao was going to participate in the IG team's trial training, had already followed the IG team's Weibo.

Therefore, not long after IG officially announced the news, Vincent also noticed the news released by IG's official Weibo!

Seeing that Lu Hao had indeed passed the IG team's tryout, Vincent couldn't help but smile:

"You are worthy of it, brother!"

"It's been less than half a day, and you have already passed the IG team's tryout."

"It seems that you should have performed as amazingly as always during the tryout?"

As he spoke, Vincent couldn't help but recall Lu Hao's Thresh and Pike that shocked him to the point of being speechless.

Thinking of Lu Hao's ridiculous hook hit rate and flawless protection in the next game, Vincent couldn't help but mourn for the bottom lane of other teams:

"Suddenly I feel sorry for the bottom lane of other teams, after all, they have such an outrageous support as their opponent."

"I think no matter who it is, it will be a headache, right?"


Just as Vincent scrolled down the message, he suddenly noticed a lot of scolding in the comment section below!

"What's going on? Why is the comment section so chaotic?" Vincent was stunned.

However, when Vincent thought of Lu Hao's only pitiful 20,000 to 30,000 fans, he immediately figured it out.

The fans of the IG team are not buying that IG has recruited someone with no achievements!

"Huh, you guys are quite happy to scold now."

"When Lu Hao plays in the game, you will be slapped in the face."

Of course, Vincent couldn't just watch Lu Hao being scolded.

So, Vincent chose to post a comment like this under the official Weibo of the IG team:

"Although our Galaxy Battleship was formed not long ago and has not even made any name in the Canyon of Heroes, I still congratulate you on joining the IG team.

I hope you can continue to work hard in the IG team, at least don't let my name Vincent down!

Go Lu Hao!

Let the world know that there is a person like you, let the whole world know that LPL has a miraculous support like you!"

After posting this message, Vincent still felt a little unsatisfied, so he immediately called Northeast Quail.

After listening to Vincent's narration, Northeast Quail also chose to speak for Lu Hao!

"Brother, congratulations on joining the LPL team as you wished.

Come on, brother, the world is big, and the stage is big too!

I, Northeastern Quail, look forward to the day when you become famous all over the world!"

After seeing Northeastern Quail's comment on IG's official Weibo, Vincent laughed and teased:

"Brother Quail, you can support it if you want, but why are your comments so childish?"


Northeastern Quail was immediately unhappy when Vincent said this:

"Hey, hey, brother Te!"

"If we talk about childishness, you are more childish, right?"

"If I hadn't seen your comment, I would definitely not comment like this!"

After Northeastern Quail finished speaking, Vincent and Northeastern Quail both laughed at the same time.

At this moment, Vincent's wife Lala suddenly opened Vincent's door and walked in.

Before Vincent could react, Lala suddenly slapped Vincent on the back of his head!

After being slapped, Vincent turned around with a confused look on his face.

When Vincent saw that it was Lala who slapped him, he was even more confused!

Because when Vincent was working, Lala never treated him like this!

Of course, Lala didn't slap Vincent hard, but slapped him very lightly.

"You just said under the Weibo post on IG

", it should be to support the support you played duo with the other day?"

"If you support him, then support him. Why do you say such a stupid thing?"

"Let me say this first. I don't disagree with you publicly supporting him, but what you said is too shameful, really too shameful!"

"Why don't you delete it and post it again?" Lala said helplessly.

When Vincent heard Lala say this, he immediately understood why Lala "slapped" him, and smiled and said:

"Hey... my wife!"

"I just saw my good brother join IG, so I was inspired!"

"Just this time, just this time!"

"Let me be stupid again, okay?"

As Vincent said this, he bowed to Lala.

After seeing Vincent's look, Lala smiled helplessly:

"Okay, okay, then let you be stupid again, okay? ”

“We are so old now, why don’t we be a little more mature and stable in the future?”

“After all, I think you are a little bit digging your toes when you comment on IG Weibo.”

Since Vincent did not hang up the phone, Northeast Quail heard the whole conversation between Vincent and Lala.

At this time, Northeast Quail was already laughing so hard that he could not catch his breath!

On the other side.

Lu Hao, who was dozing in the co-pilot seat, suddenly heard a mechanical female voice in his mind:

“Congratulations to the host for reaching 100,000 popularity!”

“Now the host will be awarded a reward of 100,000 popularity!”


“The reward of 100,000 popularity has been issued. Please keep up the good work and continue to work hard to increase your popularity!”

“The next stage of rewards will be issued when the host’s popularity reaches 200,000! "

After hearing this mechanical female voice, which was the voice of the system, Lu Hao's mouth slightly raised an arc:

"Has my popularity reached 100,000?"

"It seems that Coach Mafa has already announced it on the official Weibo of the IG team."

"Not bad, basically the same as I expected!" Lu Hao thought so.

At this moment, Lu Hao was suddenly stunned!

Because he did not feel any changes in his body, nor did he feel anything extra in his mind!

"What's the situation?"

"Didn't the system say that the reward has been issued?"

"Why haven't I felt anything until now?"

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