After a while, Lu Hao and the others successfully returned to the fountain.

Because the assist for the first blood was worth 50 gold coins, Lu Hao also added another blood bottle and set off towards the bottom lane.

"Ning, you should start with the blue."

"The opponent must be in our red zone at this time. You can start with the blue and brush their upper jungle area, or start with the red in the upper jungle area of ​​the opponent and then brush our upper jungle area."

"After all, we still have to give Olaf enough respect at level 1." Lu Hao said to King Ning while hurrying on his way.

Although Ning Wang also agreed with Lu Hao's point of view, he still said with some concern:

"But, if I change the jungle, won't your bottom lane be very uncomfortable in the early stage?"

"How about I give up half of the jungle and go to the bottom lane to gank?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao shook his head and replied:

"No need, you don't have to focus on the bottom lane to gank."

"You can completely gank the top lane depending on the situation, after all, the top laner Iron Man on the opposite side has no flash."

Just then, Theshy also said shyly:

"Ning, the top lane is wide!"

"You can kill!"

After hearing this, Ning Wang also made a decision immediately:

"Okay, then I will hit the middle first."

"Haozi, Jack, you two will be a little wronged in the early stage of the bottom lane."


Just like that, Ning Wang's Kindred walked straight to his own blue zone to prepare for the blue start.

At the same time, Guan Zeyuan, the commentator in the official live broadcast room, was worried for JDG's mid laner Toothpaste when he saw Rookie's Jayce add a long sword and a blood bottle when he went out!

"Our player Yagao is in a bit of a tough time this time!"

"After all, the first blood was taken by Jayce, and it was Rookie's Jayce!"

"With an extra long sword and blood bottle, I can only say that Yagao is really under a lot of pressure in the early stage of this game!"

At the same time, the three players on the bottom and jungle sides of JDG were squatting in the red buff bushes on IG's side just as Lu Hao said!

Seeing that the wild monsters were about to refresh, and no one from IG came to the red buff, Green Hair reminded again:

"Duke, you don't have flash now."

"And I guess Kindred should start with blue, so you must be steady in the top lane this time, don't die again!"

"Otherwise, a fat Akali will come out, and this game will almost be over."

ZOOM heard this and said in a deep voice:

"OK, I know!"

In order to relieve ZOOM's pressure, Yagao took the initiative to say:

"I'll help you make a defensive eye here, and you can make another eye later."

"As long as these two eyes are well placed, I think the opponent should not be able to catch you to death."

As Yagao said, he marked the entrance of the river near the middle of the upper half, and the grass near the river near the upper defense tower on the blue side of the upper half.

When ZOOM heard what Toothpaste said, he immediately felt that the pressure on him was slightly reduced, and replied with a smile:

"Got it!"

Just like that, Yagao's Fanzima came to the river entrance near the middle lane in the upper half and placed a false eye, and ZOOM's Iron Man also returned to the upper lane after resurrection, and placed a false eye near the upper lane bush marked by Toothpaste.

After the two of them placed the false eyes, the soldiers of both sides had reached their respective lines and started fighting!

At this time, Lu Hao's Robot and Jackylove's Xia were "hanging up" near the soldiers in the bottom lane!

There was no way, because Lu Hao knew that Olaf started with red buff, so it was naturally impossible for him to push the soldiers to grab the second.

Otherwise, they would not be grabbing the second, but rushing to give it away!

Lu Hao and Jackylove did not hang up for long, and Green Hair's Diana and Imp's Lucian returned to the bottom lane!

Seeing this, Lu Hao said to Jackylove:

"Jack, you just need to make up for the loss for now."

"Let's not rush to push the line, just play slowly."

"Wait until you reach level 3, and I'll look for an opportunity to start."

Jackylove heard this and replied very calmly:

"I know, don't worry."


It is impossible to push the line inexplicably in the early stage! "

Hearing Jackylove say this, Lu Hao nodded with relief.

Because the bottom lane is currently in the state of releasing the line, Lu Hao took this time to think about the opponent's eye position in the upper half.

After thinking from the perspective of others, Lu Hao set his sights near the bushes in the upper lane and near the river entrance on the left side of the middle lane!

"Assuming JDG knows that Ning Wang started with red, then they can only place eyes in these two places."

"Because only these two places have the greatest benefits for their current situation."

"If so, then Ning only needs to bypass these two eye positions to kill Iron Man without flash."

Thinking of this, Lu Hao immediately said to Ning Wang:

"Ning, there are only two places in the upper half of the opponent's area that have eyes. "

"So when you catch the top lane, you only need to bypass these two eye positions, and you can kill Iron Man with a high probability. "

As Lu Hao spoke, he marked the two eye positions he just mentioned.

And the places marked by Lu Hao were exactly where Yagao and ZOOM had set their eyes before!

Because Lu Hao had never commanded like this in the training match before.

So after hearing what Lu Hao said, Ning Wang was stunned for a moment.


"Brother Hao, how did you know..."

Before Ning Wang finished speaking, he swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and then replied:

"Okay brother, I know!"

The reason why Ning Wang had this change was that the first reaction just now was a subconscious reaction, and then Ning Wang unconditionally believed in Lu Hao's judgment!

At the same time, in the official live broadcast room.

Guan Zeyuan was very keen to notice that someone on the IG side marked several signals at the two eye positions made by JDG in the upper half!

Guan Zeyuan was shocked instantly!

"Is it true? ”

“If I’m not mistaken, someone in IG has accurately marked the two wards that JDG has placed in the upper half?”

“Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

Rita replied a little dully after hearing this:

“It should be true, because I also saw it...”

Because Lu Hao and Jackylove did not steal the line, the soldiers in the bottom lane gradually pushed towards the defense tower of Lu Hao and Jackylove.

Although Jackylove’s last hits were slightly behind by two knives under the suppression of Diana and Lucian.

But Jackylove’s Xia and Lu Hao’s robot did not lag behind in experience, and their status was almost full!

At this time, Ning Wang’s Kindred had also cleared his own upper jungle area and successfully reached level 3!

Then, Ning Wang controlled Kindred First, he carefully came to the right side of his own blue buff and Qed the corner next to the blue buff!

Then, Ning Wang's Kindred went around a little and came to the dragon pit and waited for the Q skill CD to turn on, and then jumped from the dragon to the top of the dragon pit with a Q skill!

While doing this, Ning Wang happened to perfectly avoid the two wards that JDG had made in the upper half!

In addition, Theshy has been creating opportunities for Ning Wang to catch him, so the pressure is not too strong!

This made ZOOM's Iron Man not stay under the tower, but stay a little behind the center of the two towers on both sides in the top lane!

Commentator Guan Zeyuan saw this and shouted excitedly:

"Here it comes!"

"Because IG has long seen through JDG's wards in the upper half, plus Ning Wang's magical vision blocking!"

"At this time, ZOOM didn't realize that Ning Wang had come to catch him!"

"ZOOM is in danger again! ”

Wait until Ning Wang's Kindred goes around behind Iron Man and puts a mark on him!

Even when the mark of Kindred appears, Iron Man has realized something is wrong and started to retreat.

But it's too late!

Without flashing, Iron Man can only use E to attack Kindred, trying to push Kindred back a little and then run away.

But Ning Wang's Kindred came up to catch him, naturally holding the Q skill in his hand!

Kindred Qed Iron Man's right side, and easily dodged Iron Man's E, and dealt a QA damage!

In order to ensure the kill, Theshy did not hesitate to use flash and then E to hit Iron Man!

At this point, Iron Man has completely declared his death!

As the damage of the two people poured into Iron Man, ZOOM's Iron Man died again!

The Stray Thorn killed the Iron Armored Wraith!

This is still

It's not over yet!

At the same time, Rookie's Jayce also fought hard with Toothpaste's Fan Mother!

Because Rookie's Jayce has the advantage of a long sword.

Therefore, in the bloody battle between the two sides in the middle lane, Rookie's Jayce won the victory with a slight advantage of 80 health!

Future Guardian killed Apocalypse!

At this time, the game time was only three minutes, and IG's mid and top had two blossoming!

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