Although Rookie's Jayce had killed the fan, Kanavi's Olaf was rushing towards the middle lane!

Seeing this, Toothpaste immediately told Kanavi the information about Jayce loudly:

"Jayce didn't flash, Jayce didn't flash!"

Hearing this information, Kanavi, who had just arrived at the bush on the right side of the middle lane, decisively used flash to shorten the distance between himself and Jayce, and then threw an axe at Jayce!

As soon as Rookie saw Olaf, he turned around and ran towards the jungle area!

With this turn, Jayce twisted off Olaf's first axe!

However, Kanavi certainly couldn't let Jayce escape like this, so he came to the axe he had just thrown, picked up the axe and threw it at Jayce again!

Unfortunately, Olaf's second axe was still twisted away by Jayce's clever little move!

And after twisting away the axe, Jayce switched from hammer form to cannon form and placed an acceleration gate (E skill) under his feet!

As Jayce's speed soared, Olaf naturally lost the opportunity to kill Jayce. He could only regretfully return to the middle lane to make up a small wave of lines, and then plunged into his own jungle area.

Guan Zeyuan, the commentator in the official live broadcast room, saw this and shouted regretfully:

"What a pity, if Kanavi hadn't missed two axes in a row this time, he could have taken Jayce's head!"

"This way, the pressure on JDG will be much less."

"Now the JDG team is already a little disadvantaged!"

At the same time, in the lounge of the IG team.

Coach Mafa, who had returned to the lounge at this time, saw this and immediately showed a puzzled expression on his face:

"Who was the person who just discovered the two JDG wards?"

"Was it Ning Wang?"

"But why don't I believe that Ning Wang, as a reckless jungler, really has this brain?"

"No, that's not right."

"The person who pointed out this ward should be Jackylove. It seems that Jackylove's awareness has suddenly improved to a higher level!"

"Very good!"

Until the end, Coach Mafa didn't think about Lu Hao.

Because in his cognition, Lu Hao couldn't have such a team awareness!

As for Lu Hao's bottom lane?

Although the bottom lane soldiers are now under the tower of Lu Hao and Jackylove, their level has reached level three!

And JDG's bottom lane duo is also at level three!

After seeing Olaf appear in the middle lane, Lu Hao first observed the movement of the soldiers on both sides, and then raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth:

"The opportunity has come, get ready!"

Before Lu Hao finished speaking, he controlled the robot to activate the W skill to accelerate and rush towards Lucian!

When Imp saw the robot rushing towards him, he subconsciously moved towards the soldier.

However, Lu Hao didn't care about it at all, but directly rushed to hook when Lucian moved towards the soldier!

Because there was a melee soldier in front of Lucian at this time.

Imp saw that the robot still chose to hook even in this situation, and a doubt in his mind arose involuntarily:

"What is this robot doing?"

Of course, because of this soldier, Imp naturally did not use the E skill to dodge the robot's hook.

However, the situation suddenly changed!

Just when the robot's hook was about to hit the melee soldier in front of Lucian, the melee soldier suddenly changed the target because of the death of the target soldier!

As the melee soldier moved a little, the robot's hook brushed past the melee soldier and directly hooked Lucian behind the melee soldier!

Because all this happened too quickly, the robot's hook gave the illusion that it "passed" through the soldier and hooked Lucian!

"Ah, right?" Imp, who was originally preparing to wait for the hook to end and then counterattack, only had time to shout this sentence in confusion before being hooked by the robot!

When Lucian was hooked, Lu Hao did not covet the damage of the basic attack, but directly followed up with the E skill to knock Lucian up with a punch, and directly attached ignite!

Because of Lu Hao's reminder, Jackylove immediately activated the W skill when Lucian was hooked and rushed towards Lucian.

An released the Q skill, and then A out!

The next moment, three feathers appeared behind Lucian!

Jackylove did not greedily do damage at this time, and directly hooked!

Lucian's health bar dropped again!

It was not until the hook was pulled out that the green-haired Sun Goddess "belatedly realized" that E was next to Jackylove's Xia, and then a Q skill Q was used on Xia to limit Xia's output.

But Jackylove had already anticipated this scene when Sun Goddess E came over!

With a flash of white light, Jackylove used Purification to instantly remove Sun Goddess's control, and then continued to A out Lucian!

When Xia A out two more W state flat attacks, Lucian resumed his action!

Because his health was already very low, Lucian immediately surrendered his E skill and retreated after resuming his action!

At this moment, Jackylove's Xia flashed without hesitation and A out another flat attack!

This single attack directly caused Lucian's health to drop to the bottom!

Seeing this, imp no longer dared to use skills, regardless of the ignite effect on his body, and directly pressed the healing and flash together, again pulling some distance from Jackylove's Xayah!

Then, imp's Lucian began to run towards his own tower, while Jackylove's Xayah followed behind Lucian.

When Lucian just ran under his own defense tower, Xayah's Q and E skills were ready!

As Xayah, who was standing outside the attack range of the opponent's next tower, Q-ed Lucian again, and directly hooked with the E skill, Lucian's health bar was completely emptied!

Niyu killed the Holy Lance Ranger!

After getting Lucian's head, Jackylove shouted excitedly:

"Good hook!"

"Brother Hao, you are my god!"

"You are the only true god of Yu Wenbo!"

After being shouted by Jackylove, Lu Hao couldn't help but shudder.

Because Jackylove's shouting was too embarrassing!

After killing Lucian, Lu Hao and Jackylove turned around and began to focus on Diona behind them.

At this time, since Diona's W skill had ended and the aftershock had been triggered.

So every time Xia's basic attack landed on Diona, Diona's health dropped at a visible speed!

At this moment, Lu Hao's E skill was also turned on again!

Because there was a little distance between Lu Hao's robot and Diona.

Lu Hao did not hesitate to flash the basic attack, and then reset the basic attack with the E skill!

Seeing this, Diona also immediately flashed under the tower!

But because the robot's E skill had already been A, Diona was still knocked up even though she had flashed out of the robot's basic attack range!

When Diona was knocked up, Lu Hao's robot's Q skill CD had also turned on!

So Lu Hao used the Q skill to hook Diona who had flashed into the tower again!

Jackylove also activated his W skill and continued to attack Diana.

As Diana's basic attacks landed on her, her health bar was finally cleared when she successfully reached the defense tower!

Niyu killed the Dawn Goddess!

Double Kill!

Niyu completed a double kill!

When Jackylove got the double kill, Lu Hao's robot's mana had even reached the bottom!

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