The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

At this point, the head ratio between the two sides has reached 5 to 0!

IG has 5, while JDG has 0.

Since he has already received two heads, Jackylove said happily:

"It feels good, it feels good!"

"Brothers, I'll be the C this time!"

After seeing Jackylove's look, Lu Hao smiled and asked back:

"How is it?"

"Did I lie to you?"

"Can you get heads at any time in the bottom lane?"

Hearing this, Jackylove also smiled and affirmed:

"That's definitely not a lie!"

Lu Hao and Jackylove chatted while pushing the soldiers in the bottom lane as much as possible.

Just as the two of them pushed the bottom lane together for a while, Lu Hao suddenly found that the JDG team had unilaterally paused the game!

"What's going on?"

"Why is the game paused?" Lu Hao said in a daze.

At this time, Jackylove was also in a very confused state:

"I don't know?"

"What is the other side doing?"


Just as Lu Hao was about to continue chatting with Jackylove, a referee lady behind them came over and said to Lu Hao:

"During the suspension of the game, players are prohibited from communicating with each other. Thank you for your cooperation."

Lu Hao: "......"

At the same time, in the official live broadcast room.

Guan Zeyuan and Rita were looking at the imp in the live broadcast room camera and the referee behind them with a puzzled look.

At this moment, the voice of the stadium staff sounded in Guan Zeyuan's headset:

"Because JDG team's ADCiimp questioned that there was a bug in the game, JDG team chose to stop the game."

After hearing what the staff said, Guan Zeyuan felt even more confused:

"Imp questioned that there was a bug in the game?"

"What kind of bug could there be?"

Guan Zeyuan muttered a few words in a low voice, and the robot's hook that just went through the minions suddenly appeared in his mind!

At this moment, Guan Zeyuan instantly understood why imp paused the game!

"So that's it!"

"Don't say it, the robot's hook just now was indeed a bit outrageous."

"Good guy, it was indeed a bit too much to hook Lucian directly through the minions behind the minions." Guan Zeyuan suddenly said.

Since Guan Zeyuan already understood what happened, he immediately explained the origin of the matter to the audience in the official live broadcast room.

After Guan Zeyuan explained what happened, the comments in the official live broadcast room were instantly explosive:

"It seems that Unfair, the new player recruited by IG team, is really good. He beat imp to the point that he suspected that there was a bug in the game, hahahaha!"

"Too cruel, really too cruel! No wonder IG team recruited Unfair to the team under such a tense situation some time ago!"

"The familiar Q that penetrates soldiers, I can only say that Brother Hao is still the same Brother Hao as before!"


Of course, a considerable number of viewers also felt that there was indeed a bug just now.

Because the robot's hook can "penetrate" the soldiers, it is really unreasonable!

UZI, who was watching the live broadcast of the game, burst into laughter when he saw this!

"Hahaha, it seems that imp can't accept that he got hooked!"

"Do you think it's a bug?"

"Want to go back in time?"

"I can only say that you are really overthinking it, because this kind of hook is even commonplace for Unfair."

"Because he can hook out this kind of exaggerated hook from time to time!"

Just when UZI was chatting with the audience in his live broadcast room, Xiao Ming suddenly came over and directly chose to tear down UZI!


"Our leading star Uzi is still teasing imp here?"

"Have you forgotten your reaction when you first saw this kind of hook?"

UZI blushed when Xiao Ming said this!

Because when UZI first saw Lu Hao's hook, his reaction was really not much better than imp's, and he also shouted that there was a bug!


About three minutes later

At this time, the referee lady standing behind imp came to imp's ear and said:

"Just now the data group told me that there is no bug in the game, so this game will continue."

Hearing the referee lady say this, imp's face was immediately filled with shock:


"You tell me that just now was not a bug?"

"Then explain to me why the robot's hook can hook me?"

"How can this not be a bug?"

Seeing that imp couldn't accept it at all, the referee lady repeated to imp what the data group told him:

"The reason why the robot's hook just now looks like it passed through the soldier is actually just a problem of the character model's perspective."

"In fact, the robot's hook passed by the soldier at a very extreme distance."

After hearing this explanation, Imp was silent.


Just when Lu Hao was bored, the referee lady finally notified Lu Hao and the others that the game continued!




As the countdown ended, the game resumed!

Because Ning Wang's Kindred had come to the bottom lane after helping the top lane, and the bottom lane soldiers had almost been pushed.

Lu Hao controlled the robot and Jackylove to help fight the little dragon.

While helping fight the little dragon, Lu Hao complained speechlessly:

"What the hell is going on on the other side? Why did they suddenly call for a timeout?"

"It's okay to call for a timeout, but the referee didn't even let us communicate. I'm really convinced."

Jackylove smiled and comforted him:

"Actually, I understand why the other side called for a timeout, because your hook just now was really unreasonable, Hao brother."

"If it were me, if I saw this kind of weird hook for the first time, I guess I would call for a timeout too."

"Normal, normal."


Although JDG's Lucian was about to return to the line, their Japanese girl couldn't catch up at all.

In addition, the Iron Man in the top lane was one TP behind Theshy's Akali.

This forced JDG to let go of the first dragon even though they had a strong Olaf in the early game!

The blue team killed the Infernal Dragon!

At the same time, the commentator Rita in the official live broadcast room saw that IG team took the first dragon: Fire Dragon, and quickly explained:

"JDG is really in a difficult situation now!"

"For JDG team, they couldn't control the first dragon even with Olaf, and it was a Fire Dragon."

"Then JDG team will face a bigger challenge next."

Guan Zeyuan also said with some emotion at this time:

"Not only this dragon, JDG may also need to let go of the Rift Herald that will be refreshed soon."

"Because JDG's disadvantage in the middle and top is really too big."

"I can only say JDG, come on!"


After helping to kill the dragon, Lu Hao and Jackylove started to return to the city together.

When the two returned to the fountain, Lu Hao directly bought a five-speed shoe!

Because Jackylove had two kills, he also made a storm sword, a pair of straw shoes and an attack speed short sword!

Moreover, the levels of the two have now reached level four!

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